Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 892: Purgatory

Chapter 892 Purgatory

Chapter 892 Purgatory

The people mentioned by Princess Shura are several stable horse candidates who are temporarily living in Hongchen, all of whom are masters of quasi-respect level. . . At this moment, she was going to ask several people to pay Li Xing. No, obviously she was afraid that Li Xing would be angry, and use the power of the prince to destroy the four.

Princess Shura is a romantic woman, and she has an affinity with Zhunzun. Naturally, she does not want to see them die for no reason. This is the only way to save people.

Li Xing naturally did not oppose it. He had another calculation in his mind and said, "Yeah, if they can understand the mistakes and change, I won't take it for granted, and I will never blame it."

Princess Shura was overjoyed and quickly sent a message. Not long after, four young men entered the hall. They all clearly knew Li Xing's identity, so the look on Li Xing was very complicated.

There was envy, jealousy, and some contempt in that look. However, all four suppressed their emotions. In any case, Li Xing was the Prince Yan Mo. The Prince Demon Yan has reached the realm of demons at a young age, and his subordinates have led many demons, even the plane they are on is far from being able to compete, let alone them.

Standing under the eaves, they had to bow their heads. As soon as the four demon heads appeared, they bowed to Li Xing, lowered their postures, and said in unison, "Lorse the horse and forgive him."

The word "驸 马" is really reluctant. Xiuluo horses were originally to be produced among the four of them. They didn't want Li Xingheng to kill them, so they took the horses directly, which made the four demon's hearts unpleasant.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Even before, I came here to serve the Prince, and wanted to pick some talents that could be created and sent them to the Prince."

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of the four people suddenly lighted up, and one of them hurriedly asked, "I don't know what kind of creative talent the Prince needs."

Li Xing: "Cultivation cannot be lower than quasi-respect, and has a certain amount of power. Only in this way, is it worth the prince to create."

The four looked at each other and communicated secretly.

"In our lifetime, we can't enter the ten places because we are not qualified. If we can get the favor of the prince and do things next to him, isn't it promising? Maybe, we can get a job in the local government in the future!"

"Although our Quartet family is not weak in the underground world, it is far worse than the power in the ten places. If we can climb to the prince, our future safety can be guaranteed."

"The opportunity is here, and we must seize it and become the people around the Prince."

In a short time, the four demon heads made up their minds to go to the Prince and make a career. Immediately kneeling down to Li Xing: "I and four others are willing to be driven by the prince, please let the horses complete!"

Li Xing sneered in his heart, saying that if he could bring these four idiots into ten places, he could still cover him. He glanced at the four devil's heads, and said quietly, "It's not impossible for you to follow the prince, but are you eligible?"

"Exactly, they have the support of a demon behind them." In order to divert Li Xing's attention, Princess Shura pushed the four demons to the front, leaving the Shura people out of the way.

Li Xing was very satisfied and nodded: "Very well, I can take you to see the Prince. As for the result, it depends on your fortune."

"Thank you Ma Ma!" The four demons looked very grateful.

Li Xing waved his hand: "No need to thank him, you should go back to each tribe now and report this to the deities behind you. If they agree, return immediately and go to purgatory with me."

The four were ordered to leave, and Li Xing looked at Princess Xiuluo with a small smile: "The Shulu tribe don't want to be too much involved, it's nothing more than worrying about the failure of the prince. Anyway, let me give you more time to consider and hope you will make the right choice.

However, it is said that in the Shura Hall, Shura Modi is discussing with the director, and the things discussed between the two are naturally also aspects of cooperation. The Shura Modi expressed his willingness to support Prince Yan Mo, and also said that Shura Mo's power was limited and it was not suitable to participate in direct conflicts.

The supervisor was not very satisfied with this result, so he didn't have much patience to say, and finally said: "Since this is the case, I will talk about it later." Immediately summoned Li Xing, ready to leave Shura.

Li Xing returned to the hall and immediately arched to the director: "The director, pulling down the four descendants of the deities may help the prince." Then he said the background of the four quasi-deities.

There is no shortage of deities around the Prince, but when it comes to employing people, it ’s good to be able to recruit more people, so the manager applauds and said, "Okay, you can bring them and enter the ten places with me. His Royal Highness, see how the Prince says. "

So they waited a little longer. All four Zunzun returned, and the Mozun behind them were very supportive of the matter. In addition, the four deities came to visit him personally, and met with the director of Yan Mo.

This made the general manager Yan Yan unable to find faults, and immediately took a few of Li Xing, said goodbye to Shura Modi, and returned to the purgatory.

Purgatory, one of the ten places, Li Xing did not know where the ten places were and how to enter them. Now he and the general manager Yan Mo and others flew together to enter the central position of the magic sea, into the eyes of the sea.

The sea eye of the magic sea is a huge vortex. The vortex occupies a million miles. The cultivation below the magic statue enters the upper part, and it is immediately sucked into the vortex, and then the body is broken.

Only the deities can find space jumping points and enter the ten places under the power of this horror.

The four deities respected Yan Demon, Li Xing and others together into their own planes, and then began to enter the sky over the sea. While in the plane, Li Xing had no idea what was happening outside, but he could vaguely feel that time and space were jumping outside.

Not long after, Li Xing and others suddenly jumped out of the plane. Suddenly, Li Xing felt that the laws of the territorial boundaries were much stronger than the outside. Such laws resonated with his Tao, and a wonderful feeling appeared in his heart.

This is a strange world. There is a breath of punishment and imprisoned will in all directions. This is the purgatory. Purgatory land, which belongs to one of the ten places, has a higher-end existence than the first-level plane.

According to legend, the purgatory is not perfect at this time. With the overall improvement of the territories, it will undergo several transformations and then be transformed into one of the important institutions of the prefecture, infernal purgatory.

In Purgatory, there is one of the strongest planes, called the Yan Demon Plane, ruled by the Yan Demon Emperor. Emperor Yan Mo is a great deity, but he disappeared for no reason, which led to a struggle for dominance over the plane of Yan Mo.

One of the rivals is Prince Yan Mo, who belongs to the orthodox plane of Yan Mo.

A group of people landed on a mountain peak, the general pipeline: "This is the purgatory, Li Xing, you first wait for the news at Yinhuo Peak, this general manager went to meet too much."

Li Xingdao: "Yes, the director went away."

Yinhuo Peak is a tall mountain peak with a dark red body. This peak can lead to the Five Prison Yinhuo from the ground, hence its name. On the Yinhuo Peak, a cave was opened artificially, belonging to the temporary residence of Prince Yan Mo, and some demon heads were settled all year round.

Li Xing was left on Yin Huo Feng and was guarded by a demon statue. What is the name of the demon, Li Xing didn't know, just because the other party didn't talk much about him, Li Xing took the initiative to talk to him many times, and the other party always ignored and seemed quite dismissive.

Such a demon statue was actually left to look at Li Xing, which shows that the status of this deity statue is not very high-end, and it also indirectly shows that Prince Yan Mo is very good, and he should have many such deities.

In Yinhuodongfu, in a stone room, Li Xing waited for a moment, and suddenly smiled slightly, and asked the waiter's demon beside him: "What is the name of the demon outside?"

These demon heads were so weak that they were not even the Demon Saints. They knew that everyone who came here was powerful and very cautious. Li Xing asked, and one demon head hurriedly said, "Return to the horse, that is the clotting demon."

Li Xing nodded and asked, "How do I get from Purgatory to Jiuyou?"

The devil smiled: "Have the horse met the prince, do you still want to go to Jiuyou?" These demon heads knew that Li Xing was a steed from Shura's plane, and also knew his purpose, and the director had explained it. Ask this.

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, it is a rare trip and I want to see and see. You also know that the vast territory beyond the ten places cannot be compared with the ten places."

The head of the demon had a rare sense of superiority, and the head was opened, saying, "It is actually easy to go to Jiuyou Land. There is a teleportation magic circle in our cave house. However, to open the magic circle, you need to get The permission above will also consume a lot of magic crystals. "

"How many magic crystals are needed, and who needs the consent of Shangfeng?" Li Xing asked in a hurry.

"If you can get the consent of a character like the general manager, then 300,000 magic crystals are enough." The devil said, "But the horse can ask a prince from the prince for a Yan magic order, and then it can pass through the ten places. The Prince's reputation spreads far and wide. As long as it does not exist in the same grade, Yan Mo Ling must be given three points of face. "

Li Xing moved in his heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ secretly looped around the second phase: "Second phase, you have been wronged for a while, and you have followed Prince Yan."

The second-phase boy said depressively: "Master, what if the younger one is refined by that prince Yan Mo?"

Li Xing sneered: "Master, I understand the core laws of heaven and earth, and the sacrifice of the sacrifice can not be refined even if the Supreme Master can not be refined, let alone a Crown Prince Yan?"

This is not bragging, leaving the imprint in the two-phase ring with the core law. Except for him, only the heaven and earth dominate can join the refining. The only people who can master the core rules of the world are Tiandi and Emperor. Apart from the two, only Li Xing is the only one.

Upon hearing this, the two-phase boy bit his teeth and said, "Let ’s just let the prince take advantage of it for a few days. The young man is still the old man."

Li Xing heard that, and coughed, "The prince found that he could not sacrifice you, and he would look for me. When that happens, the master will take you away, no need to worry."

While discussing with the two-phase boy, there was movement outside. The director stepped in and laughed at Li Xing: "Li Xing, the prince wants to see you, follow the director!"


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