Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 893: Yan Mo Ling

Chapter 893: Yan Demon Order

Chapter 893: Yan Demon Order

The world of Yan Mo is not so easy to enter. Prince Yan Mo is even more powerful. If Li Xing was willing to present a plane weapon, he would never see the Prince.

After being summoned, Li Xing followed the director and passed the magic circle to the great world. The sight changed, and the two went directly to a hall. The strange magic around them told Li Xing that this place already belongs to the world of Yan Mo.

In the center of the hall, a young man with a crown above his head has a terrifying breath and is stronger than Shura Modi. He was carrying his hands, as if looking at nothingness.

The general manager became very respectful at this moment, and came forward to marry: "His Royal Highness, Shura tribe horses, Li Xing asked to see."

The prince turned around, Li Xing saw a majestic face and a pair of unfathomable eyes.

"This is the prince? Sure enough, it's a personal thing, so I'm going to practice it to reach the holy realm, and I'm afraid he's not his opponent." He secretly murmured and stepped forward to see, "See His Royal Highness."

The prince nodded slightly and said, "You are willing to put on the plane weapon. It's very good. The prince has a clear reward and punishment. If you have any requirements, you can say it."

Prince Yan Mo went straight to the subject without asking extra words, so he asked. A person presenting a weapon on the plane, naturally has some requirements, so Li Xing is also not polite. He thought about this early and immediately said: "I hope His Royal Highness allows him to go down and can walk among the ten places."

Prince Yan Mo said lightly, "Why do you want to walk among the ten places?"

"Ten places are the core of the realm. Only here can great achievements be achieved in spiritual practice." Li Xingdao said, "Moreover, there is no limit to the future of being able to do things beside the Prince."

The prince nodded: "Okay, the prince sent you the Yan Mo order. With this order, you can travel freely and no one will stop you." Then, a dark golden token appeared in front of Li Xing.

Li Xing gathered up the Yan Mo Ling and handed out the two-phase ring. He said: "I heard that His Royal Highness needs a plane weapon. There is a two-phase ring on his lower body. I hope the Prince smiles."

The moment he saw the two-phase ring, Prince Yan Mo smiled a little, saying something unexpected beyond Li Xing's expectation, he said, "Your face weapon is of low quality and is not suitable for this Prince."

This sentence really hurts the self-esteem of the two-phase ring, and it is necessary to jump up and argue, and my heart said how can I be of low quality? But he was secretly stopped by Li Xing, and he smiled bitterly: "What Shitahara should have thought of was that the prince would not use such a magic weapon."

The Prince also said, "You can become a Shulu tribe with this practice. There must be something very special about him. The Prince always values ​​talents. As long as you work hard, you will not be treated badly."

Li Xing said quickly: "Thank you Prince." Then said, "How many people have been brought here. I wonder if the Prince can meet them?"

"No need, let them follow you in the future." Prince Edward said, it is clear that he has no interest in some small people and directly gave it to Li Xing for disposal.

Having said that, Prince Yan Mo waved his hand: "Okay, you go down, the director will arrange everything for you."

Li Xing and the general manager stepped down and walked out of the hall, and they saw the face of the world of Yan and Mo. Sure enough, the weather was extraordinary. Although it was not as large as the San Qing World, it was not much worse.

The manager laughed: "The Prince always talked to Tianzun, no more than three sentences, but today I talked to you a lot, indicating that you are highly valued." At this time, he was quite polite to Li Xing.

Li Xingdao: "Thank you for your referral."

The general manager smiled slightly and said, "It's good if you understand, and you will make achievements in the future. Don't forget the benefits of the general manager." He paused. , Take a look at the situation in the ten places, and then go back and tell Shura Modi what you see. "

Li Xing understood that Prince Yan Mo was willing to see him, not because of his good qualifications, but only to borrow from him to tell Shulu Mo Emperor something to draw him over completely.

Since he decided to go to Jiuyou Land, Li Xing didn't stay. At that time, he asked the path clearly, and then he held Yan Moling and decided to go to Jiuyou Land as soon as possible. This Yan Mo Ling really has an extraordinary effect, everyone is very respectful when they see it.

As for the Zhunzun who followed him here, Li Xing didn't bother to ask too much, so they let them wait on Yinhuo Peak and talk about it later.

After the manager brought Li Xing to see the prince, he no longer asked about his affairs, and even went to teleport the magic array, and did not send anyone to follow. Fortunately, Yan Moling was very good at it, and Li Xing quickly found a teleportation array that could lead to Jiuyou Land.

However, the teleportation magic array was specially guarded, and when they saw Yan Mo Ling, their faces became cold immediately. The director did not tell Li Xing in detail that Yan Mo Ling was sometimes difficult to use in the Yan Mo world.

Yan Mo Ling, only Prince Mo Yan can post. But in the current world of Yan Mo, not only Prince Mo Yan is headed alone, there are other forces fighting for power.

The teleportation magic array that Li Xing found was just one of the forces that Prince Yan Mo could not control. There are three demon heads guarding the magic circle, each of which has the practice of the devil.

The three demon gods surrounded Li Xing, one of them sneered: "Is it possible to pass if there are Yan demon orders?"

Li Xing put away the token and said lightly, "So, you have to disobey Prince Yan Mo's order?"

"Prince Yan Mo?" The devil sneered. "We only know Niu Mo Tianzun, I don't know Prince Yan Mo! Boy, how can you get out of here, you can't use this magic array!"

"What if I have to use it?" Li Xing laughed, exposing white teeth.

"Then die!" The devil said fiercely, the third floor killing machine locked Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, I'm sorry, you are too weak to kill me." His real hand "Boom" exploded, pressing forward, strangling with hundreds of millions of forces.

Just listen to the "Boop" burst ~ www.readwn.com ~ The three deities exploded at the same time, and the rolling magic was absorbed by the magic baby. Then, like nothing else, he entered the teleportation magic circle and entered Jiuyou.

Yan Mo Hall, Prince Yan Mo's eyes, seeing the scene that just happened through time and space, he nodded slightly and said: "Interesting."

The manager was also beside him, and laughed: "This boy hasn't fallen into the majesty of His Royal Highness. It seems to be worth training."

Prince: "Originally such a small person is not worthy of attention. However, he has good potential and is a Shura tribe. The cultivation of the Shura Devil Emperor is second only to me.

The director nodded: "Subordinates understand, they will definitely train Li Xing with all their strength."

Li Xing didn't know what was happening outside, and he had already entered Jiuyou at this moment.

Jiuyou land, one of the ten places, entered, and he was surrounded by a group of magic soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding spears. However, when he took out the Yan Mo Ling, the demons nodded and dispersed.


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