Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 894: Wuchang Shanzhuang

Chapter 894 Wuchang Mountain Villa

Chapter 894: Unchanging Villa

As early as on the Yinhuo Peak, Li Xing inquired about the situation in the ten places. The so-called prefecture was built among the ten places, and all ten places were under the jurisdiction of the prefecture. Reincarnation is no exception, so it's normal to encounter the magic soldier of the land government, and he is not surprised.

In the land of reincarnation, there are three major planes, namely Jiuyou World, Huangquan World and Yuanming World. The power of the dragon elephant was suppressed in the Nine You Great World and controlled by the reincarnation demon.

That rebirth of the demon, was born at the command, and even Jiuyou Datian couldn't completely restrain him, and he is destined to be the supreme existence of reincarnation. In each of the ten lands, a supreme ruler will be born.

Looking around, the surroundings are dark, and even the divine thoughts should not be unfolded. It is known that the cycle of reincarnation is deeper than that of Yan Mo. After looking around, he asked a demon soldier: "Brother, is there a teleportation magic array near to the Nine-Yu Great World?"

The demon soldier did not know Li Xing, but recognized Yan Moling, so he was very polite, and said, "While walking forward 100,000 miles, there is an impermanence villa. Within that villa, there is a teleportation magic array."

Li Xing nodded slightly, took out three thousand magic crystals as gifts, and smiled: "Thanks a lot, and ask something."

The demonic soldier accepted it politely, and said more politely, saying, "Brothers have something to say, and they know nothing at all."

"Where is that impermanence villa, and the master can speak well?" He knew, however, that this place of reincarnation was a tiger, a dragon, and a dragon, and he must inquire clearly, otherwise, he might suffer a great loss, or even leave his life here.

The magic soldier thought about it, and said, "That impermanence villa was founded by the impermanence demon. This devil is a general in the prefecture and serves in the prefecture. The impermanence demon has two sons, black impermanence and white impermanence. Already a quasi-respectful practice, he now hosts the impermanence villa. "

"Black and white impermanence has a weird temperament. If the brothers use their teleportation magic array, they must be polite and don't anger them." The magic soldier advised kindly.

Li Xing nodded, bowed his hand to him, and moved forward. Although he had arrived in the land of reincarnation, his puppetry technique was still unbelievable, and the distance of 100,000 was reached in an instant. I saw a distant mountain ahead, woven into a picture.

This is the Wuchang Mountain Villa. There is a mountain gate under the mountain. Inside and outside the mountain gate, the weather is definitely different, and there is a latent magic in it.

In front of the mountain gate, there were two demon guards, and when they saw Li Xing, one asked: "What is it?"

Li Xing said: "I will borrow the magic array for the next use." In talking, first took out six thousand magic crystals, each deity divided into three thousand.

Since entering the Ten Places, the demon heads Li Xing encountered, the weakest are basically the devil. Like the ancestral demon and Zhunzun, they can be seen everywhere. From this we can see that the ten places are strong and will certainly not be weaker than the heavens in the future.

The two gatekeepers got the magic crystal, but they still looked bad. One person said, "This teleportation magic array is a private use of the impermanence villa. If you want to open it, you must first pay 100,000 magic crystals to the director, and then use it. "

Li Xingxin said it was dark enough, his mouth was 100,000, but he didn't care about these Xu Mojing, and nodded immediately: "Of course, please lead the way."

Always keep people's hands short, a gate leading Li Xing, crossing the gate, winding all the way up to a peak. On that peak, there is a separate courtyard, the door of which is wide open, and a middle-aged man is amusing birds in the courtyard.

In the cone-shaped bird cage, a black bird of eighty-eight black was raised, howling and horrible, but the middle-aged man was very happy, bending over to tease him.

The gatekeeper's demon head arrived with Li Xing, and he did not dare to speak. He only winked at him, then quietly retreated, carefully.

This middle-aged man must be the head of the impermanence villa. His funny bird ignored Li Xing. After just waiting for a while, but still didn't mean to speak, Li Xing was impatient and suddenly said, "This is the manager?"

The middle-aged man suddenly turned around, he had a flesh-blurred face, and the maggots were squirming, and stench came from him. A pair of eyes, also the color of dark blood, the pupil issued a faint ghost fire, very terrifying.

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, and he looked directly at the other side and said, "General Manager, I will use the teleportation magic array for the next use."

The general manager smiled yin and yin, and his voice seemed to come from underground. He glanced at Li Xing and said, "Who are you Prince Yan Mo?"

When Li Xing moved, this person knew who he was? He thought for a moment, and said lightly: "The prince is only a small figure, it is not worth mentioning."

"Is that a small person?" The director still smiled grimly. "Yan Mo Ling only has sixty-four. How can you give a small person at will?"

Li Xing frowned. He felt that the impermanent manager seemed to be hostile to him, and said, "This doesn't seem to have much to do with the manager."

"Of course." The impermanent manager smiled fiercely. "Did you see the maggots on my face? This is a purgatory ghost, and they will be attached to me for a lifetime."

He opened his placket and Li Xing saw an extremely disgusting scene. His chest and abdomen viscera were all attracted by tapeworms, constantly gnawing, and then growing again. Internal organs, muscles, and bones are not as complete.

The governor slowly closed his placket and said, "Unless I can become a great celestial master, it is impossible to get rid of the suffering of the mandarin duck. This is all thanks to the Prince!"

Li Xing sighed. He knew where the enemy's hostility came from. He was invincible and was affected by Prince Yan Mo.

"I don't know, why did the prince treat you this way?" Li Xing asked.

"I was one of his subordinates, and I received this punishment only because I touched one of his aunts. He didn't kill me, but let me suffer this pain forever!" The director clenched his fists, "You are his, I won't let you leave alive!"

Li Xingdao: "The hatred between you and the prince ~ www.readwn.com ~ has nothing to do with me, why should it be added to me?" He sighed, "Although you are a quasi-respect, if you want to leave me, basically Hopeless, I advise you not to do it or you will regret it. "

The general manager smiled viciously, and his vicious eyes stared at Li Xing: "Are you a little devil, can you say that you can fight against Zhunzun?" He released a breath of vicious horror around him, and gradually locked Li Xing.

But at this moment, a loud cry came: "Stop!"

Li Xing saw a white light that landed in the middle of the two and manifested a young demon head. The young man was dressed in white and won the snow, but his face was very dull. He glanced at the manager: "Are you killing all the Prince?

The governor hurriedly bowed down: "Young Master! This son holding Yan Mo Ling must be an important figure around Prince Yan Mo, so don't let it go!"

This young devil is Bai Wuchang, one of the second sons of the impermanence demon. He hummed and said, "The original thought was on your face that saved my life, but it will be kept in you. But this young master, You and your prince Yan Mo will never turn your face completely. "


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