Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 895: 9 ghost world

Chapter 895: Nine Secluded Worlds

Chapter 895: Nine Secluded Worlds

Upon hearing it, there was a tinge of anger in his eyes, but he was forced to suppress it, and he hated, "Young Master! Then Prince Yan Mo is not a man of reincarnation. Why fear it?"

"The young master is not afraid of him." Bai Wuchang gave a stare to the manager, "but there is no need to avenge such a big man. Prince Yan Mo's strength is very strong, and he can contend with his father, how can he easily offend?"

The manager clenched his fists and stopped talking. Bai Wuchang looked at Li Xing and asked, "What's your name? What's your business at Wuchang Mountain Villa?"

Li Xing handed a gift: "I've seen Shao, the owner, under Li Xing and Prince Yan Mo's subordinates. I came to Guishanzhuang to transfer the magic array to the Nine Worlds."

"Oh? Are you going to Jiuyou Great World?" Bai Wuchang was very surprised. "You are so bold. Jiuyou is very messed up now. You've gone in, I'm afraid I've gone back and lost my life. "

Li Xing was taken aback. I heard early on that the reincarnation demon statue was very strong, and even Jiuyou great demon statue could not be suppressed. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before this turned out to have become a great demon statue, toughly challenged the Jiuyou devil statue!

When such a major incident happened, and he listened to Bai Wuchang's words so dangerously, he naturally wanted to ask clearly, so he kindly asked for advice. This impermanence apparently had no hatred for Li Xing, instead he invited him to speak in the hall.

There are only Bai Wuchang and Li Xing in the hall. Bai Wuchang said, "Even if you can enter the Nine You Great World through teleportation, you will not be able to survive. Therefore, I advise you to wait for the Nine You Great World to settle down. No later. "

Next, he informed Li Xing of the situation in the Nine You Great World. In those nine great worlds, two magical forces are striking each other at this moment. These two kinds of magic powers, one kind of masters from the world of Jiuyou, Jiuyou Great Demon. Another kind of magic comes from the reincarnation of the great demon.

The reincarnation of the great demon statue was born with suffocation. It is obvious that it has the ability to break through the suppression of the nine demon statue and replace it to become the new master of the big world. The battle of two kinds of magic has caused the world to become confused. There are landslides and tsunamis everywhere, stars and moons sink everywhere, and countless lives die by fate.

At the moment, you can only survive the Magic Lord series at this moment. Even if the Supreme Lord enters it, it may fall.

After hearing all this, Li Xing trembled: "The power of the dragon elephant is suppressed in Jiuyou. Now is it a good time to search for the power of the dragon elephant? Not this opportunity, no matter whether it is Jiuyou Damonzun or reincarnation Dajinzun, I am afraid it will not let me easily take away the power of the dragon elephant. "

Flashing his mind, he arched his hand, "Thank you for reminding me, but I still have to enter the Nine You World."

Bai Wuchang showed a strange expression and didn't advise him much. He said lightly: "Yes, I hope you can live alive." He gave a slight pause. "Your realm is not very high, you can get the reuse of Prince Yan Mo, get the Yan Mo Ling , There must be a good origin. Unfortunately, if you go, you will die for a lifetime. "

Li Xing smiled slightly and thanked him again: "It is also necessary to use the landlord's teleportation magic array."

"This is a trivial matter." Bai Wuchangdao said, "If you can come out alive, please visit Wuchang Mountain Villa for a while."

Li Xing: "Sure."

After Bai Wuchang agreed to Li Xing, he sent several home west to take Li Xing to teleport the magic circle. This teleportation magic circle is easy to open, as long as you put in the magic crystal, you can immediately run.

Outside of the magic array, the villa manager was also there. He stared fiercely at Li Xing. Before he left, he sneered: "Although I can't kill you, you will die the same way, that is the same."

Li Xing glanced at the other side and said lightly, "When I come back, I will definitely cut you."

The manager was furious and was about to speak, but Li Xing's body had disappeared and he had entered the wormhole.

I can't feel the passage of time, it seems like a long time, and it seems like an instant, Li Xing entered the world of Jiuyou. As soon as he entered here, he felt that the sky was falling, the moon and moon were dark, and the surrounding magic was full of madness, and he was shocked.

The magic array that teleported him has persisted for a long time, and after a moment, it "clicks" and breaks into powder. At this moment, even if Li Xing wants to go back, he can't do it, only forcibly break the barriers of the Nine Great World.

Thanks to his big body, Luo Luo was arrogant enough. Although he was torn by the chaotic and violent magic, he was able to hold on and was not injured. This destructive power can directly kill the ancestral demon, which is the master of the semi-respectable series.

Even if Junzun enters here, he must be careful, it is likely to fall into it.

At this time, Li Xing's practice of the chaotic magic fetus showed its advantages. In a few breaths, the two magical powers of reincarnation and Jiuyou were absorbed, and then the chaotic array was used to calculate the mystery.

After a while, the mixed-yuan magic babies have initially mastered the magic of reincarnation and Jiuyou. In this way, he swims in the midst of violent magic like a swimming fish. No matter what kind of great demon power, he can't hurt him.

"I can feel that the power of the dragon elephant is in the deepest part of the world!" Li Xing screamed in his heart, and his hybrid Yuan Tao had a desire for the power of the dragon elephant, just like the beast's delicious meat.

With that wonderful sensation, he walked in the chaotic world. Layers and layers of time and space are shattered, raging thunders are raging, storms are empty, and hundreds of millions of wormholes are constantly produced and disappeared under the impact of magic.

The heavens and the earth are hanging upside down, the stars are falling, the plains have cracked into countless abyss, the mountain peaks have settled into countless giant pits, and the rivers and seas dry up. There are fires, storms, thunderstorms, earthquakes, volcanoes everywhere, which are all images of the end of the world.

But the strange thing is that ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing can't even see a creature. It seems that the reincarnation of the Great Demon Sovereign and the Jiuyou Da Mozun should have been prepared for a long time to protect many creatures with great magical powers so that they will not be damaged.

Of course, intruders like Li Xing are not local residents and will not be protected. They can only ask for more. Bai Wuchang said to Li Xing before that, in the Nine Nine Great World, countless non-native creatures were beheaded and killed, and only the native creatures would be protected.

When Li Xing was searching for the power of the dragon elephant, in the world of Jiuyou, in the deepest level of time and space, two groups of splendid and great figures stood hundreds of thousands of miles across the sky, facing each other.

One of the great figures gave a roar: "Reincarnation, this deity has given birth to you, but you want to be against me today?"

Another great existence faintly said: "I have been born in nature, what do you do with it? The Nine Worlds is also a land of reincarnation. I am destined to be the owner of the land of reincarnation, not just control the Nine Worlds. The purpose of your existence is to accomplish it for me. "

"Dream! You and I are both big demon, you don't want to take my cultivation!" Jiuyou big demon screamed, "I am a big demon, even heaven and earth can't destroy me, let alone you?"


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