Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 897: Achievement Daojun

Chapter 897: Achieving Daojun

Chapter 897: Achieving Daojun

Jiuyang Jingtian, when viewed from the outside, is really a group of power to Gangzhiyang, the power of Jiuyang. . . Once this group of power appeared on the ground, it seemed so out of place, and at the same time it released the supreme coercion.

A bright white light shone out, and the giant palm of Samsara's reincarnation suddenly dissipated, giving out a dull roar: "The breath of the emperor!"

Suddenly, the reincarnation of the Great Demon Lord disappeared, and the Jiuyou Demon Lord also lost its trace. Li Xing emerged from the heaven of Jiuyang and looked at the atmosphere of Jiyangyang with a shocking look.

Could it be said that the ancestor Chunyang had a relationship with the emperor? Even, the ancestor of Chunyang is the emperor of Heaven?

Only when this idea came out, there was a dark shroud. Jiuyang Jingtian shook a bit, and suddenly disappeared completely from this world. And the darkness never seemed to appear, and then disappeared.

Jiuyang Jingtian actually disappeared!

However, at this time, Li Xing had no time to think about it. He knew that the demon samurai who was stunned would return at any time. Immediately, his body flickered into the origin of the dragon elephant. With almost a blink of an eye, the crack in the light curtain disappeared.

The moment Li Xing entered the origin of the dragon elephant, the reincarnation of the great demon statue really appeared again. At the same time, the clone of Jiuyou Damonzun stood in front of him and sneered: "Reincarnation, this person seems to have the breath of the dragon elephant rule. Is he the son of the dragon elephant?"

"There is no son of the dragon elephant." Said Damon Zun, "He is just a small character, he will not reverse the overall situation, Jiuyou, today is your death."

"Really?" Jiuyou Demon laughed meaningfully. "This human being has a strong dragon-like breath and a breath of heaven and earth, don't you think it's strange?"

The reincarnation of the devil is expressionless, coldly and honestly: "No matter who he is, kill it."

"I won't let you do this, I really look forward to what impact this human being will have on the origin of the dragon elephant. In reincarnation, you can't kill me in five hundred years. Ben Mozun bet , And use those five hundred years to create opportunities for that human being. "

"Why is it? You will always die in my hands." The reincarnation demon said lightly. "If you accept your fate, I will give you a chance."

Jiuyou Da Mo Zun laughed: "It's still five hundred years, reincarnation. Don't be too happy. Although you have inherited the birth of heaven and earth, you know that this human race must be under you?"

The reincarnation of Da Mozun didn't speak, but just blasted a punch, two clones of Da Mozun, fighting again together.

Jiuyou Damonzun, after all, still controls the whole world of Jiuyou, he intends to protect Li Xing, and the reincarnation of Damonzun is helpless. Moreover, the origin of that dragon elephant is also not broken. Otherwise, he would not use the method of samsara to clean the power of the dragon elephant, and then take it back to himself.

However, it is said that Li Xing rushed into the source of the dragon elephant, as if he had suddenly entered the ocean of power, and the power of the dragon elephant was everywhere. As long as he breathed once, he would devour a large amount of dragon elephant power.

Li Xing's mixed Yuan Tao tire suddenly jumped out and swallowed a lot. Soon the road tire was at the core, forming a vortex to absorb the power of the dragon elephant, and it was still expanding.

The two-phase ring is the most excited. The whale swallows the cow and drinks a large amount of dragon power into the plane. Suddenly, his two-phase boundary began to undergo earth-shaking changes, evolving in the direction of completeness.

"The dragon is a god, the elephant is a figure, the gods are united, it is a dragon elephant!" Li Xing Changxiao said suddenly, and the Tao tire suddenly disappeared. In other words, Daotai became the whole source of the dragon elephant.

A moment later, a huge tripod appeared in the origin, it was the Yuanyuan tripod. The appearance of Hunyuan Ding immediately gave the dragon elephant the source of life at once.


A great suction force was generated, and the light curtain emitted by the reincarnation disk was suddenly shaken away. At the same time, the two spiral arms on the reincarnation disk also turned into two light dragons, rushed to the source, and then absorbed by the mixed Yuanding.

"Haha ..." After seeing this scene, Jiuyou Demon Zun laughed loudly. "Reincarnation, this human can actually control the origin of the dragon elephant. He is the son of the dragon elephant! Heir to the dragon elephant!"

"Huh!" During the reincarnation of the demon, the reincarnation vibrated twice, and the suction power from the mixed Yuanding was cut off at once.

However, only a moment later, the force on the spiral arm was attracted again. And the reincarnation of the great magical maggots, was controlled by Jiuyou great magical lord, and could not spare any effort to deal with Li Xing.

Then, intermittently, more and more alienated dragon power and image power were absorbed by Li Xing. For another person, even if it is a dragon elephant, it is impossible to absorb so many alienated dragon power and image power so quickly.

You know, every kind of dragon power and image power has once entered a plane, contaminating the law of that plane. While sucking the dragon like this two forces, it is also equivalent to swallowing the power of countless laws.

As it happens, the power of these rules is a big supplement to Li Xing. Once they enter the Hunyuan Ding, they will be mixed into one and become the nourishment of the Hunyuan Avenue.

"Integrate all the world's methods, combine the best of all realms, and merge into one to seek the avenue!" Li Xing's heart will eventually be like a glass, letting go of all his minds and practicing the hunan avenue with all his heart.

This is a moment when his strength is soaring. Unconsciously, a hundred years have passed. The reincarnation of Da Mozun tried to kill Li Xing several times, but he was stopped by Jiuyou Da Mozun. In the past 100 years, the two spiral arms on the reincarnation disk have completely disappeared.

Reincarnation of the Great Deities, the dragon power and elephant power accumulated over millions of years, were absorbed by Li Xing and transformed into the power of dragon elephants, and then into the power of mixed elements.

In this process, Li Xing also absorbed countless law powers, and used them to achieve the Yuanyuan Avenue.


Daotai reappeared in the origin of the dragon elephant ~ www.readwn.com ~ and broke instantly, turning into a Dao infant. As soon as this baby came out, he could fight against the magic baby chamber at once, no less.

Daoying is 10%, and he sits with Yuanling at the same time, making this cave balance between yin and yang. At this moment, Li Xing officially entered the Daojun session, uniting Daoying.

One by one, they grew up together and started the second practice.

Dao Ying is okay. He can absorb the power of the surrounding dragons in large quantities, throw his hands between his feet, and tear the cracked ground. But the magic babies were not so lucky and could not absorb enough magic.

At this time, there was a strong magic landed, and they were thrown into Li Xing's body. At the same time, he heard the voice of Jiuyou Demon: "Give you three thousand deities of the destiny, don't let the devil disappoint you!"

As soon as this magic breath came down, the magic baby immediately cheered and swallowed it. Suddenly, it received the same treatment as Daoying, and it continued to grow indefinitely.

Tao and magic go hand in hand. Li Xing's practice has entered the golden age, a thousand miles away.


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