Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 898: Sword and sword

Chapter 898: Sword and Sword

Chapter 898: Sword and Sword

Another hundred years have passed, and the three thousand kinds of demon's destiny and magic breath have been absorbed by the mixed Yuan magic babies and transformed into mixed Yuan magic. Similarly, a large amount of dragon elephant origin is also absorbed by the mixed Yuan Dao infants and transformed into mixed Yuan Dao forces.

The mixed forces of Daoyuan and the magic of Daoyuan compete with each other. Li Xing seems to be divided into two people, one is the demon and the other is the Dao. No matter which one, they have terrifying power and destroy the world.

Of course, the two-phase ring has also progressed rapidly. At this moment, it has reached the level of triple heaven. Of course, due to the absorption of too much dragon elephant power, the two phases are similar to dragon elephants, and they practice the hybrid Yuan Avenue taught by Li Xing. Therefore, the two-phase boy has already modified the dragon elephant rule, and the two-phase ring has also become a dragon elephant ring.

But even so, the dragon elephant boy obviously felt that no matter whether it was Daoying or Moying, he was definitely not an opponent!

All of the dragon elephant origins were finally completely consumed by Li Xing, and the mixed Yuandao infant was completed; all the magic breath was drained, and the magic infant was completed! This complete state lasted another hundred years.

A hundred years later, Li Xing suddenly realized, and sang, "Magic Tao merges into a mixed Yuan!"

In a short time, the magic babies and the Tao babies merged into the true form of the body at the same time and turned into a mixed elemental body. At this time, Li Xing formally entered the level of Taoism, the Tao and Unity, the Magic and Unity, and the Magic and Unity, achieving the Supreme Eucharist.

For a moment, Li Xing's real meridians opened one after another, seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five, and eighty! Just one step away, he is the Great Perfection of the True Saint.

At the same time, Da Luo Zhenshenju broke through again and again, from the fifteenth to the sixteenth, and the sixteenth to the seventeenth, all the way up to the eighteenth!

In the mixed sky, all kinds of changes have taken place, and they have continued to expand, giving birth to creatures, evolving mountains and rivers, and turning into a small world. This means that Li Xing's cultivation has broken through the cave-day series and stepped into the God-level series.

The practice of Fa Dao has the level of cave heaven, the grade of God, and the grade of Holy Lord. Li Xing finally broke through the cave and reached the grade of God.

Moreover, Li Xing's small world is so powerful that it won't take long for him to break through and become the Lord. By that time, the twin saints are one, and he will take another step.

Li Xing opened his eyes, his eyes illuminated billions of time and space, seeing through the imagination, suddenly found the deep space of the battle between Jiuyou Damonzun and samsara.

For more than three hundred years, the reincarnation of the great demon statue has taken over the advantage and has begun to suppress the nine you great demon statue. The latter had a dignified look and had moved into the defensive phase. The control of the Nine Nine Great World was no longer absolute.

Li Xing opened his eyes and walked in great strides. Every step out of them caused shocks, and the world of Jiuyou began to tremble. He held the dragon ring, and each step left, leaving a clear, mysterious footprint in the void, which would never disappear.

"Very good! You didn't let me down, you took the power of the dragon elephant, and made the cycle of reincarnation impossible!" Jiuyou Da Mozun laughed. You can help me! Get out of here! "

As soon as Jiuyou Dazun waved his hand, there was a way to envelop Li Xing. He took him out of the Jiuyou world, crossed ten places, protruded the boundary, and rushed to the endless world plane.

However, of course, the reincarnation of the great demon statue will not let Li Xing go, and he has a phantom clone, which is closely followed. This avatar is undoubtedly very tyrannical. When he reached out and grabbed it, he directly broke through the guardian power issued by Jiuyou Damonzun.

Li Xing promoted the protection and snorted coldly, "You're a bully when I am?" He urged the dragon ring, quickly doubled, and quickly shuttled between countless planes.

This reincarnation of the Great Demon Sovereign has the strength of a high-end Demon Sovereign, so Li Xing is temporarily unable to resist. However, he has unparalleled skill and he is not afraid to leave the reincarnation of Damonzun behind.

"Reincarnation Demon Lord, I will return to the realm in Japan and fight with you!" Li Xing shouted, his body flickered, it disappeared completely, and even reincarnation could not be found.

The reincarnation of the great demon statue, stared quietly for a moment, then faded away slowly. Obviously, this super-strong demon prince has given up hunting.

In this great escape, Li Xing didn't know how far he had escaped, let alone where he was. At this moment, his eyesight was bright, and at first glance, he saw countless wormholes, each of which led to the space-time or plane, with clear veins.

In a blink of an eye, his thoughts entered these billions of wormholes, to find out how the world on the other side of the wormhole looks like. It didn't take long for him to find a shortcut to the Sanqing World.

One of the wormholes, the world connected to it, is called the soldier world, and it has a teleportation array that leads directly to the Sanqing World. In this world, there are various types of weapons, each of which is different, and the monks are also called soldiers. Every monk has to cultivate a weapon of his own life, which is quite interesting.

Moreover, this soldier respect apparently stepped into the plane level shortly, and the army he founded was not too complete. If necessary, Li Xing could completely suppress it. With Li Xing's combat power at this moment, he has reached the plane level, and it is not impossible to suppress the low-order Celestial Master.

Seeing the path, Li Xing turned into a streamer, entered the wormhole, and immediately entered the soldier world. He carried a dragon ring, and his breath was so powerful that he immediately stunned the soldiers.

"Who is coming?"

When Li Xing entered an exotic world and felt the laws of the military realm, a young boy appeared as a weapon in front of Li Xing as if he was a weapon.

The young man had a handsome appearance, but his eyes were extremely cold, and he looked at Li Xing with vigilance. Li Xing gave him a very strange feeling. He was just a figure in the heavenly series, but he had a breath that made him jealous.

Li Xing smiled and said, "Have you been the master of this plane? Please. The saint is from heaven, and I will use this to transfer the magic circle to the Sanqing world."

At first I heard that Li Xing just passed by ~ www.readwn.com ~ The teenager was relaxed and said: "So it is true, the transmission method can be used for its own use."

The two talents talked, and the whole soldier world "shocked" and shook. The soldier suddenly looked cold and said: "Stop your friend, I'll come when I go." He shook his body and disappeared.

When Li Xing moved, he followed.

Outside the military world, the soldiers stood proudly under the stars, but there were two heavenly respects opposite him. One of these two heavenly respects is one with a sword-strength and a strong killing spirit; the other is full of swordsmanship and is a Kendo Supreme.

"Sword lord! Sword lord! You bully too much, is it really bad to be my soldier?" The young soldier asked sternly.

The sword lord dressed in a black robe, "haha" laughed, and said, "You are the supreme weapon, and you have created a military path. You are so overwhelmed that you can accommodate my sword and sword avenue. How can you tolerate you?"

Another swordsman is a young man in white clothes, with a cold face and a cold expression: "If you don't cut you, how will the sword two worlds feel at ease? Today, the sword and the deity will join forces to cut you!"


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