Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 899: Challenge Tianzun

Chapter 899: Challenge The Heavenly Supreme

Chapter 899: Challenge the Supreme

The two swordsmen Tian Zun were talking ruthlessly, and Li Xing walked out from behind. Suddenly, the sword sensed Li Xing's breath, his face was full of murderous power, and then he laughed wildly: "It's you!"

More than 300 years ago, Li Xing protected the eternal son and traveled to eternal time and space. In the meantime, the eternal son was sniped several times and blocked by Li Xing. One of the snipers was the child of the sword and the son of the sword lord.

At that time, Li Xing happened to be sanctified, and even the will of the sword protector of the sword's son was killed. The enemy of killing a child naturally does not share the sky. Once Li Xing was recognized, Jian Zun shot without hesitation.

When he raised his hand, there was a glorious sword light, which turned to Li Xing. This sword was so strong that Li Xing only saw it in his life. He screamed and punched out. The power of the Eucharist has reached a terrifying level.

Eighteen major Luo Zhenshen, eighty heavy real people, suddenly broke out without resorting to any external force, so they blasted out, facing the sword light of the sword lord, the supreme sword.

"Kacha!" Billions of thunderbolts struck out, and the wind was turbulent, the fist was unstoppable, and the sword light was shattered instantly, and then forced back. At the same time, the tyrannical hybrid forces rushed and hit the sword respect body.

Jianzun's physical arrogance, but he was also vomited three fights with a shocked face, shouting: "Who the **** are you?"

"Mixed emperor!" Li Xing yelled.

The knife and soldier statues on the sidelines were all shocked. The sword respect is the heaven respect of the dual realm, the strength is still above the soldier respect, he was spitting blood, and the person who shot was just a **** of heaven!

"Mixed Yuan emperor? Huh! No matter who you are, you can't escape today, the sword locks up!" The sword screamed, and billions of miles were suddenly blocked by strong killings.

Bingzun shouted: "Rapid retreat, this is the field of Tianzun, can not be defeated!"

"The big world can also be broken, not to mention the various fields?" Li Xing sneered, throwing his fist again and hitting the strongest force.

"Boom!" The field shook.

At the same time, a bright sword light cut out from the void and instantly struck Li Xing billion times. The intensive beheading made Li Xing's flames soar throughout his body. The eighteen heavy Luo Zhenshen took these billions of beheadings.

With his punch, he penetrated the realm, and the sword screamed strangely. The created plane almost shattered, and he retreated back and forth, eager to withdraw the realm.

When it comes to power, the general deity is not as good as Li Xing. You know, when he condensed the babies, but absorbed all the source of the dragon elephant, he refined the law of countless planes. The magic baby also absorbed three thousand kinds of magical powers.

The Dao Demon two babies are merged into one and merged with the true form body, condensing the mixed elemental body. If such an overbearing force erupts, it will be nothing to hurt Tianzun.

Seeing that even Zun Zun's realm was not invincible, Dao Zun finally took the shot. With a ray of sword light, he was domineering and sharp, and then beheaded. The potential of the sword is heavier and stronger than that of the sword.

Suddenly, Li Xing was hacked and killed hundreds of millions of times. Even the eighteen-year-old Da Luo Zhenshen felt pain in the face of such an attack.

Fast speed is the advantage of Tianzun. Regardless of space and time, he can attack countless times every moment. This is not even Li Xing at this time. He is not Tianzun after all.


Finally, Li Xing's chest flew open and he suffered minor injuries. He gave a loud scream and took out the dragon ring, and the people became one. Immediately after the integration of the human and the ring, Li Xing immediately possessed the power of some plane tools.

Suddenly, his attack speed has also been greatly improved, at least every attack of Dao Zun can be seen clearly. The dragon elephant ring greeted up, colliding with each knife of the sword, making a loud noise, extremely dense.

The surrounding space has exploded, numerous ancient stars have shattered, and many spaces have collapsed. Under such a confrontation, even the soldiers and swordsmen dodged and did not want to get too close.

I don't know how many fights, the sword stunned and then retreated, then stared at Li Xing with a shocked look.

Li Xing also stared at each other and said, "I have no resentment against you, why did you shoot at me?"

"Huh! You, a holy man, can do this. It must be a serious problem in the future. How can you grow up?" Dao Zun said indifferently, saying the reason without concealing, "So you are going to die today."

Li Xing sighed: "There are countless celestial beings in this era, but you have to cut me off, it is really stupid."

"You are wrong. People like you have great luck on your body. Killing you, I can carry your lost luck." Dao Zun said, "This is the real reason to kill you."

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "Since that's the case, stop talking nonsense, you go together!"

"And me." Bingzun took a step forward and gave Li Xing a deep look. "I deal with Zun Zun, and Sword Zun belongs to you."

"Can you do that?" Li Xing asked lightly.

Bing Zun was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he proved his strength with action. Li Xing laughed and killed Xiangzun.

After condensing the Eucharist, it was the first time that Li Xing had confronted Tianzun with great ease. Earlier, he fought against the reincarnation of the devil, and could not escape, but he could not see his own strength.

Only then did several fights with Sword Master and Sword Master, and immediately estimated their own strength. His strength surpassed Tianjing Zun of Dual Realm, and he could fight against Tianzun of Triple Realm. You should know that both sword and sword are enshrined in the way of killing, so their combat power is amazing, and it is not weaker than the ordinary triple deities.

A pair of swordsmen here, Li Xing came up with the strongest combat power. This sword respect's son has the enemy of killing him, but he is the enemy. Of course, it is very difficult to cut a Tianzun like this, and Li Xing is not absolutely sure. However, he is confident of fencing.

Li Xing held the dragon ring and issued various powerful moves. Relying on his strong physical body and the inferior ability of Tianzun, every time he hit, he let Jianzun back again and again.

Originally ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jian Zun's sharp swordsmanship is a must. However, when it confronted Li Xing, the great master of martial arts, it lost its advantage. Moreover, the dragon ring in Li Xing's hand is also a triple-level plane weapon, and its strength is equivalent to a double or triple heavenly respect.

Li Xing battled more and more bravely, killing swordsman roaring again and again. Later, he screamed and punched hard. The sword lord lifted his arm to block, but was interrupted by the arm bone, exclaimed.

On the surface, he just broke a pole bone, but the deep level of the sword's plane broke down, and many drastic changes occurred. The soul explosion of the hundreds of millions of sword's plane disappeared, causing heavy losses.

Tianzun can build planes, and the planes they build are the core. If the plane is damaged, the power and cultivation of Celestial Master will be reduced.

"Hateful! Obviously a holy monk, how could there be such great power? And his power quality is extremely high, and he even surpassed the power of my world, how is this possible?" Sword exclaimed.

Indeed, the power of Li Xing's mixed elements is not inferior to the power of Tianzun's world. Therefore, regardless of quality or quantity, Li Xing is not weaker than Jian Zun, this game is steadily winning!


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