Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 900: Destiny Spear

Chapter 900: The Spear of Destiny

900 Spear of Destiny

Li Xing succeeded in one blow, and the next attack became more and more fierce, one punch over the other. Thousands of ring shadows struck repeatedly, making the sword lord's skin fleshy, his bones broken, and an angry roar.

The dignified sword world heavenly, at this moment has no power to parry, the plane of the sword was severely damaged. He shouted in his heart: "Further on, the plane I built will probably be destroyed by him, and he must be defeated as soon as possible!"

The thought flickered, Jianzun gave a loud sigh, and the whole body radiated countless brilliance, shining on the heavens and earth. Li Xing felt that a force of destiny pervaded the Quartet and enveloped him. He seemed to be involved in the long river of fate, becoming involuntary and destined to fall.

"No! This is Tianzun's means of death, be careful!" Bingzun shouted, reminding Li Xing.

Tianzun's practice has ninefolds. The first three are called killing, which means to capture the fate. If they can successfully enter the third, they will be small perfection. The heavenly deity in this process can take the fate of any soul and use it for himself.

Of course, Tianzun can only capture the fate of the weaker life form. If the opponent's life form is too strong, then Tianzun cannot capture it.

At this moment, Jianzun, the goddess who seized life, actually had to run the ultimate power to seize Li Xing's fate. Suddenly, Li Xing felt numbness in his limbs and couldn't move. It seemed that his life's momentum and luck had been deprived, and he gradually moved away.

In this way, it will not be long before he will completely lose his destiny, promote the future, and fall completely here.

However, he said that when he captured Li Xing's destiny, he felt the power of great destiny in an instant. It was everywhere, boundless, and almost combined with heaven and earth. He cried out in surprise: "Oh my God! It's such a powerful and destiny!"

As a sword respect, his fate is like a drop of water in the sea. It is very small and insignificant.

Jianzun felt the power of this powerful destiny. After his initial surprise, his face suddenly became extremely pale, showing his horror, and shouting, "No!" He suddenly desperately retreated.

Suddenly, the force of fateful fate, back swallowed, and swallowed the fate of Jianzun sixty-seven. Jianzun had only a small destiny left, and screamed, his voice filled with anger and fear, and then he flew away.

At the same time, Li Xing returned to Qingming and felt a magical change. He is not heavenly, so he can't clearly sense the power of destiny, but he can faintly perceive that there seems to be some slight change in his body.

Brand new shocked, Dao Zun was taken aback. Although he was fighting fiercely with Bingzun, he saw the score. That Sword Master issued a unique means of death for Tian Zun, to capture the power of Li Xing's fate.

It is said that a deity, seizing the fate of a saint is as simple as eating and drinking. But it is strange that Jianzun was backfired by terror, lost a lot of destiny power, and fled in defeat.

Dao Zun was shocked. He didn't dare to fight. He forced the soldier to retreat with a single blow, and then quickly fled the scene. Bing Zun didn't catch up, just widened his eyes and looked at Li Xing with an incredible expression.

Li Xing was a little dazed, and asked, "Why did Jianzun retreat suddenly?"

Bingzun looked at him for a long time and asked, "Do you really not know?"

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, if I know why I ask you?"

Bingzun didn't seem to believe it, but said, "Jianzun wants to take your destiny, but unfortunately your qualifications are too strong. It feels as vast as heaven and earth. After crushing eternity, you will swallow up the majority of Jianzun's fate. This time, Sword Master suffered heavy losses and his strength was greatly diminished. Xiu was beaten down by you one level. "

Li Xing looked astonished and swallowed up a whole new destiny? Speaking of destiny, he remembered the Great Altar of Proterozoic, and that thing could be exchanged for the power of destiny, but he didn't know how it was different from the destiny of Tianzun.

With his cultivation at this time, he couldn't understand things at this level, so don't think too much. Bingzun thanked Li Xingxiang for helping the enemy retreat, saying, "If Brother Li has no urgent matters, he can stay here for a few days."

Anyway, it was more than 300 years since he left. Li Xing was not in a hurry for two days. He immediately promised to stay in the military for a few days.

Although Bingzun soon became Tianzun, he has experienced many things, and he has seen all strong winds and waves. He talked with Li Xing very much. He learned all his life and told them all, so that Li Xing gained a lot of insights.

At the end, before leaving, Bingzun handed over a piece of metal with a large nail to Li Xing. On top of this shard, Li Xing was shocked by a tearing destiny and breaking all momentum.

"This is one of the fragments of the spear of destiny." Bing Zun said, "You are qualified so strong, maybe in the future you will have the opportunity to regain the spear of destiny, this thing will be given to you, the right to thank."

The origin of the spear of fate, Bingzun told Li Xing long ago. Countless years ago, between heaven and earth, a great man was born, known as the Great Destiny.

Destiny, the Supreme Deity, found the stone of the destiny of the supreme feat by means of supreme means, and used hundreds of peerless gods, with supreme power, to create a divine soldier, called the spear of destiny, as broken weapon.

When the Great Celestial Master feels that it is enough, he will create a supreme weapon for the ultimate supreme fragmentation. The great destiny, with the spear of destiny, will almost be broken and succeeded.

Unfortunately, at the last minute, he was disturbed and eventually fell. The spear of fate has also been broken into hundreds and thousands of pieces, and it has flowed between the infinite world, and it will be fetched by future generations.

Although this spear of fate is broken, each piece is blessed by the power of fate, so it can survive the calamity of the world and be retained to this day.

This gift from Bingzun can be said to be very precious. After thinking about it, Li Xing put it away and said, "I have received this thing, and there will be a good report in the future."

Bingzun smiled a little ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "Your life is too strong, I believe that future achievements must be far above me, and even have the opportunity to become a great deity. Only you can control this treasure. . "

On this day, Li Xing said goodbye to the soldiers and returned to the Sanqing Great World by transmitting the legal array. Before leaving, the two left a spiritual imprint on each other and could call each other at any time.

Entering the teleportation circle, Li Xing entered the wormhole of time and space. He now uses magical means to walk directly in the wormhole and arrives at the Sanqing World in an instant.

Feeling the familiar San Qing rules, Li Xingchang breathed a sigh of relief and went directly to Mingyue Tianzun to meet the mixed scholars. However, he only appeared in the Sanqing Great World, and suddenly a colorful light fell from the sky, fell on him, and disappeared.

In an instant, all directions were blocked by the will of a deity, and a ruthless voice sounded: "Li Xing, you finally appeared."

"Who are you?" Li Xing frowned, but he had guessed the identity of the other party. In the San Qing Great World, he only offended the saints, and most of the people who shot were the top seven figures among the saints.


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