Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 901: 15 Celestial Masters

Chapter 901: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 901: Fifteen Heavenly Supremes

The space is divided like a knife, divided into two, in the gloomy nothingness, a celestial deity. On this day, Zun Zun wore a Liang Guan, a three-colored jersey, and a killing spirit. It was he who locked Li Xing.

"The Sanqing Saints ranked eighth, the three talented celestial beings!" Said that proudly that day.

"It turned out to be a saint, Jiu Yang." Li Xing was surprised and smiled, "I don't know if the Supreme Master is found, what's the command?"

Sancai Tianzun stared sternly, and said loudly, "Li Xing, you provoked the saints, and today you have to give a statement!"

Li Xing laughed, "Hey," he said, "I have been here for more than 300 years. I never expected to meet a revenge person when I came back. Your anger is so great."

"Huh! This deity just passed here by chance, and just happened to sense your breath, and came to solve you by the way." Sancai Tianzun said indifferently, "Do you think that it is worthy of this deity to wait here for 300 years? ? "

"Haha" laughed and said, "It turned out to be a chance encounter. It seems that I have a fate with your Excellency!" He pushed out the dragon ring on the spot, stared at the Three Talents, and yelled, "Stop!"

Just going to that station, Li Xing released an unpredictable power that made Sancai Tianzun startled and said, "Strange! How is this man so powerful? Even if he wins the triple Celestial, Can't reach him! "

Tianzun is divided into nine, the first three are life-threatening, the middle three are life-changing, and the last three are standing. After standing in triple order, it is considered to have stepped into the level of Datianzun, and there is another world.

The third most important life, also known as the little perfection, is the strength of Tianzun. And Li Xing gave Sancai Tianzun the feeling that the foot and the triumphant Tianzun fight.

Of course, the reason for this feeling is that one is that Li Xing is too strong, and the other is that the three talented celestial beings are only a life-threatening celestial deity, which is far less powerful than Li Xing.

Just as the two sides clashed and the battle was about to begin, a bright moon hung above the ground and sprinkled countless clear radiance, which made Li Xing and San Cai Tianzun calm down. From the sky, Mingyue Tianzun appeared again, and she looked down coldly without saying a word.

However, Sancai Tianzun knew that this plane could not fight. Last time, he teamed up with two other Tianzun Chang Hong to kill Li Xing, that is, Mingyue Tianzun intervened. This time, he clearly had the same purpose and would not let him take a shot at Li Xing.

Deep down, he had a reason he didn't even admit it, and that was fear. The horrific atmosphere released by Li Xing left him with no confidence to overcome.

Sancai Tianzun can cultivate to become Tianzun, ranking eighth among the saints, of course, his wisdom is not low. The faint anxiety, and the appearance of Mingyue Tianzun, he immediately chose to give up.

With a slight smile, the three talented lords stepped forward to salute: "See Mingyue tianzun, how could this lord come here?"

Mingyue Tianzun said lightly: "Come to pick up Li Xing."

Sancai Tianzun stunned. He did not expect Mingyue Tianzun to be so direct. He paused and said, "Tianzun, this Li Xing is bold and offensive, and offends the gate, he must be punished.

Mingyue Tianzun said: "Your grievances will be discussed in the future. This Tianzun came to pick him up, in the order of Sanqing Tianzun."

"What?" Sancai Tianzun was startled. "Da Tianzun wants to see this kid?"

Li Xingmei raised a sneer and sneered: "Don't always talk in that condescending tone. In front of this emperor, you don't have that qualification!"

Instead, Sancai Tianzun was already furious, but Mingyue Tianzun's words made him have to calm down. He did not hesitate to Li Xing and asked Mingyue Tianzun: "What does Tianzun call him?"

"Go and ask Da Tianzun." Mingyue Tianzun was very shameless.

San Cai Tianzun looked embarrassed and retreated. Before he left, he took a deep look at Li Xing and said in a deep voice: "Li Xing, you are lucky today. Within three days, you can only go to the Holy Gate, otherwise you will regret it!"

Li Xing said nothing but rolled his eyes. His strength at this moment is not afraid of any holy gate. In the boundary, what big winds and waves did not pass? A sacred gate is not worth looking at.

Sancai Tianzun retreated, Mingyue Tianzun took Li Xing and returned to Tai Yin. As soon as he entered the Taiyin world, Li Xing felt more than a dozen forceful fluctuations. Under his influence, he showed a happy face and called: "It really didn't disappoint me!"

Mingyue Tianzun laughed: "The mixed Yuanjiao you founded is really shocking. In less than 400 years, fifteen Tianzuns were born!"

It turned out that Li Xing was more than 300 years old. During this time, Li Xing's nine women broke through one by one, opened up a plane, and became the deity. Although it is only the first to kill, it is also rare.

In addition to the nine women, three of the seven Jinwu have made breakthroughs. There were also Jian Xingtian, Minmin, Wutong, and Xun breaking through. In addition to this breakthrough, the remaining four Jinwu, Jun Qianheng, Wu Xiaobao, Li Xuanbai, Li Yingxiong, and Zhiyi, all also entered the quasi-respect level and may break at any time.

Fifteen Celestial Masters were born at once, and their strength was so strong that they shook ancient and modern, even if they entered the realm of heaven and earth, they were not weak.

The return of Li Xing made everyone very happy. Wutong broke through to Heaven and wanted to show it to Brother Li Xing, but when he felt Li Xing's horrible breath, he couldn't help feeling: "Brother, I'm afraid I can't catch up with you in this life."

Li Xing was very satisfied with the progress of everyone and laughed: "Very good!"

At this time, Murong Jiaojiao said: "Xing brother, I will break through to the Supreme, and need a lot of natural spar.

Li Xing nodded: "I thought badly and should leave you with the spar of modification. But I didn't expect your progress so fast and I didn't expect that I would be 300 years away." Then asked, "You How much spar did you borrow from Tianzun? "

"A total of 870 million borrowed." Murong Jiaojiao said carefully, "Xing brother, can we afford it?"

Li Xing laughed: "Of course it is affordable, and it is even more profitable." He turned to Mingyue Tianzun, and said, "During this time, I thank Tianzun for his care. Li Xing remembers Wuyi, UU reading www.uukanshu. com never forgets! "

Mingyue Tianzun smiled slightly and said, "Don't be grateful, there is something, I want you to help."

Li Xing looked up, and said, "But is it related to the Sanqing Supreme Master?"

Mingyue Tianzun said: "Today seven years later is the day of recruiting in the heavenly courts. At that time, every plane will send outstanding monks to join the army of the heavenly courts. The conditions for the recruitment of the army of the heavenly courts are below the heavenly gods and above the saints. Because. The position given depends on personal strength. "

"Your strength is very strong. In the realm of sages, you can fight against Heaven. This kind of strength is rare between heaven and earth. If you participate in the conquest of heaven, you will be able to find an excellent position. As long as you enter the army of heaven, you will get the company. I dare not think of resources. "

Li Xing moved in his heart and asked, "What forces will Tianting build against the army?"

"Nature is the land government." Mingyue Tianzun said, "The heaven and earth are inducted by yin and yang, the Tao demon wants to be born, the heaven court represents the Tao, and the land government represents the devil. Since the ancient times, the Tao and the magic have not been mutually separated. ready."


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