Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 902: Legend of the Great Celestial Master

Chapter 902: Legend of the Great Celestial Master

Chapter 902: Legend of the Great Celestial Master

Li Xing groaned: "I am not a Sanqing Great World person, can I enter in the name of a Sanqing Great World monk?"

"Certainly." Mingyue Tianzun said, "As long as you promise that after you have a certain status in Heaven, you are willing to remain friendly to the Sanqing Great World, and Grand Tianzun will give you this opportunity."

Li Xing was very curious, and asked, "It is difficult to be as detached as Sanqing Datianzun. Does it also need to multiply the power in heaven?"

Mingyue Tianzun smiled slightly: "Li Xing, do you think Datianzun can call the wind and rain in heaven? If you know the situation of Datianzun, you would not think so."

Li Xing hurriedly said, "Please give me directions."

Mingyue Tianzun sighed: "There is no end to spiritual practice. There is a sky outside and there are people outside."

For this, Li Xing couldn't agree more. For example, he was in the Dragon Elephant World that he thought it would be great to cultivate Supreme Master. But later, he knew there were more super beings on it.

Like a frog, if it has limited strength and jumps out of a water well, then it can only touch the world in the well. You can't see a lion, tiger, wolf, or leopard, just a frog at the bottom of the well. And when this frog is strong enough to jump out of the water well, then it will see a wider world.

The dragon elephant world is a well for Li Xing. When he jumps out, he will find the real world. He is not even Tianzun now, so he knows very little about the ultimate Great Tianzun.

Mingyue Tianzun continued: "Tianzun has nine realms and three realms, which are destiny, change of destiny, and destiny of destiny. After destiny of the third destiny, it can be called a big deity, and only the big deity has enough confidence to survive the heaven and earth disaster . "

"Da Tianzun experienced a great disaster, and his strength and experience will be greatly improved. Therefore, how many disasters he experienced is the basis of his status. The newly born Great Tianzun is called Chuyuan. Datianzun, they are the inferiors of Datianzun, and they have no place. Those who have experienced a calamity are called Datianzun. "

"If there is no accident, you can experience up to ten calamities, and after nine times, you will fall, so the ten calamities are almost the ultimate existence between heaven and earth."

"Almost?" Li Xing heard the word and said in surprise, "Can anyone live past the Tenth Century?"

"Of course there is." Mingyue Tianzun said, "With some special means, there are some extremely tyrannical deities who can live to the tenth century. Among them, those who can survive the tenth century are called the legendary grand deities. They can live two. The fourteenth century is called the epic great deity. Even some great deities can live up to the thirty-sixth century and are called ancient great deities. "

Li Xing heard a puppet, thirty-six? This yin and yang era alone is extremely long for him, and he may not even have the opportunity to spend it. And some great deities can actually survive the 36th century?

"Of course, there is a limit to Datianzun after all. No matter how long, its life span cannot exceed fifty years. Therefore, the strongest Datianzun in the theme is the 49th Tianzun." Mingyue Tianzun His eyes were full of admiration, "This kind of existence can be supremely broken at any time."

Li Xing lamented: "The strong and the strong have their own strong hands, Da Tianzun has made people look up. I did not expect that there are so many horrors in Da Tianzun. I just don't know where these super big Tianzun are. But the junior heard that there are only three first-level planes in this world, namely the Sanqing Great World, the Chaos Great World, and the Proterozoic Great World. Since there are the Great Celestial Masters who have survived the Tenth Century, where are they? Why don't you see the big world they built? "

"They have entered the source of civilization, and rarely appear in the outside world. Occasionally, they are also looking for the necessary gods." Mingyue Tianzun, "so the world knows only three first-level planes."

"The source of civilization? Where is that?" Li Xing was shocked. He had never heard of these news before. Obviously it was the top secret of this plane and few people knew it. He even suspected that even Sancai Tianzun might not have heard of it.

"That's where the civilization of each period was born, just like this Yinyang period civilization, also originated from it." The look of Mingyue Tianzun was a little confused. "What kind of place is there, even many great deities don't know."

Li Xing was silent for a moment and asked, "Have you ever been to Sanqing Datianzun?"

"Yes, I have also asked Da Tianzun, but Da Tianzun only told me one word." Mingyue Tianzhuang frowned.

"What is it?" Li Xing was very curious.

"Don't ask, I will know by then." Mingyue Tianzun smiled bitterly. "So far I don't understand what Datianzun means."

Li Xing thought about it and laughed: "Tianzun will go there in the future, everything will be understood." This is a compliment, to be able to enter the source of civilization, it must be Da Tianzun's strength to enter.

Mingyue Tianzun smiled and said, "I hope to have this opportunity." After a tone of breath, "You now know the situation of Dazun, you can understand why Dazun also has to cultivate power. Tianting has relations with many super bigs In the face of heaven, Da Tianzun must also remain in awe. "

"So, is Heavenly Emperor the first person in the sky?" Li Xingdao said, "All Great Celestial Beings must obey them?"

Mingyue Tianzun nodded: "The masters of the calendar are all the same. They dominate all the heavenly gods and dominate everything in the heavens and the earth. However, this period is somewhat different. Two masters were born, one is the emperor and the other is the emperor. "

"How long can the master live?" Li Xing asked the most question, "Can it last forever?"

"No." Mingyue Tianzun shook his head. "The master can only live for one period and fall with the demise of the first. The master is the manifestation of the will of heaven and earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ Among the population, God, God, is master, yes The emperor is the emperor. "

"Because the will of the theme is manifested, why should the Emperor of Heaven fight against the emperor? The two should be one and work together." Li Xing wondered, "Is there any secret in this?"

"I don't know this." Mingyue Tianzun expressed a doubtful expression. "However, I heard Da Tianzun occasionally mentioned that the yin and yang period is a very special period and must be related to this."

Li Xing nodded and paid respects to Mingyue Tianzun, saying, "The younger generation is willing to go in a trip to heaven."

Mingyue Tianzun is very happy, saying: "Very well, I will know Mingtianzun and reward you. With your strength, you will soon be able to stand out in the heavenly court. With the support of Tianzun, there is no future. "

At this time, Chen Shuang suddenly said: "Tianzun, I wonder if I can go together?"

Mingyue Tianzun laughed: "As long as Li Xing can get a job, he has the right to recruit soldiers and buy horses. Anyone can recruit. If you want to join, it is not a problem.


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