Chapter 903: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 903: Ninja Realm

In the past, women were weak, and it was only a hindrance to follow Li Xing. However, nowadays, they are all Tianzun series, with powerful strength, they can follow Li Xing's work.

As soon as they heard, they could go together, and the girls were full of joy. The three young Jinwu, Jian Xingtian, and Minmin have already become Tianzun, and immediately requested to enter the heavenly court to do things with Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled slightly and said, "You are all dignified, can you always be with me as a high school? From today, after you have become a dignified, you can go out and travel, so that you can have a greater breakthrough."

Li naturally nodded: "Xing'er was right. In the past, everyone was protected in the Yuanyuan religion from infringement and practiced with one heart. What kind of cultivation resources are needed, Xing'er will provide it. But this is always only growing in the greenhouse. Flowers, no future growth. "

The operator also said: "To put it bluntly, with my qualifications and other qualifications, it is very difficult to achieve great results without going through it."

Like the sword to punish the heavens and the heavens, all the generations have reached the state of quasi-respect. If you want to take that step early, it is best to go through it, see the vastness and magic of the world, and walk among the heavens and the world.

The rest had no objection. Li Xing set the strategy. Except for the nine women who followed him to heaven, the rest of the people who practiced the Celestial Master had to go out and practice until they had the income. The mixed Yuan religion is still located in the Taiyin world.

Mingyue Tianzun also told Li Xing about the situation in the heavens at the time, and finally commanded: "The heavens recruit, the requirements are extremely high, and it is extremely difficult to pass. At that time, the geniuses below the heavens and heavens will gather in the heavens. Stronger people. So in these seven years, you will continue to improve your strength and increase your opportunities. "

Li Xing nodded and said, "This Venerable God is assured. Seven years is enough for me to improve my strength." His current practice is that he has already stepped into the level of God in half a foot, and in the next step, he will be a great God.

The practice of Fadao divides the three realms of cave heaven, God, and God. There are three levels in the cave, nine small steps, which are equivalent to the levels of Tao, Tianren, and Tianshi; the levels of God have two major levels, namely, God and Great God, which are equivalent to God and King. The level of the Lord is divided into four levels: first, middle, upper, and most holy.

Li Xing's current strength is equivalent to the rank of Heavenly King. He has already broken through the ranks of Heaven and Heaven. The so-called God can extend the power of his own small world to the outside, generate domain fields, and affect the outside world.

The remaining seven years are enough for him to improve again.

Mingyue Tianzun left, and Li Xing spent more than a month in mixed Yuan religion. In the meantime, a group of followers such as Jian Xingtian left Tian Tai Realm, stepped out of Sanqing, and stepped into a wider world to practice themselves.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xing also brought nine wives in preparation for going to Tianwaitian. Tian Wai Tian, ​​built in the territories, is similar to the Dragon Elephant World. Tian Wai Tian, ​​established by the ancient sages, many of the great figures of the Dragon Elephant Great World in the Wilderness era soared.

For example, the candlestick dragon, Gongye Taixu, Ou Dinggong, Wu Qianhua and other figures on the list of heaven and earth were all Wizards of that era, and now they are also masters of Tianwaitian. Like that ancestor of the Supreme Dharma, on the day of sanctification, there are six Dharma bodies, two of which achieve the Heavenly Dharma, two of them become half-respects, and two of them become extremely sacred.

After a little preparation, Li Xing was ready to go. However, before he left, he received a message of help from the hand of Prince Ninja.

Prince Qian Ren once followed Li Xing for a while, then returned to the Ninja world, practiced in isolation, and recognized his ancestors. During this period, Prince Chinen's cultivation has also made rapid progress, and now he has reached half-respect.

As the great grandson of Ren Tianzun, Prince Qian Ren should have a high status, coupled with strong strength, it should be mixed with Feng Shui. But in fact, among the descendants of Ren Tianzun, there are indeed some very powerful people, and three quasi-respects were born.

The matter lies with the three quasi-respects. They clashed with Prince Chinen and humiliated in the process, which made Prince Chinen extremely angry, and in a hurry, sent a signal to Li Xing for help.

After receiving the news, Li Xing invited the nine ladies to temporarily live in Yunyuan Dongtian. He went to the Ninja world by himself.

In the Great World of the Three Qings, there was a teleportation circle leading to the Ninja Realm. Li Xing passed through and quickly arrived. When he entered the Ninja Realm, he immediately felt a strange Ninja law.

It was also that he was too imposing, and as soon as he appeared, the Ninja was shocked, manifested himself, appeared in front of Li Xing, and arched, "What is this Taoist friend, come to my ninja world?"

Li Xing smiled and said, "Forbear seniors, and under Li Xing, the senior's tenth weakest Sun Qianren is a disciple. Not long ago, I received news of Qian Ren's help, saying that someone had oppressed him, so he came to help. Department, senior Haihan. "

Li Xing is so polite and he is very comfortable, can't he see? Li Xing has a dragon elephant ring on his plane, and his strength is not weak. If there is conflict, he will not take advantage.

You know, forbearance is nothing more than a ritualistic dual practice, just the beginning of heaven. Tianzun Three Realms, wins, changes his life, and establishes his life. Among them, his death is his first life, his life is changed to his upper life, and his life is fulfilled.

At the beginning of heaven, Li Xing is not afraid, even if there is no dragon ring, he can fight. Not to count, all of his nine wives are spiritually advanced.

"It turned out to be Qian Ren's teacher. Oh, Qian Ren is so blessed! I can meet people like Dao You." Ni Tianzun was very kind and invited Li Xing into the Temple of Ninja to entertain him warmly.

Countless servants in the temple brought delicious food and wine. After a long conversation, the two Princes were summoned. As soon as Qian Ren appeared, first met Ren Tianzun: "See the old ancestors!" Then he gave Li Xing a happy look, and said, "Master, your cultivation is completely invisible!"

Li Xing nodded slightly ~ ~ Nitian Tianzun said lightly: "Grandchild, in the world of ninja, who dares to bully you?"

As soon as he said this, Prince Qian Ren suddenly looked sad and cried, "Our ancestors decide for me! The three uncles, Huo Ren, Lei Ren and Feng Ren, killed my parents. I am treated as a slave. "

In fact, Ren Tianzun knows nothing. As long as what happens in the ninja world, nothing can be hidden from his eyes. However, he has more offspring and can't ask everything, so he keeps his eyes open and closed.

However, this time, a strong man like Li Xing supported Prince Qian Ren. He could not stand up, and he hummed: "How can this be true, people of the same family, how can they kill each other? Come, pass on fire, forbearance and thunder Forbearance, wind tolerance! "

The voice didn't fall, and a laugh came from outside: "Old ancestor, is that useless Qian Ren coming to sue? Is he worthy of being an ancestor of the old ancestor? I see kill it!"

With a loud laugh, the three young men strode into the hall, each with a mockery of irony on their faces.


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