Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 904: Enter Tianwaitian

Chapter 904: Entering Heaven and Earth

Chapter 904: Entering Heaven and Earth

The three people who stepped into the hall were Feng Ren, Hu Ren, Lei Ren, who had the strength of quasi-respect. In terms of their seniority, they were all uncles of Prince Qian Ren. The three quasi-zuns, first met Nirvana, and then leaned at Li Xing, with a look of contempt.

After all, Zhunzun is not Tianzun, more than a little bit, so they don't have the eyesight to bear Zunzun, you can see the dragon ring and that kind of horror. They can only see that Li Xing is just a saint.

What is a saint worth to a quasi-respect? Zhunzun is the fact that there is a chance to become a deity, and you can kill saints in seconds. Therefore, after seeing Li Xing, all three were very disdainful.

In fact, the three had heard the news long ago, knowing that someone was in the throne of Prince Ninja, so they rushed over to see who the other person was. When they saw Li Xing, they all had a ridiculous feeling.

This person's cultivation is not as good as Prince Qian Ren, and he dared to run to support his waist. Isn't that old Shouxing hanging, is it tired and crooked?

The three laughed loudly and looked scornfully, letting Nunzun sigh in secret. These three descendants, Xiu is really not weak, he may become a deity in the future. He said that he must protect everything, and immediately scolded: "How can you be rude to guests?"

The three have always been arrogant, but in the presence of Nizuzun, they are still very respectful. They were sullen by Niuzun, all bowed their heads and said nothing.

Nunzun smiled bitterly at Li Xing: "These three juniors, I don't know how high the earth is, so don't mind Li Daoyou."

Li Xing sneered, but ignored Renzu, and only asked Prince Qianren: "Three Ren, these three people, killed your parents?"

Prince Ninja nodded with tears and stared resentfully at the three.

Li Xing turned to Ren Zun and said, "Tianzun, killing people for their lives, what's your opinion?"

Nitianzun's face changed, and he said, "Li Dayou, these three descendants are the only three quasi-priests in Ninja, you can't move them."

"Really?" Li Xing mentioned the dragon ring. "Stay in the ninja world or leave them, Tianzun chooses by himself."

This is undoubtedly an outrageous statement. Nintenzu either handed over three people or was destroyed. This is the threat of redemption. As Tianzun, Renzun was furious and yelled, "Taoist deceives people too much! When I am a ninja?

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Please do n’t talk to Tianzun. Although you are Tianzun, you are not my enemy." With a big wave of his hand, an image appeared in the air, which is exactly the picture when he battled sword and sword. record it.

The momentum shown in the picture can never be imitated out of thin air. Everyone looked at it very clearly. With his own strength, Li Xing wounded Sword Master and stunned him.

Sword lord and sword lord, if they talk about combat power, they are actually still overbearing. A master who can't even be defeated by two Celestial Masters, how can Nirvana be rivaled?

The following three quasi-princes have long seen their eyes straight. Can the saint in front of him fight against Tianzun? They didn't know at this time how ignorant they were before, they actually regarded the big master as the weak.

The faces of the three people turned pale, and they finally realized the crisis and shouted, "Old ancestors, don't listen to this person ..."


Suddenly Nizhun, whose face was ever-changing, was suddenly photographed with a huge palm crushing down. The three quasi-zuns turned into flesh and died instantly. Sure enough, Ren Zun knew what he was supposed to do, and actually shot it himself, killing three offspring.

Li Xing was satisfied and said, "Tianzun is a wise man. He can righteously destroy his relatives today and admire him deeply. If there is something useful in the future, he can talk."

He smiled bitterly, and actually had resentment against Li Xing in his heart, but he could become Tianzun and extraordinary wisdom. He forced this hatred and sighed, "It is their fault that is not related to Li Daoyou."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Those three people, even if they become Tianzun, are also arrogant. Sooner or later, they will give Tianzun a wrongdoing and kill early and quietly." go with.

In the small world, Li Xing appeared and said, "Qian Ren, what are your plans?"

Prince Qian Ren sighed, "I can't go back in the Ninja world. I will stay in the Yuanyuan religion in the future, hoping that one day I can become a deity." He looked at Li Xing, and bowed down.

At this moment, Prince Qian Ren is officially joined in the Yuanyuan religion.

Li Xing was very happy and helped him up. He said, "Little Ninja World, it is worth noting nostalgia. In the future, you will practice in the Yuanyuan religion. If you have the opportunity, follow me to heaven.

He rescued Prince Qian Ren, and Li Xing returned it to the Taiyin Realm, and then the Lord set off for Tianwaitian.

Li Xing is visiting Tianwai Tianzun this time. This deity, an ancient sage, sent a messenger last time to let Li Xing go to Tianwaitian and his party. Moreover, he also revealed that he knew the origin of Li Xing.

At that time, Li Xing did not have today's strength, so he refused to go. Today, his strength is strong enough to at least compete with Chuzun Tianzun, and the world can go.

Speaking of which, he is quite related to Tianwai Tiantianzun. The ancient scriptures and methods he practiced were all related to heaven and earth. On this trip, one is to see, and the other is to ask something.

Heading to Tianwaitian, Li Xing did not pass through the formation, but directly crossed the void with the Eucharist. Breaking through the barriers was broken by them, as if the thin curtains were torn open, and one world after another appeared in front of them.

For half a day, Li Xing felt a solid plane wall system, which surprised him. Such a degree of solidity is not available in the third-level plane, and this crystal wall system belongs to the sky outside!

"Is Tianwaitian's Tianzun already in the Great Tianzun series?" Li Xing was taken aback. He wandered in the crystal wall for a moment, then punched out, broke the barrier, and broke into Tianwaitian.


After entering Tiantiantian, he was locked by more than ten arrogant thoughts. Some people shouted, "Who is good at breaking into Tiantiantian?"

Entering Tianwaitian ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing has a feeling, as if Tiantiantian is the second dragon elephant world. Because all the rules here are the laws of the earth's borders, and there are no unique rules of heavenly respect.

Looking around, it is an endless field with hundreds of millions of creatures. Twelve monks in the middle of the cave, about the level of heaven and humans, surrounded Li Xing. However, when they felt the saint's breath on Li Xing, they changed color.

"It turned out to be a sage, I don't know where the sage came from?" Someone immediately asked politely, no longer so eloquent.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "I am from the Dragon Elephant World, and I am also a practitioner of Fa Dao. Is this the heavenly world?"

Tianwaitian has law domain, **** domain, witch domain, magic domain, etc., compatible and eclectic. This jurisdiction was established by the ancestors of Jifa, and speaking of it has a relationship with Li Xingda, so he is also very polite.

At that time, the ancestors of Jifa entered the world of dragon elephants and wanted to establish an alliance with Li Xing. They were half friends.

Upon hearing that Li Xing came from the dragon elephant world, the twelve people were relieved and calmed down.


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