Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 905: Tiangong 9

Chapter 905: Nine Heavenly Artifacts

Chapter 905 Nine Artifacts

One of the leaders said: "This place is the jurisdiction. What is the saint?"

Li Xingdao said: "I once made an alliance with the prince of jifa, and also had an appointment with Tianwai Tiantianzun."

As soon as this remark was made, the twelve monks almost stared out of shock, regardless of whether they were the ancestors of the extreme law or the heavenly respect for the heavens and the heavens. For them, they were all big people and they existed supremely.

It took a long time before the leading monk stuttered and determined to Li Xing: "A saint came for the patriarch and the Supreme Master?"

Li Xing nodded: "I heard that there are six Dharma lords of Ji Fa, two of whom have reached heaven and are admirable. I am here to ask the ancestor to practice the Fa."

In fact, it is unnecessary for him to say that the twelve people can sense that he is also practicing Fa-dharma, and has reached the level of cave heaven. Although this practice is suppressed by the true sacred power of the 80th Meridian, it still manifests itself.

There is no doubt, because no one dares to claim the name of an ancestor of the Xuji Master in the Tianwaitian domain. The twelve people are sincere and horrified, and they are busy and say, "It is a noble guest. The Xuji Master is in the Xuji Temple. Let ’s report it."

At this moment, a golden bridge condensed by mana straddled, and one end fell in front of Li Xing, spreading out a golden avenue. On the far side, the laughter of the ancestor of Jifa came: "Hunyuan Daoyou, you are finally here, please!"

The twelve monks were shocked and fell to the ground, even calling the ancestor more than once. Li Xing smiled, set foot on the Golden Bridge, and flew away.

As the master of the domain, as soon as Li Xing arrived, the ancestors of Ji Fa knew it, so he released a flying bridge to greet him.

Tianwaitian is very vast. The jurisdiction is only a part of it, but it is already very wide. The Golden Bridge disappeared, and Li Xing appeared in a large hall, which is the hall of Jifa.

In that hall, there is an hour and sky of its own, and people are in it, as if they are in the starry sky, with stars dotted around them. Thousands of monks were sitting around, and in the middle position was a man in white. He was very personable, with clear eyebrows.

Seeing the ancestor of Ji Fa again, Li Xing raised his eyebrows and exclaimed: "Congratulations to the ancestor, this Fa body has also been repaired to heaven!"

There are six Dharma sects, two of which are celestial celestial bodies, two of which are half-respected, and two belong to the sacred realm. The legal body that went to the Dragon Elephant World that day was a half deity, but at this moment it has reached the level of heaven deity.

Thousands of monks are descendants of the princes of dharma. Among them are nobles of half deity, sage, and even quasi-respect. They saw a saint suddenly appear, and they dared to speak to the ancestor so politely. Surprised, some people were angry.

The ancestor of Ji Fa smiled "Haha" and said, "Trusted Yuanyuan Taoist blessing, my six Dharma bodies have already entered the heavenly respect."

Li Xing was also not polite, and sat across from the patriarch of Ji Fa with a grin, and smiled slightly: "Here, I want to ask my ancestor to learn the experience of teaching the Dao and Dao." His practice is based on the Dao Dao. After God ’s progression, he did Ask them.

As soon as he sat down, the small world of the mixed yuan opened up, and a sense of mixed yuan spread out. Nine wonderfully beautiful women stepped out of the small world, and it was Li Xing's nine wives.

As soon as the Nine Women came out, nine strange laws were integrated into one, very arrogant, and steadily suppressed the momentum of the ancestors of the extreme law. You know, each of the nine women cultivates a kind of yin gong, and then works with Li Xing's nine yang gongs.

Therefore, the nine women achieved Heavenly Respect, and each opened up a rule. These nine rules have all evolved from the laws of heaven and earth. I do n’t know how many times they are more powerful than the rules of the general heaven.

Therefore, as soon as they become Celestial Celestials, their combat power is not weaker than the old Celestial Celestial Celestials. And the law of the nine women can complement each other because they belong to the same system.

If they are united, it is undoubtedly equivalent to the strength of a small number of Tianzun series Li Xing. Because the law of the nine women is one, it is almost equivalent to the law of heaven and earth, and although it is not as good as Li Xing in the future, it is also very scary.

The rules of the nine women were put together, not even Li Xing, and the patriarch of Ji Fa changed slightly, and then praised: "Nine ladies are truly extraordinary!"

Li Xing smiled: "Inner people practice indiscriminately, making the ancestor laugh."

Those disciples from the French region who had angry hearts closed their mouths, and they all obeyed Li Xing. It is natural that a man can marry a wife of nine heavenly ranks. This is not something even the ancestors of extreme law can do.

Suddenly the ancestor Jiji remembered, and said with a smile: "Mixed Yuan Daoyou, I remember you, there seems to be a Five Elements Town Seal?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, why did the ancestor mention this thing?"

The ancestor of Jifa laughed: "In the early days of the Dragon Elephant World, the Seven Heavenly Sons were born in the wild and wild eras, all of them were in heaven and earth for a while, and even broke into the heavens to kill and set fire. Among them, one Heavenly Son, repaired as superb, Wisdom in one's life, refining nine heavenly maps. "

"The nine heavenly maps are the Heavenly Gate, Earth Splitting Axe, Five Elements Zhenyin, Destroyer of the Earth, Sancai Demon Sword, Gossip Sword, Nine-Turn God Ring, Shifang Jue Witch Needle, and Four Elephant Fragments Gun. Nine sacred artifacts can be combined into one, which can form a plane weapon. The power is so strong that even the workers can't predict that day. And if the nine sacred artifacts are in the hands of the Celestial Master, they can be slowly sacrificed into place. Facial weapon. Exactly, the remaining eight sacred artifacts are in my hands. "

Li Xing moved in his heart and laughed: "Are the ancestors going to give me these eight instruments?"

The ancestor of Ji Fa stunned, then laughed and said, "You want to be beautiful, you want to get something for it."

Li Xing sighed: "Poverty is very poor now, and the Moon Moon Tianzun, who owes the Sanqing Great World, is worth hundreds of millions of fortune crystals. Where do you exchange things?"

Patriarch Ji Fa looked at Li Xing, and suddenly smiled, "It's up to you to do three things for me, how?"

"Three things?" Li Xing smiled, "Hey", "I don't know what the three things were?"

The ancestor of Ji Fa waved his hand: "You can rest assured ~ www.readwn.com ~ is naturally what you can do and willing to do."

Li Xing thought about it and asked, "When do you want me to do it?"

"Maybe tomorrow, or a long time later." The ancestor of Ji Fa looks absolutely like an old fox with a calculator.

But Li Xing really wanted to get another eight heavenly artifacts. For example, the Five Elements Town Seal was wasted in his hands. If it is in the hands of the nine women, after a little sacrifice, there will be a chance to become a plane weapon, and the strength will be improved by more than one grade.

In addition, the nine instruments can be combined into one to form a great killing array, which is perfectly matched with the rules of the nine women.

So after some thought, Li Xing patted his thigh: "Okay, I promised!"

The ancestor Jiji was an easy-going man. He took out eight sacred artifacts on the spot, which were the other eight of the heavenly artifacts he had previously said. Together with Tianyin of the Five Elements Town, they immediately attracted each other, forming a powerful killing array, which surprised Li Xing.


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