Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 906: Tengaikai

Chapter 906: Heavenly Extraordinary Faith

Chapter 906: Heavenly Falun Dafa

Nine women had a handful of tricks, and they each received a magic weapon, and they were all happy. They have been practicing under Li Xing's care, and there is really nothing to use. Nowadays, I have got the Heavenly Craftsmanship, which is the most suitable.

Just a few words, another Tianzun stepped out. This day belongs to the second master body of the ancestor of the extreme law. He smiled slightly and said, "Mixed Yuan Daoyou, please go to Han She."

Li Xing and the nine women stood up, the farewell Tianzun, followed him to the sky, and reached a green hill. On that hill, there is a grass pavilion, and the ancestor of the dharma law asked Li Xing and others to sit in it and talk about the classics.

Dharma was created by the master dharma, and he has cultivated to the highest level of heaven by virtue of this path, so this discussion has helped Li Xing a lot, and his understanding of the Dharma has been improved.

This discourse lasted for seven days and nights. On the seventh day, Li Xing screamed loudly, his breath was transparent, and he broke through the Heavenly King series, entered the Heavenly King series, and became a great God.

Great God, the small world is quite complete, and it can generate powerful domains and affect the external environment. This is also his thick accumulation of hair, the time has come, so whenever there is a chance, he can break through.

The prince of jifa praised: "The Taoist friends are really incredible. Once they broke through, they have already reached the realm of the Great God. In the next step, they will be impacted by the pilgrim."

Li Xing nodded: "Thank you Grandpa for acting for me." He knew in his heart that it was not difficult to impact the position of the Lord, but that he lacked a large number of forged crystals. It was thought that when he "entered the Tao", he consumed a lot of spar.

This time the Fa is sanctified, the spar consumed will be even more uncountable. He still owes hundreds of millions of crystals to Mingyue Tianzun, and he has little left. He had captured many magic crystals in the demon world, but unfortunately they all flew away with Jiuyang Jingtian, leaving no residue.

After entering the Tao, Li Xing's path of practice can be said to go smoothly, thousands of miles a day, and the Holy Saint is just around the corner. The remaining thing is to build up the fossils. The spar is enough. The time for the breakthrough will come.

All this is due to his mixed elemental body, which makes it very easy to practice, just like a saint rebuilding the realm of the Heavenly King series.

At this time, the ancestor of Jifa said: "Mixed Yuan Taoist friends, Tian Wai Tian is very vast. Your mixed Yuan religion might as well move here."

Li Xing thought for a while and said, "Some people in Tiantiantian may not be so ambitious to me, and it is not appropriate to settle here for the time being." I thought that when he was in the world of the dragon elephant, he would be with a group of characters such as the candle dragon.

When he mentioned this, he asked Candle Dragon: "Can the ancestor know the news of Candle Dragon?"

"Candle Dragon has already achieved Heavenly Supreme, and is practicing steadily in another space and time." He sighed. "I have known about you and Candle Dragon, old complaints, not to mention."

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "It depends on what Candle Dragon thinks." He paused. "I want to see Tianwaitian, can the ancestor recommend it?"

"Naturally, Da Tianzun will see you long ago." The ancestor smiled. "You can get Da Tianzun so much attention, you are the first person."

"Sure enough, Tian Wai Tian is already the Great Celestial Master!" Li Xing trembled, he nodded, "Thank you."

The place where Da Tianzun lives is the most central position of Tian Wai Tian. Its status is equivalent to ten places in the realm and nine days in the realm. Here, it is called Zhongtian, Central Heaven.

Zhongtian is actually a special space-time. When you enter it, you can't distinguish between up and down. If you don't practice deeply, you will most likely lose your way. At this moment, the ancestor of Ji Fa brought ten husbands and wives of Li Xing to visit Tian Tian Tian, ​​the great sage of ancient times, and one of the real originators.

In time and space, there are Qionglou Yuyu, tall and magnificent shore, beautiful. A long jade step appeared in front of it, leading directly to a tall jade platform. On that jade platform, there were hundreds of heavenly deities from all realms of the heavens, all listening to the preaching of heaven and heaven.

The arrival of Li Xing and his party did not attract the attention of the deities, and they listened to the sermons quietly and peacefully. In the middle of Yutai, there is a lot of Ruiguang, sitting on a big sage, with three long beards hanging down, straight nose square mouth, extremely dignified and dignified, supreme and noble.

This man is Tianwai Tiantianzun. When he performed, he actually nodded slightly in the direction of Li Xing. In this way, they attracted the deities to look at Li Xing, and as a result, they saw nine strange women and the powerful Li Xing.

"Huh? This person's breath is familiar." A Tianzun opened his eyes and locked his eyes on Li Xing.

Li Xing's eyes also projected. Is it true that the enemies didn't gather together? This day deity is actually Xunhuang Tianzun. When he wanted to beheaded Xuanhuanghu, he was shocked by the will of Xunhuang Tianzun and was seriously injured.

At that time, his magic weapon Feng Ling was scrapped and suffered heavy losses. Among them, even Prince Ninja was injured along with it. The enemies met at this moment, but Xuhuang Tianzun suppressed the killing, but glanced coldly without much expression.

That Xunhuang Tianzun looks like a middle-aged person, with wide eyes and powerful majesty, and has a triple-minded practice.

"Who is this person? To be able to make Da Tianzun pay attention, it must not be ordinary people. The nine women behind him are all Tian Zun, and the momentum is united. It is very horrible, and the triple killing may not suppress them! "

The deities were shocked and couldn't help talking about it.

The ancestor of Ji Fa did not dare to disturb Da Tianzun. He sat side by side with Li Xing and listened together. At the time of the Great King, Li Xing drew pearls, and then the golden lotus and the fragrant flowers descended from the sky, which made Li Xing harvest a lot.

But compared to the other side, the nine women gain more. Both of them have reached the state of heaven. At this moment, they can smell the world of heaven, which is a great opportunity.

The ritual lasted three days, and after the end, the deities departed. At this time, the ancestor of Ji Fa brought Li Xing and stepped forward to meet Da Tianzun.

"See Datianzun." Li Xing looked up and stared at the other side. He felt that Datianzun's body was indeed flowing with real human blood, which resonated with his mixed-yuan holy body. This gives the two a sense of intimacy.

You know, most of the real people in the wild days have fallen, and I am afraid that only this great deity has survived ~ www.readwn.com ~ Only he and Li Xing have similar physiques.

"Very good, actually practicing Da Luozhen's body to the level of fifteenth." Da Tianzun praised authentically, "True Saint is almost complete."

Li Xing worshiped: "Congratulations to Tian Tianzun for promotion!"

Da Tianzun smiled slightly and said, "Li Xing, you are a strange number. The evil ancestor asked me to look after you. It seems that this is not necessary. You are already strong enough and will be more extraordinary in the future."

Li Xingyi: "Have Da Tianzun ever met my Master?"

"Good." Da Tianzun nodded. "Evil ancestors have been here before entering the source of civilization."

"Did my Master ’s practice also reach the level of the Great Celestial Master?" Li Xing was startled, and felt that the evil ancestor was incredible.

"The origins of the evil ancestors are similar to yours." Da Tianzun took a deep look at Li Xing. "So his achievements are equally trivial, and he broke through to a very high level in a short time, even I was far behind."


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