Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 907: Different number

Chapter 907: Different Numbers

Chapter 907

Li Xing's heart jumped, the evil ancestors depended on their own origin? Could it be said that the evil ancestor is also a traveler and does not belong to this world? The thought came out, and his expression suddenly became weird.

Da Tianzun said: "The path taken by the evil ancestor is different from yours. He will go to the source of civilization to find his own things."

"Da Tianzun really knows where I come from?" Li Xing stared at Tian Wai Tian Da Tianzun and asked, "Well, where am I from?"

Da Tianzun looked at Li Xing and asked, "Do you really want me to say that?"

Li Xing frowned, for a long time, he sighed softly, and said, "How did Da Tianzun know?"

"When you changed from one Li Xing to another Li Xing, I knew it. You are an odd number. In the original game of Yin and Yang, you did not have this chess piece, but you were born out of nowhere. . Your appearance makes the whole game more complicated, so the person who pays attention to you is not the only one. "

Da Tianzun's words confirmed Li Xing's judgment that the other party did know his identity, knowing that he was a traversal and came from another world.

"Those big men, let me be born like a stranger?" Li Xing asked. "Are you not afraid that I will disturb the game?"

"This chess game is a dead end. It is because of your appearance that there is a glimmer of vitality. How can they embarrass you?" Da Tianzun said unpredictably, "This matter is not pointed by evil ancestors, I don't even know."

"What does Da Tianzun mean, exactly? Why is it dead? What relationship does that world have with this world?" Li Xing could not wait to know everything at once.

"You will know these things sooner or later, I can't answer you." Da Tianzun said, "And there will be very few big people in the future to interfere with your growth, everything, everything depends on yourself."

Li Xing could see that no matter how much he asked, he couldn't ask why, so he simply stopped futile and closed his mouth.

Da Tianzun smiled slightly and said, "It's a big deal, and I don't dare to tell you the inside story. But as long as you can grow up, all this will be true."

"Thank you for reminding Da Tianzun." Li Xingdao, "Da Tianzun once asked younger people to come to Tiantiantian. I wonder if the original intention changed?"

"Of course not. You can practice in the heavens and the sky. No matter what happens, I will not intervene and let you die on your own." Da Tianzun said indifferently. "You can choose to come, or you can refuse. No matter what, it will be respected. Your wishes. "

Seeing this, even if someone suddenly appears to be beheading Li Xing, the Datianzun may not help out. He is like a bystander, doing something dispensable, such as inviting Li Xing into Tianwaitian.

Li Xing stunned, then "hey" smiled, and said: "I will know everything sooner or later!" And then said, "It is difficult to be kind, but in this case, the mixed Yuan religion is set in the sky!"

In this way, Li Xing finally decided to move the mixed Yuan religion into Tianwaitian. Of course, in the early days, the members of the mixed Yuan religion only had Li Xing and his nine women. As for the other church members, they still had to stay in the shadow world for the time being to grow up.

He wants to be a forerunner now and try to see how deep the water in the sky is and whether it is safe enough. There are still seven years left before Tianting recruits soldiers. Seven years is enough for him to do many things, including elevating the practice of Fa to the realm of Fa Dao.

With the help of the ancestors of Jifa, Li Xing quickly found a space-time in Tianwaitian, and then ran the power of the world to establish his own mixed-yuan realm, blocking the space-time with the mixed-yuan avenue and establishing a kingdom.

With the help of nine Mrs. Tianzun, Li Xinghai did more with less, and soon made great progress, building the mixed Yuan kingdom in a decent way. In fact, the process of building a country is the process by which Li Xing exerts his great means to extend the power of his own small world and establish a realm.

In the process of establishing the kingdom, Tianwaitian actually had Tianzun come to visit him, and he was kind and exchanged with him. Among them, there was also the ancestor of the extreme law. This made Li Xing's understanding of Tianwaitian deeper.

Tianwaitian is actually a relatively open place. It is not a person's plane, but it is similar to heaven and earth. It is full of territorial laws, allowing many monks to establish power here.

As long as the monks don't engage in earth-shaking events, Datianzun will not ask questions. Except for the Great Celestial Master, for example, there are 16 Celestial Masters today. Of course, this does not include some extraterrestrial celestial beings who often enter and leave Tianwaitian, whose number far exceeds thirteen.

Like Tiantiantian ’s Great Celestial King not long ago, there were hundreds of Great Celestial Masters present. Most of them were alien Celestial Masters, but they all had a certain influence in Tianwaitian.

In addition, there is some information that attracts high attention from Li Xing, that is, Tianwaitian also has some extraordinary talents, and will also participate in the recruitment of heaven in the near future. These peerless talents were born shortly, but they were extremely powerful.

They often only have the practice of quasi-respect and half-respect, but they are amazingly capable. They can actually challenge the deity retrograde and have the means to reverse the sky. Tianwaitian has a Tianwai list. The ranking on the Tianwai list is the strength ranking of the Tianwai Tian Wizards.

Those who can be included in the list must meet certain conditions. The first is that Xiuwei's realm is below Tianzun; the second is that he has settled in Tiantian for a long time, satisfies these two requirements, and is strong enough to be against the sky, and will be included on it.

The people on the Tianwai list are not easy to mess with. The tyrants among them have had a brilliant record of beheading Tianzun. If you want to kill the Holy Land, it is already extremely difficult. The saint is immortal and it is not easy to kill.

As for Tianzun, it is extremely difficult to kill. Destroying one Tianzun is equivalent to destroying a world ~ www.readwn.com ~ its difficulty can be imagined. If a person can kill Tianzun, his strength can be described by terror.

Three months later, Li Xing ’s mixed-yuan kingdom had begun to weather, the palace was undulating, and the cloud was transpiration. Nine women and Li Xing live in the Temple of Mixed Yuan and practice foreign affairs.

On this day, the mixed Yuan kingdom suddenly shook fiercely, and there was a thunderous sound from outside. Li Xing opened his eyes, the Eucharist flew out of the air, and looked intently, and saw two young men fighting fiercely.

The two men, one with a golden crown on their heads and holding a spear, have a marvelous look; the other has long hair and loose arms, holding an epee, elegant and elegant. When these two people step on one foot, they can collapse time and space, break the plane, and the momentum on their bodies is very terrifying.

Each time the epee and halberd fought, the violent forces scattered fiercely in all directions, causing some sky domains to suffer great losses, a large number of monks' bodies exploded directly, and screams were everywhere in the sanctuary. Even some of the Holy Lords in the sanctuary were seriously injured, but they dared not anger one by one.

It was also Li Xing's bad luck that he built the mixed Yuan kingdom, and encountered such things. Seeing that the two were about to fight over, completely destroying the country he had worked hard to build.


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