Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 908: Great Disaster

Chapter 908: Great Disaster

Chapter 908: Disaster Grand Celestial Master

However, Li Xing saw a strange scene. The sanctuary was destroyed by the two, and even the monk died and injured many monks. Strangely enough, even the ancestors of Jiji did not come forward to stop it.


The kingdom made a vocal shock and became extremely stable. With a loud whistle, Li Xing strode forward and struck across the two.

Both of these people have the practice of quasi-respect. They are infinitely powerful and directly ignore the appearance of Li Xing. Euphorbia is still beheaded and killed, and the epee is also swept hard.

Facing the attack of the two, Li Xing made a punch and kicked. That boxing epee, that kick kicked the halberd. Hearing only two loud sounds of "Dangdang", the epee was opened, and the halberd was swept away.

With this hard fight, Li Xing was shocked with numbness in his arms, pain in his calf, and secretly surprised in his heart. How could these two people have such a mighty power?

Li Xing shot directly, and was able to compete with them, making the two in the fight have to face up, at the same time step back, staring at Li Xing.

The halberd said ruthlessly: "Who are you, dare to intervene in the affairs of this young master!"

The sword-bearer also used a down-looking tone of breath: "Damn thing, who do you think you are? Dare to offend this young master, today is doomed!"

Both of them were extremely arrogant, and even if Li Xing showed strength, they didn't even look at it. Such arrogant strengths as Li Xing did not dare to underestimate Tianzun, but the two men did not take it seriously and remained as they were.

Who is Li Xing afraid of? He cut off even the first-level people. The two were so rude, he smiled coldly, and said, "Even if you go to eat shit, you won't question me. But you run to my site and fight. Yong, then no. Get away now, or all die! "

The two were ruthless, Li Xing was even more ruthless. They directly released such words, which surprised both of them slightly. The halberd's face became very ugly. He stared at Li Xing and said, "Damn thing, I will chop you today!"

The sword-bearer also looked bad, and said loudly: "Yang Xiong, this boy doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. He beheaded him first, and then we talked about our grudges."

"Exactly, this boy thought that he could compete against the lack of money. That was an outrage, and there would be more death than death!" Yang Xiong said coldly and directly sentenced Li Xing to death.

Li Xing sneered and took out the dragon ring. At this time, nine women such as Chen Xue also flew from the kingdom and stood side by side with Li Xing. Their appearance surprised both of them.

The man named Yang Xiong showed his evil spirit and laughed, "It is actually the nine young ladies who have their first days, and they have a taste! Tang Zhan, these nine young ladies, I am five, you and four, how?"

The sword-bearer called a soup battle, and it was exactly what he said, destined for his fate. However, this person did not know it yet, and still talked with Yang Xiong and laughed, and never took Li Xing seriously.

Yang Xiong raised his eyebrows and shouted, "You five or four? Jokes, isn't your soup battle better than Yang Xiong? I five or four, otherwise you don't need to talk!"

He didn't stop talking, Li Xing's figure flickered, and he suddenly appeared behind Yang Xiong. This time, it was so fast. With the power of the laws of heaven and earth, it was drawn to the opponent's face firmly.


Yang Xiong was pumped away suddenly, he yelled, "You are dead, kill!"

Li Xing's figure was flashed again, appeared in front of Tang Zhan, and he also slap out. His speed, his strength, and the mystery of the laws of heaven and earth could not allow this person to escape, but he also took a firm slap.

One person slaps and angers Yang and Tang. They growl at the same time and siege Li Xing together, disregarding the nine female celestial beings.

The words of the two before also angered the nine women, Chen Shuangjiao reprimanded: "Sisters, shoot!"

They did not take it lightly because the other party was not a Celestial Master. Nine women joined forces together, and the nine rules became one. The fighting force soared, and they immediately suppressed the soup battle and couldn't move.

Without one soup battle, Yang Xiong will face Li Xing alone.

Li Xing screamed again and again, ten punches were blown out instantly, and the punches reached the flesh. However, Yang Xiong is a wizard. He has a strange power in his body. He always shakes out Li Xing's punches. Although he snoring and hurts, he is not injured.

Li Xing was so violently confused that he couldn't even hurt him, and couldn't help but be surprised. However, Yang Xiong became more and more angry, and the halberd in his hand shook for a moment, emitting an infinite amount of light. As soon as this light came out, Li Xing felt danger and his face changed.

Under Tang Zhan ’s blockade by the nine women, he also felt the crisis. He shook his epee in his hand, and immediately released countless glory. Under the brilliance of this glory, the planes of the Nine Women suddenly fell apart and various disasters occurred.

They murmured, forced to take the power of the world, and hurried back. The soup battle immediately broke out, and laughed wildly: "Sword of disaster, destroy the world, nine little ladies, you obediently obey!"

At this time, the immense amount of light emitted by the halberd also caused pressure on Li Xing's mixed-yuan plane. Yang Xiong laughed: "In front of the halberd of disaster, only the celestial plane can not be destroyed!"

Li Xing really felt that in his mixed-yuan small world, there were various disasters, landslides, landslides, and various eschatological images appearing, which greatly damaged his world power and could hardly exert his power.

Yang Xiong took the opportunity to cut out the halberd, and in the middle of Li Xing's chest, he heard a "ding", the fire was splashing, and Li Xing was hit by a halberd. Da Luozhen is eighteen heavy, and can not withstand attacks from advanced plane tools such as the Halberd of Disaster.

His ribs were interrupted by a dozen or so, his sternum was shattered, his internal contusion was injured, and a lot of blood was spit out. This time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing understands why there is no Tianzun out to stop the two.

Li Xing and the nine women gathered together. The women saw Li Xing being injured. Although they were anxious and worried, they calmed down and released the power of the world again to protect Li Xing.

At this time, Li Xing grinned and stood slowly. His small world is still full of disasters, but his body quickly recovers from his injuries and slowly straightens up.

After ten breaths, he had recovered as before, staring at Yang Xiong and Tang Zhan who surrounded him, slowly saying, "Who are the two people who are suffering from the disaster?"

Among the many second-level planes, there is a special great deity called the great disaster deity. The Great Celestial Disaster, the nemesis of almost all Celestial Beings, can create disasters in the plane.

In the same rank as the Great Celestial Master, if you encounter a Great Celestial Calamity, you must avoid it, and you absolutely do not want to conflict with it. The catastrophe of the great disaster, the far-reaching name, Li Xing has heard of it.

Hearing, Yang Xiong and Tang Zhan looked at each other with a sneer, then Yang Xiong said: "You have vision, yes, my two are the disaster lords, why are you afraid?"


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