Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 909: Retreat for 6 years

Chapter 909: Six Years of Retreat

Chapter 909: Six Years Of Retreat

After confirming the identity of the two, Li Xing calmly said, "The method of the Great Disaster is well-deserved, and it specifically restrains the power of the world. Unfortunately, your strength is too weak. Even if you have the Sword of Disaster and the Halberd of Disaster, it is not me. The enemy is destined to be a stepping stone to the road of my strong! "

Tang Zhan stared, then "haha" laughed. The plane tools in his and Yang Xiong's hands belong to the first state of change. In addition, there are disaster laws in it, which are specially restrained by the power of the world. Therefore, they have full confidence in beheading Li Xing.

Later, Yang Xiong laughed too. In their opinion, Li Xing was so frightened that he couldn't judge the situation correctly.

Li Xing walked out of the guardian circle of the nine women, with a cold look, saying one word at a time: "Breaking through the level of the Great God and entering the stage of the Holy Lord is a break-up and metamorphosis. The disaster attack on the two of them was very much to me Useful, the plane tools in the two hands are even better for me! "

He walked in strides, each step out, letting the space tremble, and the killing force was forced to come. The small world disaster caused by the previous fighting is still continuing, but it seems that it will not affect his combat effectiveness.

The law of disaster is also a law, and the world in disaster is also a kind of world. Li Xing's mixed road and chaotic array are specialized in imitating all laws and integrating all laws.

So when the disaster was raging, he had gradually adapted to it, and revealed his anger from the disaster. At this moment, the disaster has become a force that can be used instead of hurting him.

"What? You actually understand the law of disaster?" Both Yang Xiong and Tang Zhan saw this, and their expressions changed greatly. They never imagined that someone could withstand the attacks of disaster and understand the laws of disaster.

Each rule has its own magic, and it is almost impossible to realize it in a short time. But Li Xing did it, and he did it perfectly. In this way, the power of the disaster was no longer a threat to him.

"Kill him quickly, this child will be in great trouble in the future!" Yang Xiong shouted, and he shot at the same time with Tang Zhan, killing with a halberd and a sword.

This time, Li Xingyong went straight forward, Tekken rushed forward, and shook two plane tools.


The power of each attack has a huge amount of disaster gas, rushing into his small world, writhing and destroying. But then this power will be suppressed by his mixed forces, and then absorbed and refined.

In this way, with each additional attack, Li Xing's understanding of the law of disasters will increase, and the law of disasters he possesses will increase.

The women were very worried, and stood at a distance to observe Li Xing's battle. They saw that he was getting more and more brave, so they were relieved. Murong Jiao Liu Mei raised her eyebrows and said: "Xingge's mixed Yuan Avenue contains all the rules, and the disaster has been helpless to him."

Chen Shuang hummed: "These two people are restrained by the law of disasters against the power of the world, and see how they are crazy! Within a hundred strokes, Xingge can win them."

As Chen Shuang said, after sixty hits, he absorbed and absorbed enough disaster laws, and the power of Junyuan Avenue has also blended the atmosphere of disaster to become more perfect.

The tumultuous disaster in the small world suddenly stopped and everything disappeared. Li Xing's fist increased several times in an instant. He gave a loud slap and struck the halberd of the disaster.

Yang Xiong felt a numbness in his arm, and he let go of the halberd of disaster, showing shock. Li Xing took a big fist and grabbed the halberd in his hand directly, and the strong power of Yuanyuan rushed into it.

The halberd of disaster belongs to a plane-changing weapon with a heavy life. The power is very strong, and the inner spirit is also very intelligent. It was not easy to control. Unfortunately, it was facing Li Xing. When the power of the mixed yuan was washed down, it suppressed the halberd of disaster and partially controlled its combat power.

With a halberd in hand, Li Xing's strength increased greatly and he severely cut to the shocking soup battle. Tang Zhan hurriedly ushered in the Sword of Disaster, and the two plane tools hit each other heavily, sending out a violent explosion.

This time, the Sword of Catastrophe was also shaken. Then Tang Zhan roared, the tiger's mouth cracked, and a spit of blood came out, shouting, "Go!"

No matter it was Tang Zhan or Yang Xiong, they decided that Li Xing was invincible and decided to retreat immediately. It was a pity that Li Xing grabbed his hand and took the sword of disaster in his hand.

"Want to leave? When I am a Yuan emperor, I'm so bullied?" Li Xing left his right hand and his right hand sword, severely cut forward, and saw two shocking Guanghua rushing out, crossing time and space, killing Tang Zhong and Yang Xiong.

Although these two are the practice of quasi-respect, their strength is very strong, and they are not weaker than the deity who wins life. However, Li Xing was even more lethal. With the power of the disaster weapon, he immediately killed them.

The two bodies exploded, and the law of rolling disasters was ingested by Li Xing to be used to complete the road.

In another distant world, in the world of disaster, two ghosts appeared, namely Tang Zhan and Yang Xiong. In order to achieve quasi-respect, Xiu can already initially pin his life on a certain plane.

The person who entrusts the imprint of life can be reborn by imprint if he is beheaded, but his strength will be much weaker.

"This **** thing, I won't let him go!" Tang Zhan and Yang Xiong roared.

However, he said that after Li Xing beheaded and killed the two, he and the nine women returned to the mixed Yuan kingdom and practiced in isolation. Absorbing a large number of disaster laws, daily disasters continue in the small world, which is a kind of exercise for him, which has greatly promoted the transformation of the small world.

Li Xing ’s mixed-yuan small world is the foundation for his future creation, and the progress of the small world is also the core of his strength improvement.

This battle shocked the entire Tianwaitian ~ www.readwn.com ~ Many Tianzun saw this scene, they were shocked by the means of Li Xing. After Yang Xiong and Tang Zhan were beheaded, no one dared to step into the kingdom of Junyuan, unless it was a friendly visit.

For more than six years, just like this, Li Xing, with the sharpening of the disaster, achieved a high degree of completeness in the small world, and finally reached the critical point. As long as there are enough natural crystals, he can break through at any time and step into the Lord's series. Become a saint.

That day, Li Xing opened his eyes and sighed.

Seeing his frown, the women asked each other, and Murong Jiaojiao said, "Xing brother, why sigh?"

"I sigh because it is too poor." Li Xingdao said, "The next step to achieve the sage of the Fa requires a huge amount of spar, and I'm afraid I have to go outside and accumulate a lot."

Murong Jiao smiled slightly: "How difficult is this? There are so many celestial beings in Tiantiantian, which one is not richer than Xingge? If I can borrow some of them, I think it will be enough for Xingge to attack Falun Gong."

The other women's eyes brightened and they all laughed: "To put it bluntly, when you pay back in the future, just add some interest!"


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