Chapter 910: Holy Saint

Chapter 910: Law Saint

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Tianwai Tiantian, as I know it, has only one extreme ancestor, how can the rest borrow me?"

"It may not be so. The ancestor of Ji Fa lived in Tiantiantian for a long time, he must know many of Tiantiantian's deities, and spread the news by his mouth. I think there will be many people willing to help ..." Murongjiao said with a smile .

For one reason, Murong Jiaojiao did not say that Li Xing's slaying of Tang Zhan and Yang Xiong had shown a powerful enough force to make Tianwai Tian's Tianzun everyone look at each other.

The sage level alone has such a combat power, and its future achievements are limitless. Faced with such an opportunity to meet the future peerless powerhouse, will the Supreme Masters let go?

Li Xing thought about it and found it makes sense. He immediately went to the jurisdiction and visited the ancestor of the extreme law. The two met and he talked about the loan. Upon hearing this, Patriarch Ji Fa smiled, "This little thing."

An ancestor of Ji Fa released his thoughts. Almost immediately, the whole world outside the ten days and ten respects got the news. Even those extraterrestrial celestial beings have been notified.

It didn't take long for the celestial replies to arrive, and the patriarch of Ji Fa showed a shocked expression on his face and asked Li Xing: "Hunyuan Daoyou, how many fortune crystals do you need?"

Li Xing calculated for a moment and said, "At least 300 billion yuan."

At the beginning, he opened up the cave and consumed 1.8 billion forged crystals. Nowadays, Dongtian is going to completely transform and enter the sanctuary, and the consumption of spar is even greater.

"Three hundred billion!" The ancestor Jiji also stared. "Just nine heavenly deities are willing to borrow you to create fossils, for a total of 90 billion pieces. I think it's more than enough. I didn't expect that you need more than that. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly, and was about to speak. Suddenly, a deity came to visit and exclaimed: "By the order of the deity, lend Li Xing two hundred billion forged crystals."

This time the ancestor of the extreme law laughed: "It's the best, I'll borrow 10 billion yuan of your fossils to make up 300 billion."

Li Xing was so happy, he quickly thanked the ancestor of Ji Fa, and at the same time paid a tribute to the void: "Thank you God."

The Tianzun who sent the crystals said lightly: "Da Tianzun said, this is not to help you, but I just want to earn some interest."

Li Xingdao: "Yes, please tell Da Tianzun, the interest will never be less."

That day, Zun no longer said anything, and delivered 200 billion forged crystals and left. Like this, the master who took out 200 billion forged crystals all at once could only be done by the Great Celestial Master.

You know, even if the plane established by a great deity is completely refined, hundreds of billions of chemical crystals will be refined at most. As for the general Tianzun, if you can have a few tens of billions of spar in your body, it is even richer.

Therefore, those who can lend Li Xing 10 billion spar, have already begun to be generous.

Borrowing spar was done within a day. Of course, Li Xing visited nine Tianzun one by one and expressed his gratitude. Of the nine Celestial Celestials, six are Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestials, three of which have no influence in Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Tribe.

The nine heavenly respects are obviously all interested in making up with Li Xing, and they are extremely polite. In the end, Li Xing stated that the term of the loan was 50 years, and after 50 years, he would double pay off the fossils he borrowed.

In this way, Li Xing magically made up 300 billion spar and returned to the mixed Yuan country. In addition to the borrowed 300 billion forged crystals, Li Xing still has 50 billion crystals.

One source of these 50 billion spar is the two plane tools, the halberd of disaster and the sword of disaster. Of course, these two plane tools have been scrapped and completely disappeared from this world.

Sitting on the 350 billion fortune spar, Li Xing felt that he had accumulated enough. After a little preparation, he was in the mixed Yuan kingdom and attacked the realm of law and sacredness.

He had already reached the threshold of advancement, and there were enough forged crystals, and there was no reason not to break through.

In the mixed Yuan country, nine women occupy nine positions to protect the law. Li Xing sits in the middle of the circle, surrounded by mixed Yuanbao light, brewing and transforming. The power of the previous disaster has made his small world highly complete, meeting the requirements of breaking through the holy realm.

Since "entering the Tao," he has practiced thousands of miles a day, stepping from the cave-level progression to the God-level progression, and it didn't take long. Now, he is about to step from the Lord's progression to the Holy Lord's progression and write a legend.


Three hundred and fifty billion fortune crystals need to consume a large celestial plane to extract so much power of fortune. At this moment, such a small amount of spar began to explode, turning into a gas of creation, and integrating into Li Xing's small world.

The moment Li Xing started to break through, the Quartet thundered and five great figures appeared. Among these five people, Li Xing knew one of them, namely, sword respect, sword respect, virtual phoenix, and two men, one male and one female.

Li Xing was breaking through the juncture, and he was unable to shoot at all, not even opening his eyes. That sword lord "haha" laughed: "Li Xing, can't you think we will appear?"

Chen Xue scolded: "Who are these people? What's the matter?"

"Come to kill!" Xuhuang Tianzun sneered, "Today, my five Tianzun teamed up to kill Li Xing. You better let it go, or you will be killed together!"

The other one is a man and a woman. They are Huang Tianzun and Xu Tianzun, but they are the parents of Xuhuang Tianzun. They looked at each other and Xu Tianzun said: "Sure enough, he was a wizard. It is used to break through. The false phoenix must not allow this child to grow up, otherwise it will be a big trouble for me. "

Xuhuang Tianzun sneered: "He will die today!"

Dao Zun shouted, "You don't have to say much, you should shoot now!"

The five Celestial Masters were all in the realm of dual and triple life. When they besieged Li Xing, they picked another best time. Harmony with the sky. Today, the biggest obstacle they face is the nine women.

Seeing that there are five Tianzuns who are not good for Li Xing, Shuiyue sternly said: "How many losers or Tianzun? So when they are in danger, aren't they afraid of laughter?"

"Huh ~ ~ naive!" Jianzun reprimanded, "Today is here to kill, the rest does not matter. Nine Tianzun must think clearly, although your strength is not weak, but it is not my five opponents. go away!"

"Let's leave unless we die." Chen Shuang said angrily, and at the same time the Nine Women's Plane united together, and suddenly raised their strength beyond the third level of life-threatening, so that the five besieged Tianzun felt the pressure.

"You can't help it! Since you want to die, you're all right!" Phoenix Tianzun is a female Tianzun. She screams, five Tianzun hands on at the same time, each person has an extra plane weapon.

All kinds of attacks were overwhelmingly suppressed, and all were blocked by the nine women. However, they are both early-stage celestial beings, and they have only recently become celestial beings. Such resistance is very difficult.

Thanks to the rules they practice, they are much better than the five besieged siege, but they persist.

Seeing that time passed, Jian Zun became anxious and said loudly, "Several shots will be taken with all their strength, and if they are consumed like this, this little thief may break through successfully!"


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