Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 912: Total extinction

Chapter 912: Total Destruction

Chapter 912 Total Destruction

And at this moment, Li Xing opened his eyes. In his mixed-world small world, there were already 333 billion forged crystals exploding, turning into the power of rolling, and absorbed by the small world. The opportunity to advance is here!

Both Xiangli Tianzun and Xiangxin Tianzun belong to the power of life change. Their attacking power is amazing, which directly destroyed the defense of Nine Women and attacked Li Xing. Two big hands covering the sky, one punch and one finger, covered Li Xing.

Li Xing's long whistle, the nine women were injured, made him extremely angry, killing infinitely, flew out of a large hand of light, and at the same time greeted the attack of the two destiny.


Two loud explosions of elephant heart and elephant power were suddenly shaken away, and their complexion changed greatly. At the same time, Li Xing stood up, his bones "clicked", his small world changed drastically, and his physical body changed qualitatively.

He stood up, as if changing the sky, changing his temperament, breaking through the realm of God and stepping into the ranks of the Lord. Then one step out, the inside and outside of the sacred body, the evolution of the geomantic feng shui, the five elements and the gossip, the seven stars and the nine palaces, the holy light shines in all directions, the heavens and the world.

"All of you are dead!" His voice was ruthless, as if the will of the heaven could not be violated.

"No! This breaks through!" Zhongtianzun was shocked, backed up, and even changed his mind and power, and did not dare to shoot immediately.

Li Xing stepped out, his momentum rose, and he officially stepped into the sacred law of the first stage. Shengwei erupted, covering the four dimensions, and then pointing, Xu Fengtian respected his heart. An indescribable force rushed into the plane of the sword, causing the plane to bulge countless times.

Jianzun issued an unwilling roar: "How could this be? He is a saint!" Then, the plane of the sword was completely shattered and exploded, and the law of the rolling sword was absorbed and refined by Li Xing ’s law holy world. There is no **** left, which has made him a hybrid road.

All this happened too quickly, one step out, Tianzun fell, who can believe?

In the second step, his momentum rose again. He staggered into the middle level law series. At the same time, the holy light covered his hands and locked the sword. The same change appeared in Dao Zun's body.

The celestial being from the plane of the sword issued a terrifying scream: "Li Xing, spare your life ..."


The plane exploded, and the law of the sword was also incorporated into the holy realm, allowing Li Xing's strength to rise again. That mixed-yuan road can refine all the rules, absorb all the rules, and be invincible.

Xuhuang Tianzun, Xu Tianzun, and Huang Tianzun, the family of three immediately felt great pressure, and they yelled, "Go away! This son can't be killed!"

They run the celestial tactics and fly flying. Unfortunately, Li Xing has long exerted the laws of heaven and earth, forcibly blocking time and space, and no one can get away. He stepped out in the third step, and the momentum was soaring again, and he was upgraded to Saint!

One punch of the Holy Light giant fist, fiercely bombarded, suddenly covering Xuhuang Tianzun, Xu Tianzun, Huang Tianzun at the same time, one punch.


No one can describe the horror of this fist. The defenses of the three planes were smashed at the same time, the world was destroyed, the living beings disappeared, and they died faster than sword and sword.

In the fourth step, Li Xing made a breakthrough one step at a time, soaring in strength, leaving the remaining candle dragon, elephant heart, and elephant face pale, without saying a word, turning away. But they can't get away, the laws of heaven and earth have blocked them!

After Fa Sheng, Li Xing's means of controlling the laws of heaven and earth, I don't know how many times Gaoming was stronger. The law of heaven and earth suppresses everything, and Tianzun also suffers.

"Candle Dragon! I secretly confessed to myself that day, and today I'm in trouble again, and I'm dead!"

"My God! Can the ascension of the realm be so rapid?" Far away, a celestial spectator stared at the air, almost staring out.

Li Xing took four steps and was promoted to four levels in a row! Shocked all deities.

Only Li Xing himself understood that he was near the peak of true saint. As long as he stepped into the law saint, the breakthrough below was very easy.

The two large hands of the Holy Light came from the left to the right and pinched towards the candle dragon. The candle dragon showed great terror, roared, and attacked desperately.

Unfortunately, his strength is not much stronger than that of Sword Master. The plane tool instantly explodes, his own plane subsequently collapses, and the principle of the road is captured. A generation of Celestial God, this is how it fell.


Consecutive beheading of six Celestial Masters, Li Xing reached the extreme consummation, and even the true saint broke through instantly, reaching the eighty-first major consummation. The time of the double holy gods was mixed, and the real body of Da Luo continuously broke through, from eighteenth to nineteenth, and then to twenty.

Jin Guangwan is powerful and incomparable. Li Xing is complete, stable, and enters the realm of the polar saints. He is also a saint with double strengths, strong strength, and ruthless means.

The powerful momentum made the planes of Xiangxin and Xiangli both trembling and unstable. They desperately escaped, but they couldn't escape the blockade of Li Xing. The master who changed his life was trapped by a holy life!

"Da Tianzun asked the two to come, I'm afraid I knew the result. In this case, you should die too!" His voice was still cold, and a knife appeared in his hand. to make.


The blade of light flashed, and Li Xing issued a sharp blade of light. This blow is his original inanimate blow. Under one blow, there is no life and no vitality!

This sword contains the strength of the sword, and the law of the sword has become part of the hybrid road, and its lethality has been increased. Everywhere the sword light is, the void collapses, time goes backwards, everything is dying, and all realms are destroyed.

Xiang Xin bears the brunt of it. While casting his stand surface weapon, he desperately resists, and yells, "Datianzun help!"

Distant time and space ~ www.readwn.com ~ There was a sigh, Tian Wai Tian did not miss. The blade of light was twisted, and the plane of the elephant heart was divided into two, and then it was shaken by trillions of blades of light and shattered directly.

As soon as Xiangxin died, Xiangli was completely desperate. He suddenly knelt down to Li Xing and begged for mercy: "Li Xing, I was wrong. Let me go, I am willing to be a slave ..."

Achieving Tianzun is not easy. Even people like Xiangli, Tianli, have experienced numerous ordeals, numerous adventures, and the help of Tianwaitian. Of course, his own luck and qualifications are also excellent, otherwise he would never have achieved today.

The more high-ranking a person is, the more he knows the preciousness of life and the difficulty of cultivation. At this moment he was facing Li Xing's killing power, and actually kneeled down for mercy, begging not to kill.

"When you shoot, you are destined for the present ending, and you cannot forgive it!" Li Xing kept on attacking, pointing out, the imagination exploded, and the plane was shattered.

After he even cut the two deities who changed their lives, he deprived them of the power of the law, and the power of the hybrid Yuan was further completed. In the small world, a chain of law was created.


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