Chapter 913: Recruitment

Chapter 913: Recruitment

These chains are a phenomenon that can only occur after the law of the saints has been fulfilled, indicating that Li Xing has entered the culmination of the sage. When the chains of these rules are strong enough, new changes will occur, allowing them to enter the semi-realm.

The so-called half-respect is that the Supreme Saint begins to understand his own way and explores deeply until he becomes a quasi-respect and heaven-respect. At this time, Li Xing, the difference is still accumulation, his mixed Yuan Avenue is very mature, as soon as the accumulation arrives, he can directly break through and enter the semi-respect level.

The quasi-respect after the half-respect is a step further on this basis, and the road is complete, but there is no strength to counteract the laws of heaven and earth and become a whole. The power of Zhunzun is strong enough, it is the time to break the pressure of the laws of heaven and earth and establish a plane.

Similarly, this step is not difficult for Li Xing. With his strength, he absolutely crushed eternity and was invincible at the same level. It can be said that in the future, he can be steadfast and able to become a Celestial Supreme, and at this time, it is not an exaggeration to call him a quasi-esteem.

In the sacred realm established by Li Xing, even the eight heavenly deities, the chain is very thick and contains infinite power.

Eight days of annihilation, Li Xing turned around and broke into the body of the nine women with the power of nine mixed yuan. In an instant, their wounded plane was greatly repaired.

At this time, the ancestor of Ji Fa traveled far away and smiled: "Congratulations to Li Daoyou for his great strength and half-respect."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It is nothing to achieve half respect." He put the nine women into the small world and said, "There is something to do next, leave."

In other words, he reached out to the sky and broke the space directly, and opened a wormhole between Tianwaitian and Sanqing World and flashed into it. At this moment, his strength has reached the level of changing his destiny, and the means are extraordinary, and he can pass directly between the planes.

Li Xing left, and the ancestor of Ji Fa sighed, his heart sighing: "Li Daoyou is a man of temperament, and he is afraid to stand by and stand up against me."

Returning to the Sanqing world, Li Xing found that the other small Jinwus also broke through to the Heavenly Class. As soon as others appeared, Mingyue Tianzhuang came up, looking very happy: "Your progress is so fast, you are already half-respected!"

Li Xing arched his hand: "Trusted in heaven, I wonder how the court recruited that day?"

Mingyue Tianzun said: "The time is in these months." Then he detailed the recruitment process to Li Xing.

There are three steps in the recruitment process in Tianting. The first step is to establish recruitment gates in all major worlds and conduct preliminary screening. In the second step, the monks screened from the heavens and heavens were sent to the nine heavens to hone, and finally qualified people were selected. The third step is to put appropriate monks into the heavenly army and grant official positions according to strength.

It can be seen that this process is full of danger and uncertainty. Especially the second step of training, as far as Mingyue Tianzun knows, it was a process of nine deaths and a lifetime. Tianjie belongs to the pole of heaven and earth. Anyone who can enter the pole can be the pride of heaven.

During the trial, at least half of the people died of death, and only a small part of the remaining half could stand the test and be accepted by heaven. Of course, even if you enter the heavenly army, you have to face fierce competition.

You know, whoever enters the heavenly army is not a genius selected by the heavens and the world? The character who was shocked again, once entered it, will be astonished and no longer look so radiant.

"When you enter heaven, as long as you have potential and strength, you will have the opportunity to advance, and even become an important figure in the army of heaven." Mingyue Tianzun said.

Li Xing nodded: "This is the best." He now has the power to change his rank to Tianzun, and later he will become a quasi-zun or even a Tianzun. Entering the Tianting army with such strength, it is possible to achieve great ambitions and achieve hegemony.

The Tianting Recruitment Gate has not been opened, so in these months, Li Xing has just been busy, trying his best to recover the injuries for the women. At the same time, he was besieged by eight deities. In order to protect him, the women were not badly injured.

However, at this point, this is not a bad thing. After the injury, they were repaired by Li Xing's mixed forces, and they actually showed signs of breakthrough. It won't be long before they can step into the second place of life.

Life-threatening is the life-threatening relationship with the sky. With each life-threatening, life expectancy will increase by one third. In other words, killing the triple heavenly deity can basically live a period and live with heaven and earth.

Changing your destiny is changing your destiny. You can artificially increase your luck and be as free as possible from the control of the heaven and earth. Changing his life to a triple heavenly deity, he is able to avoid misfortunes and do all good things.

Liming Realm means that you can finally settle down in the thematic plane, independent of the changes of the thematic plane, and independent of heaven and earth. Ritsumei triple is the Great Celestial Master, whose life span is beyond heaven and earth, and live longer.

Life-threatening, life-changing, and life-threatening have their own threefolds. These three realms also represent Tianzun's state of completeness, completeness, and completeness. Only the Heavenly Supreme in the state of great consummation is called the Great Heavenly Supreme, and it can span several disciplines.

Of course, Da Tianzun also has three, six, nine, etc., but it is a world that Li Xing has no access to. He has not yet reached that level.

A few months later, the girls recovered from their injuries, and the recruiting gate of the heavenly court was finally opened, and Mingyue Tianzun took Li Xing. Recruits knocked on the door, located in the holy gate. There is no reason for it, only because most of the talents in the Sanqing World are concentrated in the Holy Gate.

The holy gate is located in the Sanqing Great World, a strange time and space. That yamen is so horrible in time and space, there are a few terrors in it that even Li Xing cannot guess.

From the outside, there was only one portal to enter, and there was nothing in the sky. There are already hundreds of people at halfway and quasi-respect at the gate. Among them, there is an old acquaintance of Li Xing ~ ~ Chang Hong, who is ninth in the holy gate.

It can be seen that Chang Hong is trying hard to suppress cultivation. He could have broken through and became a Celestial Demon, but he has been depressed all the time to come to recruit troops and enter the Tianting Army.

You know, Tianting recruits soldiers, and only accepts the following deities, and I don't know why. Li Xing speculated that it is possible that the monks of the Tianzun series were less plastic, which caused the court to be unhappy, so they only recruited monks below Tianzun.

Like Chang Hong, there are more than one person who suppresses Xiuwei. They are all recruiting in the court of heaven.

This is the site of the Holy Gate. As soon as Li Xing appeared, he was discovered. Chang Hong was the first to see him. When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous, and Chang Hong sneered, sending a secret message.

It didn't take long for the eight deities to arrive, and the so-called "eight deities" also arrived. They were among the eight gates in the holy gate. Among the Eight Heavenly Venerables, one has a strong momentum and obviously has reached the third level of his life.

Chang Hong pointed at Li Xing and said loudly: "It is him, contempt of the gate, lawless, uncle must not let him go!"


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