Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 914: Celestial Killing

Chapter 914: Heaven Sovereign Killing Technique

Chapter 914: Celestial Killing Technique

"Uncle" is the number one figure in Shengmen, and there are "Second Lord" and "Three Lord", etc. His Changhong is the so-called "Nine Lord". . .

Li Xing and Shengmen have conflicted more than once, first ordinary saints, then Chang Hong, and then "eight gods". However, the last two conflicts were resolved by Mingyue Tianzun.

At this moment, Li Xing arrived at the site of the Holy Gate, and even if Mingyue Tianzun was there, Chang Hong felt nothing. Among the holy gates, in addition to the saints, there are several elders of the holy gates.

If Mingyue Tianzhang shots, Elder Shengmen will never sit idly by. With this reliance, Chang Hong will be so arrogant.

Seeing this scene, Mingyue Tianzun didn't take it seriously, just glanced at Li Xing slightly, the latter nodded slightly. At the same time, those monks who came to recruit recruits also focused on Li Xing, all eyes were curious.

They don't understand why Li Xing, such a half deity, dare to sin against the holy gate?

Before coming to the gate, Li Xing thought of this. He had conflicts with several saints at the gate. Once he came here, I am afraid that something would erupt. Mingyue Tianzun had already spoken before, so no need to keep it.

There is no need to keep it, that is, Li Xing can show it regardless of any means. If the elder of the sacred gate dares to take the shot, she will continue with her own moon.

Li Xing stepped out, looking at Chang Hong with a contemptuous expression, and said, "You are defeated, do you still have the courage to stand in front of me?"

"Presumptuous." A saint saint stood up, this man ranked fifth, known as the galactic saint, and killed the dual realm.

Li Xing turned his face and tilted the other side, showing no politeness, and said indifferently, "What kind of thing do you dare to shout in front of this emperor?"

"I don't know if I live or die, I dare to do so at the Holy Gate!" Yin Tianzun was furious, with a long howl, a big hand suppressed Li Xing. One Tianzun dealt with one and a half respects, and the suppression was already taken very seriously.

In fact, even if Tianzun blew a breath, he could blow up half-zun. It can be said that killing half-zun is not wasteful.

Seeing that the other party was going to slay himself, Li Xing sneered, and punched. Twenty major Luo Zhenshen made his mixed-yuan holy body extremely strong, infinitely powerful, punched out in one punch, able to penetrate time and space, and explode.


Yinhe Tianzun screamed, half of his body was smashed by Li Xing, and he hurried back. Tian Zun's physical body, very arrogant, was also blown by Li Xing, and he suddenly shocked the rest of Tian Zun.

"Blind my sacred eye! Is this man really half-respected? Why did he blow all five lords with one punch?" A saint heard Jun Zun suddenly jumped and shouted.

"Good majestic power, this person seems to contain the supreme power of heaven and earth in one punch, and the horror of that punch cannot be described!" The closer one feels most directly, the fear in his eyes Murmured there.

Yinhe Tianzun was blown halfway with a punch. Chang Hong was stupid, eyes widened, and stood still. The "uncle" reacted first, his figure fluttered, and he stood in front of Li Xing.

This man is fluttering in white and looks valiant, but should be elegant and elegant, but at this moment he looks dignified and stares at Li Xing. This person is the number one among the saints. He has no cover, and has established an uncovered plane.

Wuzun Tianzun had a heavy heart, and he instinctively told him that if he followed the principle of avoiding evil and avoiding evil, he should not stand in front of Li Xing. But as the eldest of the saints, the "grandfather" in people's mouth, he had to do so, otherwise he would lose his position in the gate.

Facing the first of the saints, Li Xing stared without fear, "Why, you want to take a shot?"

Wuzun Tianzun resisted the anger in his chest, and said in a deep voice: "Sir, you are a friend of Mingyue Tianzun, and the Holy Door does not want to embarrass you. However, you are acting too arrogantly and do not put the Holy Door in your eyes. If you choose to apologize now, Is everything too late? "

Li Xing laughed, with a look of sarcasm, and said, "If it weren't for me punching back to Heaven, I'm afraid you don't have so much nonsense! Less disgusting Lord, you can take it, you don't need to waste time."

Unruffled anger: "If I do, it is a battle of life and death, you have to think clearly."

"I thought about it long ago." Li Xingyi raised his eyebrows. "Your holy gate is the so-called place to cultivate the future Sanqing Datianzun. I don't think so, but all of them are deceived and hard-headed people.

"Click!" There was a thunderous sound in the void, and Tianzun shot without cover.

Changing his life to heaven, you can hit the strongest with one punch and one foot, and get the best results. Like the previous Xiangxin and Xiangli, because it is the change of life, there are not so many means.

This veiled heavenly respect, but it is a dual life change, a higher level of the realm, the means are also much better, at this moment started to fight, actually fighting a lot of fanfare.

"Boom boom!"

The two blasted three punches against each other. Li Xing stepped back three steps, but Muzhan Tianzun was beaten upside-down with somersaults, and finally he settled himself. Behind him, time and space exploded, and his own plane was greatly damaged.

The unveiled Tianzun looks ugly, and a kind of murderous air is transmitted around him, as if he is brewing a lore.

At this time, Li Xing's voice sounded in Li Xing's ears: "Be careful, he is going to perform killing!"

When Li Xing was a god-man, he could cast divine spells. After becoming a mage, he could cast spells. Now, as a saint half respect, he can cast divine spells. In the same way, as a Celestial Master, you can also perform Celestial Mastery.

Tianzun's killing technique is that after one Tianzun refines another, he condenses its avenue rules into an attacking technique, which is called killing. In addition, some mighty Great Celestial Masters refined another Great Celestial Master, thereby refining the great art of killing.

Performing a life-saving technique ~ www.readwn.com ~ is equivalent to an instant burst of the full power of a Celestial Master. The lethality is undoubtedly amazing. Not every Celestial Master can control the killing technique. Only by beheading the Celestial Master and refining the Celestial Master can this spell be issued.

Changhong laughed without a cover, and Chang Hong immediately laughed: "Li Xing, you are dead! This mastery of mastery is derived from the fierce Heavenly Supreme, which is a master of triple life!"

Li Xing narrowed his eyes, that is to say, he was about to take a full blow equal to changing the life of Triple Heaven.

In a flash of thought, Wuzun Tianzun had already shot, and screamed, "Furious!" After that, there was a huge fist that shattered time and space and crushed Li Xing.

The power of this punch seems to have surpassed the triple realm of life change, and Li Xing also felt the danger. He nailed the void with his feet closed, his palms closed and closed, like Tai Chi, but inside he contained explosive power, ready to meet this horrible blow.

But just in this training, a dark hand extended from the recruiting door, a slight shock, and the giant fist without cover of heaven smashed, and he groaned back. The dark hand then grabbed Li Xing, then retracted into the portal.


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