Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 915: Fierce battle

Chapter 915: Fighting Fierce Heaven

Chapter 915 Fierce Fighting Sky

The moment he was caught by the dark hands, Li Xing completely lost his resistance. He rarely encountered this situation in his life. No matter how big the crisis is, there will always be a chance, but at this time, he can't even move his fingers.

He was shocked and his thoughts were flying. But the next moment, he felt relaxed again, appearing in a dark and confined space. It's dark all around, and there's only light in the center.

In the light, sat a man. This man, majestic and dressed in black armor, is astonishingly murderous all over his body. Standing in front of this Xuanjia man, it was as if facing the corpse, the blood and the sea, and facing hundreds of millions of demon gods, he couldn't even breathe freely.

No one can describe this man's eyes, his eyes are so sharp, a single shot can pierce the void; his expression is so clear, like a glowing gem in the dark, that people notice immediately.

That expression represents the artistic conception of tenacity, stability, dignity, force, and so on, and in the shortest time, it is transmitted to everyone who sees him in the strongest way.

The man's eyes flashed, as if the heavens and earth were shining, and Li Xing's heart shook fiercely. His thoughts turned sharply, and he bowed down and said: "Subordinate Li Xing, see General!"

"You know a little." The man spoke, expressionless, his voice resembling a cold metal symphony, which was impressive, his sharp eyebrows slightly raised, "Which face are you from?"

After Li Xing achieved half-reign, the rules of heaven and earth were deeply hidden. Even the great-day reverent could not easily see that he had practiced the rules of heaven and earth, only that he was a half-reign.

This man is the principal of the Tianting Recruitment and Recruitment Gate, and a war general in the Tianting army, responsible for the recruitment of the Sanqing World.

"Subordinates come from the dragon elephant world." Li Xing did not hide.

"No wonder there is such strength." The man nodded. "You are strong and will be the first monk to be hired."

"Thank you, General." Li Xing bowed his hand, "I haven't asked the general's name yet."

Man said: "This general is under the black flag army of Tianting. His marshal No. 27 Pioneer will be slaughtered. If you are interested in the future, you can join my 27th Pioneer Camp."

After answering Li Xing's questions, Tu Huang no longer cares about him, but continues to choose people. In the next three days, I did not know what method was used to slaughter, and arrested seven people.

What surprised Li Xing was that Chang Hong was not included in the seven people. This result made him very emotional. Even people like Chang Hong could not be hired. The pioneer's vision is really high.

Li Xing has seen for a long time that the slaughter is nothing more than a divine deity, and his state is comparable to that of the Xiangxin deities and the Xiangli deities. But when it comes to combat power, a hundred elephant hearts and elephant power are not comparable to him.

From the slaughter, Li Xing can sense the breath of at least one hundred kinds of deities, and in other words, the slaughter has killed at least one hundred deities and refined their rules into the killing technique.

A Celestial Master, the more killing skills he has, the more terrifying his combat power. For example, Li Xing, if he has ten kinds of killing techniques, he can combine the ten kinds of killing techniques into a very powerful killing technique, and hit them at a critical moment.

This kind of attack power can completely kill a leap, and can even cause substantial damage to the heavenly deities at the level of life. This is why the breath of Tu Huang is so horrible. He has too many killing skills, and his combat power is amazing.

In the end, only three people were hired, including Li Xing. In addition, these eight people are just the monks who were selected in the first step, and they still have to undergo tempering. They will still be able to stay at that time, and I am afraid that not even half of them will be.

When the eighth person was drawn in, Tu Huang told everyone that the screening had been completed, and they would immediately set off to go to Heaven for nine days to experience tempering. Everyone felt that the sky was spinning, and the space jump began.

The time was very short. With less than ten breaths, eight people suddenly appeared in a white world, and the sound of slaughtering sounded in their ears again: "This is a fierce day, this day suppresses billions of demons, You will try your best to kill, and if you can survive in the end, and if you kill enough, you will be selected. "

When the voice disappeared, the eight felt their eyes light up and officially entered nine days. The fierce fighting day, one of the nine days, gives people an endless feeling. There are spooky horror killers everywhere. It seems that if they are not careful, they will sink into it and be destroyed.

The other seven people, since being selected, have been careful, lowering their eyes in front of Li Xing, like grandsons. No wonder, as early as before the recruits knocked on the door, they saw firsthand that Li Xing was fighting the No. 1 veiled Celestial Venerable among the saints, and hurt Galaxy Celestial Celestial.

At this moment, eight people are gathered together, and the other seven are mostly in the holy gate, and Li Xing will be against them. In fact, Li Xing had no interest in them, but also wanted to act alone, and said lightly, "You go."

When the seven of them met at the amnesty, they arched at Li Xing and quickly disappeared into sight.

The surroundings were dark and sorrowful, and every place seemed to have hidden dangers. Soon after the seven men left, suddenly a demon rushed out of the void and rushed to Li Xing fiercely. This demon's breath is very tyrannical, at least has the strength to kill a respect for heaven.

If half-respect is left, this one will fall off. However, Li Xing had no fear. He grabbed his hands freely and operated with real power. The devil roared again and again, and then screamed in fear, and was refined by Li Xingsheng.

He possesses two powers of Taoism and Demon. Taoism and Demon are united, and there is no superfluous element, so regardless of the existence of both sides of the Taoism, he can become the nourishment of his practice.

Refining a demon head, Li Xing has an obvious magic rule in the mixed Yuan world ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time, in his knowledge, a list appears, which clearly shows him name.

On this list, the positions of some monks who participated in the training and their points were recorded. After Li Xing beheaded the demon, his name jumped, his points increased by ten points at a time, and he ranked seventy-one.

"I don't know what this list is useful for, and what reward will be given to those who are in the top." Li Xing said.

There is no end to the fierce battle, no matter where Li Xing goes, Li Xing will encounter the demon and kill the refinery. In the process, his points kept rising, and it didn't take long to reach the top 100.

On this day, he felt that the names of two people ranked 97th and 98th on the list flashed. A moment later, two coercion overwhelmed him, and two young men appeared before him.

These two men were cold, cruel, and murderous all over the body. Obviously, they had experienced countless killings in the fierce battle. They stared at Li Xing with no intention.

Li Xing stood still, his eyes met the eyes of the two, and he said lightly, "What's your advice?"


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