Chapter 916: Booming

Chapter 916

The two, Bao Ling and Gui Hua, rank above Li Xing, and they are the gods who have lost their lives. It seems that the two broke through in the fierce battle. Before they were selected, they must be quasi-respects. They suppressed Xiu Wei like Chang Hong and then broke through after being selected.

Bao Ling smiled and couldn't bother to ignore Li Xing's questioning and said to Guihua: "This boy actually rushed to the 128th place on the list. Interesting, you or me?"

Guihua said indifferently: "Of course it belongs to me. If you kill him, you can get his points. Would I give you such a good thing?"

Bao Ling sighed: "You and I always fight, so I'm afraid we can't cooperate for a long time."

"You can leave." Guihua said, "You should know that you are not my opponent."

Bao Ling snorted and stopped talking, apparently he defaulted to Guihua's attitude. Although they are a cooperative relationship, when they face a contention of interests, they still have to look at the size of their fists. Guihua is undoubtedly the person with the harder fists.

Seeing that the two regarded themselves as a threat-free prey, Li Xing sneered and stretched out his hand to take out the dragon ring. He was naturally not afraid of the two in front of him, but in order to prevent them from escaping, he had to make the most thorough preparations.

The lion beats the rabbit with all its strength, so it's foolproof.

The dragon ring is a piece of surface weapon, and when they saw it, they were not surprised at all. The emergence of the Dragon Elephant Ring, on the contrary, explained why Li Xing was able to break into the rankings of more than one hundred.

They believe that Li Xing must have the power of the Dragon Ring to achieve his present results. But I don't know, Li Xing has never used the dragon ring at all, this is the first time.

In the heart of Guihua and Bao Ling, Li Xing was not taken seriously anymore. The Guihua said ruthlessly: "Boy, when you meet this deity, you are out of luck, you die!"

This man suddenly shot, and he was sharp, and the shot was Tianzun's killing, and a blood-red beam of light bombarded Li Xing. This trick to kill life is made by Guihua after beheading a demon, and its power is considerable.

In the face of such a powerful attack, Li Xing actually let go of the dragon ring and ordered him to watch Baoling, but he blasted out with a punch and hit the red light.


The beam of light collapsed, and Guihua's face changed greatly. He couldn't think of it. A half respect could take his strongest blow. At the same time, the dragon ring also wrapped the packaging all at once so that he could not escape immediately.

As soon as Li Xing took a shot, he rushed out of control and repeatedly punched. In the second punch, the arm of Guihua exploded, and in the third punch, the plane of Guihua was blown out. In the screams, it turned into the principle of the avenue, which completed Li Xing's Mixed Yuan Road.

After each person was cut and absorbed, Li Xing's assimilation power increased by one point, and he was one step closer to Zhunzun.

With three punches to kill Guihua, Li Xing's name on the ranking list flickered and rushed to the 90th place. That Bao Ling was so frightened and frightened that he tried his best to carry out a killing technique to open the dragon and turtle ring, and he was about to run away.

At this moment, Li Xing freed up his hands and yelled, "Is it okay?" Shengguang's big hand grabbed it fiercely, like a mouse, and lifted the opponent up, then squeezed it fiercely, "bang" , Just explode Bao Ling.

The names on the list flashed again, and the ranking rose to eighty-five. The names of Bao Ling and Gui Hua have disappeared.

A few days later, Li Xing slaughtered many demons. He determined a direction, and continued to deepen, gradually, feeling a pure magic breath. As a man of double magic, his reaction to magical qi is not weaker than that of magic respect.

This kind of breath, he has sensed in the realm, only the existence of the demon lord series, and it is very tyrannical, at least in the life change series. Soon, Li Xing was in the center of the most enchanting area.

Li Xing shot two golden lights in his eyes, pierced through numerous barriers, countless time and space, and found the place where the magic fetus was hiding. That's right, it's a magic fetus. Once mature, it will turn into a magic deity, and it is a high-end magic deity.

Sensing the appearance of Li Xing, the demon gave off a shocking magic light, turned into a sword, and slashed towards Li Xing. Li Xing only smiled slightly, and with a wave of his palm, he dispelled this magic.

As he was preparing to make a move to pack this fetus, three people suddenly appeared behind him. These three people are all killed in the triple perfection. They can say that Feng Shen is like a jade, and he is handsome, but his eyes are not good at Li Xing.

"Interesting, such a junk product can even mix into the 80th place in the rankings." One of them shook his head.

"What's weird about this guy, there must be a plane weapon on his body, and his power is not weak. Otherwise, with this half-respected garbage repair, I am afraid that even if he can't eat shit, he won't be able to reach eighty. Another said.

The two are still talking, Li Xing's backhand is a slap, powerful and aggressive. His movement was too fast. As soon as the second person's voice fell, Li Xing slaped him, right in the middle of his right face.

This time, it was fierce and accurate, and the opponent turned over ten dozen fights in a row, half of his face was blurred and furious. The other two were also very surprised, and suddenly became vigilant.

Li Xing turned slowly and said coldly, "It seems that when you eat shit, you can usually get hot."

"Damn thing! You dare to shoot against this deity!" The man was humiliated by Li Xing, snarled, and showed a weapon.

This weapon, thick in front and narrow in size, can be large or small, with a black body that has a strange and ancient atmosphere on it. With Li Xing's insight, he couldn't even tell the origin of the weapon.

"Go to death!"

Tian Xun, who was slapped by Li Xing, slammed wildly. Howling winds shattered the layers of space, collapsing into airflow, and oppressed Li Xing.

From Li Xing's point of view, this person's strength is very strong, and he can die with one punch. However, this stick is really horrible. There is a smell of dying on it. With the supreme cultivation of his twenty major Luo Zhenshen, he is afraid to take it.

The body is flickering ~ ~ want to dodge. However, under the blow of that stick, the heavens were blocked, no matter where he avoided, he had to face this shock.

Li Xing yelled, since he couldn't hide, he went all out!

A golden light fist slammed into it with great power. Hundreds of millions of golden light, condensed into a big punch, stable and hard, as fast as electricity.


The stick was hit halfway and slightly bent, but it rebounded out of Li Xing's punch. Panaina's performance was limited, but she was so shocked that she blew a groan and threw away the stick.

Li Xing broke his right fist bone and suffered a serious injury, but he suffered from pain, exhaled, and stared. Jing Guang, grabbed forward fiercely, and shouted, "So a living thing is buried in your hands, give it I bring it! "

He held the stick in his hand, but he could not feel the slightest resistance, but released a majestic force into Li Xingben. Suddenly, his whole body was bright and his mind and body were relaxed.


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