Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 921: Magic Land Practice

Chapter 921: Demon Land Practice

Chapter 921: Magic Land Practice

Da Han Han smiled faintly: "Understand that he is also a half deity, how can you wait for me? Chun Xiaohua, Xia Yubing, both you and me Zhou Liwang are the third deities, and in accordance with the orders of the great emperor of the ancient times. If you can make a contribution in the heavenly army, if you can't afford even this little half deity, what future things will you talk about? "

Chun Xiaohua is the white monk wearing white flowers; Xia Yubing is a figure who has received immense amount of respect for nature. These two men and the fierce king Zhou Li, both belong to the Proterozoic world, are first-class wizards.

Hearing the words of King Zhou Li, Xia Yubing raised his eyebrows slightly and scornfully said: "Wang Zhou Li, you can never get rid of the fault in the eyes. After all, the Proterozoic world is just a plane, the world is big, and the number of wonders is great. You and I can know everything? It ’s definitely not a fluke that this person's ranking can break into the second place. Did you see the weapon in his hands? The weapon gave me a dangerous feeling. "

Zhou Li Wang's eyes were red and angry: "Xia Yubing, even if you rank higher than me, you are not qualified to teach me! But since you say so, I will find this person alone and then kill it!"

"Don't make trouble." Chun Xiaohua frowned. "The three of us killed the enemy together, and then rushed into the top three together. It would be very dangerous if we acted separately. King Zhou Li, Da Tianzun said that if it is time to make a decision, Let you obey my will. "

Lifting up the Great Celestial Master, Zhou Li ’s anger suddenly disappeared, but he was still dissatisfied. He snorted and laughed at him: “You are so good that you want to be in the Proterozoic World that day, which one is not more arrogant than me? Today I ’m as careful as my grandson stand up."

Chun Xiaohua ignored his sarcasm, and said in a straightforward manner: "The master will soon officially use the soldiers against the four wastelands. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If we can build a feat, we can later find important positions in the heavenly courts. At that time, rewards Countless, there are many opportunities to be sharpened. It won't be long before we can advance and change our destiny, and even become a great deity. Compared to such a brilliant future, what is more cautious? "

Zhou Liwang stopped talking, apparently agreeing with this view.

Xia Yubing nodded: "Among the four wastelands, there are many masters sitting in the town, unwilling to tame, dominating the army, will definitely go all out, and have a lot of opportunities to contribute. However, it is said that among the four wastelands, after countless calamities, The ancient memories that are left behind carry civilizations of all ages, among which the masters are not trivial, and some ca n’t even dominate. "

"The lord's ambition is great. You must know that the lords of all past generations can't surrender the four wastelands, but this lord has to use soldiers." Chun Xiaohua said, "the lord must do this with a deep intention."

"What's more, the master in the prefecture is said to have been born and is in charge of the land. There must be a struggle between the two masters until a core master is competed with."

"This kind of high-end thing is not something we can speculate. We will not gossip about it, let's find a way to find the kid and kill it as soon as possible." Zhou Liwang said, "I'm three together and don't give him a chance to come back!"

Li Xing was walking like electricity, and now it was dark. Obviously, this place should belong to the core of the fierce sky. The magic is strong, the spirit is soaring, and countless powerful breaths permeate.

The arrogance of many breaths can be said to be far more than the nine-headed black demon I encountered before. These demons are inherently powerful, and even Tianzun can be killed and devoured, which is called terror.

Li Xing was very careful. He calmed down and sneaked in, preparing to gradually kill some demon heads to use in his powerful family. In his mixed-yuan world, the more magic and Tao he absorbed, the stronger and more complete its power.

No one in the sky or underground can refinish the principles of the avenue and the law of heavenly respect like Li Xing. This is his greatest advantage.

In the dark and primitive forest, there are all kinds of monsters in the air and on the ground. They are extremely aggressive, and once they found Li Xing, they rushed over and attacked.

Li Xing's body became imaginary and real, secretly opening up the world of mixed yuan. Whenever the monsters rushed to death, they were directly introduced into the mixed Yuan world and instantly smelted to death, releasing a magic power.

In this way, Li Xing had been waiting for three months, and had a lot of gains. The mixed world has actually improved a lot. However, the effect of this approach is not very obvious. Hundreds of thousands of miles around, all the monsters that can be hunted are all refined by him. He must change places and change tactics.

Rush out of the forest and into a continuous black mountain range, where the magic is much deeper than the original forest. He had good luck, and was immediately spotted by a demon wolf when he appeared.

The breath of this devil wolf is definitely not weaker than the one who changed his life. He screamed, shook the world, and swept the sky, and swallowed Li Xing.

"Animals, die!"

Li Xing waved the Yuanyuan stick and clicked it out. His martial arts is high and powerful, plus this mixed yuan stick is also a first-class killer. In one hit, he broke through the skull of the devil wolf and refined it soon.

"Well! In the demon wolf world, there are so many prey in captivity!" Li Xing was very surprised, but also very happy, this was an unexpected gain.

Monsters similar to the demon wolf appear one after another. Li Xing was very low-key, evading every hit and staying away from the scene. Many of these hunted monsters have their prey in captivity, which is cheap for Li Xing.

However, Li Xing didn't know that the monsters kept their prey in the same way as human beings to store food. They could fill their hunger at a critical time and use it for impact repair.

In an instant ~ www.readwn.com ~ Another three months passed. In these three months, Li Xing unknowingly beheaded hundreds of monsters, and his breath was arrogant. He felt that there was a tendency to break through.

However, after all, it was a little bit worse, he could not help saying: "In the recent period, only the magic has been absorbed. The magic should be balanced. In the future, you should refine some of the avenue rules to be successful.

His mixed-yuan skills and fusion of magic, the two must be equal, the breakthrough is easier. Thinking about this, he quietly withdrew from the core area of ​​Doomed Sky and followed the three men who had pursued him before.

He had known for a long time that those three were the top three in the list. Whether it's a grader or a god's mark, it's very important to him. In particular, Tianzun's imprint is as much as 300. If he can get it, he will have a great opportunity to break through to the realm of quasi-respect.

The fighting is so fierce that it is difficult to find those three people. However, Li Xing didn't plan to go for it actively. He believed that the other party must also be looking for his whereabouts, and then beheaded to fight for the top spot in the ranking.

On this day, Li Xingqing was in his hand, and his whole body was completely released, and the field of the mixed world was spreading and expanding.


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