Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 922: Final discipline

Chapter 922: Final Trial

Chapter 922: The Last Trial

On the day of the opening of the cave, it was very vast, far exceeding the average cave monk. In the future, when you enter the sage level, the small world will be even wider. Today, as a half-respect, the domineering small world is even more dominant than the ordinary world.

Generally speaking, the world established by the Great Supreme can be called the Great World; the world established by the Great Supreme is called a certain world, and it is not dare to call it the Great World. As for the world established below the Celestial Master, the world is called the small world.

However, Li Xing's mixed-yuan world is too arrogant, not only big, but also terrifying, even if compared to the world of Heavenly Supreme. At this moment, he completely let go of the power of the world, and immediately shrouded the Quartet up and down, and continued to extend.

Want to know how strong the monk's world power is, the most direct way is to release the field and see how much the world power can cover.

The average holiness is no more than 100,000 miles. Half monks often have a range of only a million miles. The quasi-respect level, the field is much larger, reaching tens of millions of miles.

Only Tianzun, once the polar field is sent, runs through the Quartet, the range is counted in billions, billions, hundreds of billions. It can also be seen from this point that the gap between the monks below Tianzun and the level of Tianzun is huge.

Li Xing's field continues to spread and expand, it seems that it will never stop. When his field shrouded nearly a third of the fierce fighting sky, he immediately touched many powerful beings.

You know, the fierce battle is one of the nine days. Although there are countless demon heads in the middle, there are also many big figures in heaven. Within this one-third range, Li Xing touched the planes of three great deities and hundreds of deities.

"What's so bold, dare to release the field like this, aren't you afraid to offend Da Tianzun?" You Tianzun cried.

"Arrogant, really arrogant! What is the origin of this person?"

However, Li Xing is very kind, his field does not invade other planes, and it only spreads in the fierce sky. Although many Tianzun were dissatisfied, they felt that Li Xing's power of the world was unpredictable and mysterious, so he dared not take the shot easily.

As for some powerful Celestial beings, and even great Celestial beings, they will not even care about small figures like Li Xing and let him go.

In this way, Xia Yubing, Zhou Liwang, and Chun Xiaohua finally felt Li Xing.

"He was so brazen, wasn't he afraid we would find him?" Zhou Liwang frowned, and asked the other two frowns.

Chun Xiaohua narrowed her eyes. "There is only one possibility. He is looking for us."

"Is he tired?" Zhou Liwang sneered, "We are worried that we can't find him, but he's coming to the door!"

"Slow!" Xia Yubing stopped Zhou Liwang, who was about to make a shot. "This man dared to appear like this, and he must rely on it. For more than half a year, he may not have grown."

Zhou Liwang dismissed it and sneered: "Six months? For me and others, half a year is just a snap, what breakthrough can I make?"

The life of the Holy Saint has reached millions of years. Tianzun's life is even longer, it can be said that life is with the sky, can live with the world forever, as long as it is not killed, you can live to the world.

For Tianzun, taking a nap can last tens of thousands of years, even millions of years. So for six months and a year, they don't even mention it, it's almost like blinking an ordinary person's eyes.

"It's better to be careful." Xia Yubing said, "You also feel that this person's world power is very strange, seems to be all-encompassing, omnipotent, what is the road he came to realize?"

"I can't see it." Chun Xiaohua shook her head. "It's too extensive and profound. I can't see through as I see it."

"That's it," Xia Yubing said. "There must be a great secret in this person, so be careful during this trip."

In the end, Santianzun reached an agreement, discussed it in secret, and made a formal start before looking for Li Xing.

At this time, Li Xing had an unexpected gain. He released the field and attracted a lot of monsters, among which there was no lack of arrogance. These monsters are thrown into the field one after another, and what attracts them is the strange atmosphere of Li Xing, which is also evil and evil.

The field is vast, and there are naturally more monsters. I felt that the timing was almost the same. Li Xing suddenly contracted the field and the power of the world swept away. Countless monsters were swept away and fell into the mixed Yuan world.

Li Xing's mixed-yuan world is not weaker than that of the general Tianzun. These monsters enter into it, do not feel bound, one by one began to adapt to the life in it. This approach is similar to the method of captive monsters.

You have to know that, in general, the deity will never invite the monster into the plane, because the devil's head will definitely cause great damage, and it may even exterminate all the creatures.

Li Xing is different. The monster is a supplement to him and is very necessary. In his world, there will be magic and morals in the future, there will be positive and evil, mixed element planes, all-inclusive.

Countless monsters have since lived in the mixed Yuan world. Over time, they will become Li Xing's subsidiary creatures and execute his will.

The moment the field narrowed and eventually disappeared, Xia Yubing, Zhou Liwang, and Chun Xiaohua appeared at the same time, besieging Li Xing in a triangle battle.

"The three have been looking for so long, it must be very hard." Li Xingdan said lightly, "I have prepared a big stick, and loosen my muscles for a few."

King Zhou Li had the most violent temper, laughed loudly, and picked up a hatchet. Above this axe, there are dense lines of sermons and fierce air force, which definitely belongs to a plane-changing tool for changing lives. He nominated Li Xing and yelled, "Boy! Looking for you for many days, I will die today!"

In Xia Yubing's hands, he was holding a golden badger, with great weather, and his power was not under the axe. Chun Xiaohua raised a spear, killing her.

Three plane-changing tools that changed the life series, three high-ranking deities, surrounded Li Xing, murdered with all their might, and locked up fiercely.

"Boy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Self-discipline, quit training, you can spare your life!" Chun Xiaohua said coldly.

"This is your only chance, otherwise, die!" Xia Yubing also said with a voice.

Li Xing "haha" laughed, shaken Yuanyuan stick in his hands, and said, "Good breath, don't say a word, go ahead for three hundred rounds!"

He said it and then he shot it. The Yuanyuan stick trembled, and headed towards Zhou Li Wang, who had a big axe, and passed. This split, tearing apart time and space, disregarding the rules, fiercely dominated.

Zhou Li Wang gave a loud sigh, the axe was cut horizontally, and he chopped down to the Yuanyuan stick. One axe and one stick, collided in the air, splashed with infinite fire, and the heavy plane was blown open.

Cultivation has reached their level, some small techniques and tricks are no longer on the table, the absolute strength is to fight, and they will fall for ten sessions.

The axe intersected, Li Xing felt his arms slightly numb and slightly shaken. That week, Li Wang was knocked out of the ax by a stick, and the color changed slightly. In this fight, he determined how strong Li Xing's combat power was. If it were not for the axe, he would definitely not be an opponent.


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