Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 923: 9 days in 1 war

Chapter 923 Nine Heavens Shock

Chapter 923: Nine Heavens Shocks

"Shoot together and kill him!" Zhou Li Wang drank, he understood that one-on-one, absolutely could not kill Li Xing, only three people shot together, there was a chance.

The three had discussed it for a long time, and in cooperation with the tacit understanding, they shot and killed Li Xing one by one. Three pieces of plane tools, each of which has a life-changing progression, is extremely powerful.

The three Celestial Masters are also arrogant in their own combat power. This combined attack shows super lethality.

Li Xing sneered. He had even smashed eight Celestial Masters in the past, and his strength is not as it is today. At this moment, facing the three celestial beings attacking at the same time, there is no pressure in his heart, only the intention of killing.

With a long howl, the Hunyuan stick “shocked” and shattered hundreds of millions of spaces, confusing time and space, and the terrorist forces did not know how many planes were affected. With a stick in hand, there is no superfluous force, Li Xing is at ease and has no difficulty.


One shot and three hits changed the look of several people. They had done their best. If they could not win each other as soon as possible, the results would be difficult to control.

"Death blow!"

"Bad luck!"

"Extinct future!"

Suddenly, the three Celestial Masters issued the strongest blow with the help of Planar Instruments. This time, the true identities of the three were revealed, which belonged to the undead royal family, the ghost family, and the prophet family of the Proterozoic World.

The strength of these three people is arrogant compared to the three extreme saints of the Dragon Elephant World on that day. Once they shot, they played the mystery of the Proterozoic and cooperated with the plane weapon to exert amazing combat power. .

"Da Luo is really good, King Kong isn't bad!" Li Xing gave out immense amounts of Hua Guang, and came out violently. The waves moved up and down, and the strength of Wei An stiffly resisted three mysterious attacks.

Twenty-six-year-old Daluo Zhenshen has reached the realm of the mixed Yuan holy body, immortal, King Kong is not bad, and it is difficult for an attack within a certain intensity to cause substantial damage to it.

The fight lasted for a long time, and the fight was intense and exciting. Li Xing has evolved martial arts to the extreme, and he will show his strength perfectly, and his strength will be one-third of his power.

The three days of Zunzu became more and more frustrated. They tried their best, but they still couldn't help Li Xing, but they were forced to fight back. And Li Xing, more and more fierce and fierce, the whole body of the law percussion, swallow the galaxy, and sometimes suddenly made a magical move, almost let the opponent fall on the spot.

This is a world-fighting war, not only the strength of both sides is very strong, more importantly, at this time, Li Xing is only a half respect. For the true deity, half respect is nothing, the realm is half a thousand miles away.

One is Jiupin Sesame Officer, and the other is the prime minister of the Joseon Dynasty. The difference is not reasonable. It seems that such a small person actually killed three half-faced wolves who were holding the weapon of the plane. This surprised many celestial beings.

In the space and time around, many wormholes appeared, and a series of gazes projected from the countless planes and countless planes to observe this battle.

"What's the origin of that man? It's obscure, and you can't see what kind of Taoism has been cultivated." A deity conveyed his ideas and communicated with the other monks.

"Looking at his momentum, yin, yang and yin tai, it should be a very powerful avenue of law. Even more specifically, I can't even see it. However, this person reminds me of a big man." A heavenly man with an extraordinary vision said .

"Oh, which big man?" Someone asked.

"Dragon Elephant Da Tian Zun." That day Zun said, "Dragon Elephant Da Tian Zun was so turbulent at first, I don't know how many powerful men have been beheaded. His dragon avenue is long and thin, and rarely meets rivals."

Mentioning the name of Longxiang Datianzun, everyone closed their mouths. It seemed that this was a taboo, and he would not even mention it.

Under the attention of many deities, the battle was nearing its end. Li Xing fought more and more fiercely. He smashed the yuan stick for nine days, penetrated ten places, and swept the Quartet. The power continued to increase. Later, he drank violently, screaming for nine days and ten, and chopping it out.

This blow, however, was the strongest blow he had ever given when he accumulated a lot of energy!

In the absence of a hit, over the years, under the derivation of Li Xing's Mixed Yuan Avenue, it has reached a satisfactory state, and the day it was created by the power is billions of times stronger. Even Li Xing himself did not know how terrible this attack was.

No intention of life, without leaving a trace of vitality, one hit will kill!


A mighty power, shattered Chun Xiaohua's spear, and entered it with great force, breaking his level. The earth cracked, the continent rose, the ocean stormed, and all life fell.

"I'm not willing! How can you kill this deity with a little half deity? I want to reverse it! Overlord ancient boxing, break me!" Chun Xiaohua faced the danger of falling, bursting out her strongest potential, burning the power of the world , Issued a Tianzun killing technique.

"It's late!" Li Xing said coldly, wherever Yuan Yuan Bang went, Chun Xiaohua's power of the world collapsed, and Na Ba's ancient fist stopped before it was launched.

"Save me!" Chun Xiaohua yelled, his heart filled with fear. He counted so much that he didn't even count that Li Xing was so strong. The worst plan is to let this person run away, not wanting to die in his hands today, he was extremely unwilling and extremely regretted.

"Kill!" Zhou Liwang and Xia Yubing were so frightened that they attacked with all their strength, hitting Li Xing on the back with a single axe. However, Li Xing's back seemed to be stronger than their magic weapon, "ding" it, the flames splattered.

Li Xing's body shook slightly, and a ray of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. However, this did not affect his life-threatening blow. The end of Zunyuan rod issued a wave of suction, and he stirred it fiercely. He immediately took up the broken plane of Spring Flower, and then merged into the small world of Hunyuan to strengthen himself.

He did not hesitate to attack, and first killed Chun Xiaohua by thunder. The remaining two were uncomfortable, yelling, and turned away.

"Will it go?" He snorted heavily, and the field of Zunyuan Small World broke out ~ www.readwn.com ~ Blocking time and space, making the two of them stiff and unable to immediately walk away.


Li Xingmeng was the most ferocious creature in the ancient times. The two lost the battlefield, their strength was greatly reduced, and the loss of one person, there was no power to fight back, and they were beaten up.

"Click!" With a loud axe smashing, Zhou Liwang roared again and again, and was still smashed by Li Xing with a stick, and the plane was seriously injured.

"Boom!" The golden badger was also broken into three sections, and the magical element spirit screamed and disappeared. At the same time, Li Xingshengguang grabbed his hand, tore up the void, and plunged into the plane of Xia Yubing, like the hand of a demon, to wreak havoc.

The sky was falling apart, the mountains and rivers were hanging upside down, Xia Yubing's eyes widened, and his face was horrified. He watched his plane smashed and screamed, "Animal! Datianzun will never let you go!"

"Noisy!" Li Xing's other Divine Light's big hand also broke open the plane, and then his hands were severely torn, and then he heard "Dora", like a crack, the dignified plane, he was torn into two Half and total destruction.


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