Chapter 924: Emperor Daoism

Chapter 924: Emperor Daoism

The avenue rules of Xia Yubing are completely unable to resist Li Xing's mixed Yuan avenue. The magic roads are combined, the rules are broken, the avenue disappears, and it is completely a waste. He could only be beaten by Li Xing in the end, becoming another stepping stone on Li Xing's growth path.

King Zhou Li shouted, punched with both fists, desperately wanted to break through Li Xing's blockade and escape from here. Chun Xiaohua is dead, Xia Yubing is dead, he has no chance, and will not go again, it will be the same end.

"Your companions are dead, so you can stay!" Li Xing's cold voice sounded, and Yuanyuan Bang nodded, right in the middle of his heart. The horrible incompatibility forces rushed into the plane and caused a series of explosions.

Without the echo of Xia Yubing and without the support of the magic weapon, King Zhou Li has lost his qualification to fight Li Xing. With one blow, the plane exploded and he died completely!

It is not easy to kill Tianzun, it is necessary to completely crush its plane. Li Xing's mixed-yuan avenue can devour all avenue principles and turn it into his own use. It can be said to be the nemesis of all planes.

Li Xing, who cut the top three of the three rankings, ranked Li Xing directly to the first place, and left the second place far behind, without the opportunity to catch up.

At the moment when King Zhou Li was beheaded, countless wormholes disappeared, and the heavenly respects of those viewpoints disappeared. Seeing with their own eyes, half-zun beheaded Tianzun, their hearts are extremely shocked, so far they cannot believe it.

Where does this person come from? If he becomes Tianzun, to what extent will his strength soar? Is it possible to contend with the deity of life?

"Heavenly recruits, you have to be a tiger!" There is emotion in Tianzun, and his emotions are complicated.

"The four desolate and dangerous, such talents, can go somewhere. If they can grow up, it must be the next general of Emperor Tiandi, and the glory is infinite."

"It's not necessarily. This son is too decisive, and he will definitely offend many big men in the future. He will not be able to grow up just after being easily broken. In nine days, there is never a shortage of talents."

With doubt and fear, the deities disappeared.

For Li Xing, the battle of fierce fighting is now over. The rest of the cats and dogs are completely out of his sight and cannot pose a threat. No one can take the seat of the first person on the ranking list.

For the rest of the time, Li Xing is more leisurely, catching monsters every day, killing monsters, improving his strength, and completing his realm. Unconsciously, the training is over.

On this day, a row of handwriting appeared on the rankings he knew in the sea. The intention was to ask the top 100,000 monks to go to the fighting platform of the fighting day.

Li Xing hasn't heard much about the fighting fierce platform. He vaguely feels that this place should be a place for training soldiers.

After receiving the order, Li Xing directly tore up the space and flew to the fierce academy.

The fighting platform is located in a hidden space. When Li Xing arrived, some people had already arrived. Here is a vast black platform, vast and endless, in the center, a white jade high platform is set up.

As soon as they got close to Li Xing, these people reminded them of the rankings in the sea. The person in front of them was the first person in the rankings. Fighting school

Suddenly, all eyes came rushing, and the discussion started.

"This is the number one? I'm not mistaken? He is actually a half respect! Among the top 100,000 people, the number of half respects is very small, the most are semi-respects. This person is actually half respect. Xiuwei, won the first place? "

"There must be an inside story. This person is most likely an intimate person or a very powerful person to help him hone." Someone asserted, "Otherwise, how could the half respect win the first place?"

"It makes sense, but this is also his ability. There are tyrannical figures who do the backing. Winning the first place can get a generous reward, three hundred days of imprint, and twelve advanced symbols!

Li Xing stood alone around the high platform, and people nearby avoided him far away, just talking quietly. As more and more monks fell down, there were also some monks of heavenly ranks, who gradually approached him, one by one.

"Is it true that this kind of waste can also win the first place?" Finally, a monk who claimed the third place and the second-ranked monk spoke. He stared at Li Xing, "This kind of person, Not qualified to stand first! "

His voice was loud and imposing, making everyone quiet and began to pay attention to him. Although this man ranked second, the momentum on his body was by no means weaker than Xia Yubing. Only because he acted alone and was not very lucky, he ranked behind.

He became the focus of everyone's eyes, this person sneered, and strode toward Li Xing.

"There is a good show here, there are rules on the fighting platform, and outsiders must not get involved. Even if there is a backer in this first place, it is impossible to help him!"

"I'm just surprised, so long. Why hasn't this person ever met the first place?"

"I happen to know the reason. This person is named Yan Bokong, a distinguished person in the great world. This person entered the fierce land and had an adventure, so it was delayed for such a long time, otherwise he would have encountered the first place already. . "

"Oh? What adventure?" The rest asked curiously.

"A monk named Emperor left here the Taoism and was taken by him. I happened to meet him at the time, but I could not compete with this person, and he was almost killed by him. Thanks to his efforts to suppress the Emperor Sword at that time, I To escape. "

"Who is the Emperor? How have I never heard of it?"

"It is said that it is a character from a place called the Dragon Elephant World. Since it is known as the Emperor, naturally it must be on an equal footing with the Emperor and the Emperor. It is a very powerful person."

Li Xingdu heard these words in his ears, and he couldn't help but be taken aback. In the era of the destruction of the dragon elephant world, three remarkable figures emerged, known as the three emperors, namely the emperor, the emperor, and the emperor.

The Three Emperors ruled the world and once gave the ancient people a chance to rise. However, the Three Emperors suddenly disappeared. Little is known about the origin of the Three Emperors.

What is the relationship between this emperor and the emperor in the palace? What is the relationship between the emperor and the emperor of the nine heavens, and what is the identity of the emperor? All kinds of questions, Li Xing couldn't find the answer.

At this moment, I heard that the person in front of me ~ ~ was actually inherited by the Emperor. Li Xing was suddenly surprised and said: "Tian Sui Ren wishes! I can take the Emperor and the Tao, maybe I can Unlock the world of the dragon elephant and destroy the secret of the three emperors of the era! "

Yan Bokong had approached at this moment, he looked down at Li Xing, and sneered, "Reptile, kneel down!" There is quite a spirit of looking down on the world, dominating the world.

Li Xing grinned, held out his hand, and said, "Bring it!"

Yan Bo stunned and asked, "What?"

"The emperor is the same as the emperor." Li Xing smiled very kindly. "I am the native of the Elephant World, the younger emperor of the emperor, and the right to deal with the legacy of the ancestors of the older generation."

Yan Bokong first laughed, then laughed, laughed ridiculously, laughed scornfully, and pointed at Li Xing: "What do you think you are?"


Li Xing pulled out with a slap. This palm covered the sky, flipped the starry sky, and allowed Yan Bokong to hide. He was suddenly drawn into the face, and he was in pain.


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