Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 925: Fighting school

Chapter 925: Fighting Fierce Academy

Chapter 925 Fierce Fighting Academy

"You ..." Yan Bokong was shocked, angry, and hated, and "Yi" had to draw a sword in his hand. . . That sword, simple and unremarkable, has a sense of vicissitudes, a human will, and this will give Li Xing a kind feeling.

As soon as Li Xing was in shape, he suddenly took the sword in his hand. In the theme, no one except the master can understand the laws of heaven like him. Therefore, Yankong wave didn't even have time to react, and the sword had changed hands.

Holding the sword in his hand, Li Xing felt a sense of blood connection with it. This sword is the Emperor's Sword. There is a breath in the sword, a dragon-like atmosphere. In other words, the owner of the Emperor Sword, the Emperor of the Three Emperors, should be an ancient real person.

The Emperor Sword was long humming, and the "hum" trembled, sending out waves of sword gas, driving all the people around.

"Return my sword!"

Yan Bokong was shocked and furious, and flung forward to take away the Emperor Sword. However, he forgot that the sword was already in Li Xing's hands.


Li Xing cut out a sword, there was a shocking sword, lightning cut out. The swordman was so fast, Yanbo could not escape, and half of his body was split. If he had not flashed a yellow light, the plane would have been split in half.

He yelled, his head full of cold sweat.

Li Xing saw that Huang Guang was a book with three words on it. No one else can recognize this text. Only Li Xing knows the laws of heaven and earth, knows the humane righteousness, and knows that these three words mean "humanitarian books."

"Bring it!"

He rolled a large volume, how could the breaking wave under the panic dodge, and the humane book was snatched again. With this book in hand, a humanitarian will is conveyed to Li Xing. Good thoughts such as justice, etiquette, integrity, filial piety, His Majesty, friendliness, etc.

"It is indeed the emperor and has the means to educate the world." Li Xing was very impressed and immediately put away the emperor sword and humanitarian books and put them into the small world of the mixed Yuan. His mixed-yuan small world will build countless kingdoms and evolve countless creatures in the future.

Humanitarian books are used to educate the world, while Emperor Sword can be used to monitor the world.

However, in his mixed world, many monsters have been kept in captivity. At this time, he was photographed by the humane book, and he suddenly groaned for a while.

After being slapped for a while, he was successively deprived of the Emperor Sword and the Humane Book, and Yanbo was furious. But he had to force himself to calm down. This person could easily take the book and sword, wouldn't it be easy to kill himself?

Thinking of this, Yanbo had a cold head, and for a while she didn't dare to shoot again, but stared fiercely at Li Xing, saying, "This place is a fierce platform, and I will not care about you today."

Li Xing sneered and didn't bother to care about this person.

After a while, a man suddenly appeared on the stage. This man is so imposing that he can't see through it. He seems to be cut off by countless planes. He is clearly in front of him, but he is far away.

"Training has ended, and your performance has been known to the heavenly courts. Except for the first place, everyone has arrangements to enter the four wastelands, each performing their duties!" He waved his hand, 100,000 Guanghua Fei Fall, every glory, fell into one's eyebrows.

That Guanghua contains a lot of information. For example, Li Xing, the information tells him that he will not be able to enter the army directly, but will go to the fierce academies to further his studies. Fighting fierce academy, fighting fierce first school, there are countless Wizards.

Originally, if he was not the first, he would immediately enter the army to serve. However, as the leader of the list, Tianting has other arrangements for him, and will be sent to the fighting school for further studies. Out of the school, then he is also at least a school official.

The fierce academies, similar to a militarized college, specialize in training wizards. Li Xing won the first place and was also eligible to enter the university.

Everyone got the order, and they fled away from the fierce battlefield, leaving Li Xing in the end.

The people on the stage nodded slightly to Li Xing and said, "Li Xing, this is the reward given to you by Heaven."

The two rays were directly penetrated into Li Xing's mixed-yuan small world. These two rays, one represents the three hundred kinds of Tianzun brand, and one represents the twelve advanced symbols.

With these two things, Li Xing didn't rush to practice, arching his hand: "Thank you, I don't know how to enter the fighting school?"

"Follow me." The man led the way. The two flew for a while in the fierce sky, and they reached a palace built in the void, majestic and magnificent, as if the heavenly palace jade, beautiful.

Before arriving at the palace, the man said: "There are thirty-six homes and seventy-two houses in the fighting school, which means that your potential is great, and you are required to enter Qishiyuan.

Before speaking, the two arrived before one of the halls. Li Xing was struck by fire, and was surprised to find that within the hall, there was actually a world without a master! This is really a big deal. A big world represents a great deity, and it is actually used as a venue for Qi Shi Yuan!

The man shouted, "People have arrived!"

A white light flew out of the temple, manifesting a man with a golden crown on his head, a white shirt and a jade belt. His breath was like a sea, and he was a triple monk.

The man who brought Li Xing said: "This is the Wizards who got the recruit this time, the first place on the list."

The man at the Qixianyuan glanced at Li Xing and frowned, "Zhu Hui, this is the wizard you brought? How is half respect?"

The man named Zhu Hui laughed: "What about half-zun? He is the first and deserves to enter Qi Shi Yuan. Sima Gongyang, do you want to refuse?"

Sima Gongyang of Qishiyuan sneered: "Zhu Hui, the last time you walked in the relationship, you brought a few wastes and made the dean very angry. This time, I will never let go, take him away."

"He is the first." Zhu Hui said, "you no longer think."

"The Qi Shi Yuan has the rules of Qi Shi Yuan, and the following are not accepted." Sima Gongyang said, turned and flew into the temple from beginning to end without asking Li Xing a word.

Li Xing looked as usual, and said lightly, "Where am I going?"

Zhu Hui seems quite happy ~ www.readwn.com ~ laughed: "The Qi Shi Yuan is nothing great, they don't accept it, I will send you to another place."


"Yu Yan Tang." Zhu Hui smiled ambiguous. "The most beautiful and charming women in the heavens and the world are almost here."

Li Xing was frightened and had no time to react. Zhu Hui had been pulled and flew to Yu Yan Tang. On the way, Li Xing busy asked: "Who meant to let me enter Qi Shi Yuan?"

"It doesn't mean anyone, it is the old example. As long as it is the first place on the list, it will enter the Qi Shi Yuan. Qi Shi Yuan belongs to the strongest court in the Dou Xi Academy. Zhu Hui said with regret, "Unfortunately, Sima Gongyang has no eyes and can't see your potential."

Li Xing no longer spoke. It didn't matter where he entered, as long as he could enter the army.

It didn't take long for Yuyantang to arrive. Li Xing looked around and saw a sea of ​​flowers that naturally appeared in the void.


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