Chapter 932: The Jedi

Chapter 932: Jedi

"How could my preexisting world laws be so dignified and so difficult to drive. And this law is not really a pure law. I am afraid that even driving is impossible!" Li Xing's heart sank slightly, He suddenly thought that if he really returned to the original world in the future, wouldn't he become an ordinary person at once?

From the heaviness of this law, he can feel that the laws of that world are so difficult to control. If he goes back, he may be directly hit to the level of training, or even the level of training.

But this worries only flashed through. It is still unknown whether he can return to the previous world, and even if he goes back, he must have been very brave at that time, and maybe he can solve this problem.

Li Xing flew slowly, and the farther he flew in, the stronger the foreign laws he felt, and the fewer the laws of heaven and earth. However, he has been advancing, flying for more than a full month, and finally entered the world of bones.

The moment he entered the world of bones, Li Xing saw a vast world. The sky is extremely high, the land is vast, and there are no boundaries. He fell directly from the air and fell heavily on the green grass.

Slowly spit out the grass that was picked up in his mouth, and Li Xing stepped forward from the ground. Although his power of the world cannot be exerted, Da Luo Zhenshen is still overbearing.

In the world of bones, there is no trace of the laws of heaven and earth, all of them are the laws of the avenues of Li Xing's previous life. So here, Li Xing did not even have the means to fly, and fell directly from the air.

He clenched his fists and banged on the ground with a single blow, only to hear a "bang", the ground was punched into a large pit, and it looked quite powerful. However, Li Xing's face showed a helpless wry smile.

This is to rest in the dragon elephant world or the Sanqing world. With one punch, he can break the earth apart and the world shakes. However, here he can only make a small pit.

According to preliminary estimates, his strength at this moment is only about the level of practicing Qi on the Fa. Fortunately, with this punch, he felt that his physique was still arrogant, and he could still do it without a gun. The 21-year-old Da Luo Zhenshen did not let him down.

"Oops, I didn't expect this to happen in the bone world. Now, I'm afraid I can never go out." Li Xing frowned. He couldn't even fly at the moment. He didn't have the chance to break the plane barrier and get out of the bone Dao Da World.

On the boundless grassland, Li Xing performed his meritorious deeds and turned into a light smoke, rushing like lightning. He can't fly, but martial arts methods are still there and they run just as fast.

"Hello ~"

With a loud roar, a silver tiger suddenly stopped the road. The tiger, silver in color, looked like metal, opened his mouth wide, and locked Li Xing fiercely.

It can be seen that this tiger, belonging to a prairie tiger born in the bone world, must be very strong. If it was left in the past, Li Xing's breath would blow and kill 10,000 such things.

But now, he has to deal with it carefully, and first figure out the strength of Silver Tiger.

"Suddenly!" The sound of the wind sounded, and the Silver Tiger swooped up and killed Li Xing.

Li Xing walked quickly, never retreating, and extremely fast. The moment he crossed with the Silver Tiger, his hands stretched out, and he lived in Silver Tiger's two backs by day, and then threw it fiercely.

This tiger, eight meters away, is very heavy, but in Li Xing's hands, it's almost the same. He treated the tiger as a sack, and threw it fiercely, slamming the ground into a loud bang.

Poor this silver tiger. I thought I had encountered a delicious prey. How could I know that when I encountered a character who was fiercer than it, I was beaten up and turned around without any help.

After stumbling for more than a dozen times, Silver Tiger's bones were completely shattered, and the seven holes were bleeding. Seeing that there was only the gas coming in, there was no gas coming out, and he died completely.

"Good skill!"

There was a sudden applause behind him. Li Xing turned abruptly and saw two monks, wearing animal skins and carrying long swords, walking towards him slowly.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes: "When did the two appear?"

The two monks looked at each other, one of them pointed to the ground and said, "We dug two crypts here to stay temporarily."

Li Xing's vigilance was slightly reduced, as long as the two men were not flying over, they were not afraid of worry. Those who can fly in the bone world can definitely threaten Li Xing's life.

"Isn't the two people in the big world?" Li Xing asked.

"Of course not. At first we heard the secrets of the world of bones and bones, so we just arrived and were trapped in it." A monk smiled bitterly. "This place is really weird. Our world's power cannot be exerted at all. "

"Yeah, I and I are both destined to be the most important. Here, we don't even have the ability to fly. The power of the world is completely suppressed and can't be exerted at all. Only physical power can be used." Another monk shook his head and sighed. "I'm afraid we can't leave this place in this life."

Li Xing was shocked, and the words of the two proved his concern. He thought for a while and introduced himself: "Lixing Xia, from the fighting school."

Upon hearing the two deities, they paid tribute and said, "It turned out to be a person in nine days. No wonder the means are so powerful that they can kill the silver tiger."

After introducing himself, Li Xing knew that these two monks, one named Mingzhu and the other blue, were all monks from the world of miracles.

Mingzhu and Lanfang ~ ~ has been in the world of bones for thousands of years. I have been to many places and experienced many things.

When he came to the world of bones, he had a total of seven people, but now there are only two left. The other five were killed by other intruders, and some were eaten by the beasts of the bone world.

Walking in the bone world, it is easy to meet other invading monks. However, most monks are not very friendly. These monks apparently came with the purpose of treasure hunting, so all foreign monks have a hostile mentality with each other.

Both Mingzhu and Lanfang have given up the purpose of treasure hunting, they just want to leave here as soon as possible, so they are quite friendly to Li Xing and have no hostility.

In the big world, the most dangerous thing is the beast. Like the silver tiger that Li Xing killed just now, it is just a relatively low-level beast. There are many more terrifying beasts. You can easily make strong blue and pearl Hunted.

After hearing this, Li Xing sighed and said, "So, we may not live long enough, and we will become the belly of a beast."


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