Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 933: Plane of terror

Chapter 933: The Terrifying Plane

Chapter 933: Terrifying Plane

The two looked at each other with a bitter smile, Lan Fang said: "The two of us can live to this day, one is good luck, and the other is careful. In the world of bones, everything is different from the outside world. Whether you are destiny or Sometimes, the difference is not the same. Sometimes, the deity with the highest weight can be killed by the deity with the double weight. Because in this big world, the stronger and more complete the small world, the more severe the suppression. Instead, they are bound by their hands and feet. "

"Can two people know the reason?" Li Xing asked. "Even if it was a first-class world, it would not be possible to have such power and suppress all deities. I heard that even if Da Tianzun entered this place, he could not do everything. Know everything. "

"That's it." Ming Zhu nodded. "We have been here for thousands of years. We have experienced many things and traveled many places. We can tell you clearly that the principles of the avenue in the world of bones and the world The law has nothing to do with it! "

Lan Fang continued: "In other words, we suspect that the principle of the avenue in the world of bones comes from another plane, or from a plane that is higher than the plane."

"Another theme?" Li Xing's eyes flickered. "Is it a world that can only be entered after being shattered?"

"No one knows this." Lan Fang shook his head. "In history, there was only one person in the legend who successfully performed the Supreme Fracture, the Protoss of the Proterozoic. However, the principle of the avenue here is higher than the rule of the main plane. One thing is for sure. "

"What's the purpose of these two people coming here?" Li Xing asked again, "is it for something?"

Both Mingzhu and Lan Fang looked at Li Xing, with candid expressions.

"If you asked that a few thousand years ago, we wouldn't say anything. At that time, both of me were thinking of finding the treasure in the hands of the Blessed Datianzun. But now, the two of them are completely desperate and don't hold it I have any fantasies, so I am willing to answer your questions. Yes, I came to the world of bones in the first place, just for things that come from outside the main plane, the treasures in the hands of the bones.

The three talked for a while, and suddenly felt that the earth was shaking, as if thousands of troops were approaching. Lan Fang and Ming Zhu changed their looks, and said in unison: "No, it's a beast tide!"

They had no time to explain anything to Li Xing, and pulled him directly into the underground cave, then sealed the cave with a megalith. The cave was very dark, and both of them held their breaths, which made Li Xing quite nervous.

"Booming ..."

The vibrations became more intense and denser, and later, the soil in the caves fell, and obviously a lot of beasts ran on it. This situation lasted for half a day before it ended, and then after another half a day, the vibration disappeared.

At this time, Ming and Lan were relieved, and said, "It's okay that we haven't been found, otherwise we can't live."

"Is this what you call a beast tide?" Li Xing asked. "This kind of thing happens often?"

"One time is enough. No one can survive the beast tide. This is why we dug a burrow to settle here. If you don't believe it, you will know it when you go up." Point back to the ground.

Suddenly, Li Xing saw an unexpected scene. The silver tiger that had been killed by him had completely disappeared, leaving no root hairs, apparently devoured by the countless beasts in the beast tide.

"We have lived here for thousands of years, and we have seen many intruders. Everyone has the same opinion. The beasts of the bone world are divided into different types. The silver tiger that you killed is a medium beast. Mingzhu explained to Li Xing. "The last one is called herbivorous beasts. Generally, they are not attacking and not strong. The medium ones are omnivorous beasts. They eat everything. Silver tigers are one of the weaker ones. The attack is very strong and numerous. It is our greatest threat. Among them, we call it the Beastmaster. The third category is the most terrible, which belongs to the Destroyed Beasts. This kind of beasts we call the Beast Emperor. Everywhere, it will cause beast tide, big or small, which is the most difficult to deal with. A beast emperor can easily kill the Great Celestial Master who entered the bone world. "

"Have you seen it with your own eyes?" Li Xing didn't believe it.

Lan Fang's gaze was a little stunned: "If we didn't see it for ourselves, we wouldn't believe it. On that day, hundreds of monks saw a great deity enter the bone world forcibly. At that time, everyone was cheering I thought that with the entry of this great deity, we would have a chance to leave this ghost place. "

"It's a pity!" Ming Zhu shook her head. "The big deity met the beast emperor the next day, and a fierce battle was fought between them. The big deity was devoured alive. The monks at the scene also died, only 90%. A few people survived because of their long distance and weak strength, which did not attract the attention of the Beast Emperor. "

Li Xing couldn't help feeling a little heavy, so why didn't he have no chance to leave? In this ghost place, even Da Tianzun has died, not to mention he has a quasi-respect?

This negative emotion lasted only a moment, and he regained his conviction, and Shen said, "As long as you have the heart, there is always a chance!"

Lan Fang and Mingzhu looked at each other, apparently disapproving, they have tried too many times, and have long lost confidence. After the two sides were silent, after a while, Lan Fang said: "Brother Li, we still want to live a few more years, so we are not willing to enter that place. But seeing Brother Li's ambitious, you can go there and try, you may be able to find opportunities . "

"Where are you talking about?" Li Xing said for a moment.

"Imperial City." Lan Fangdao, "In the endless years, many people enter the world of bones every year, and there are many who survive, and the number is very considerable. These surviving monks deduce one of the strongest strength People served as the leader, and then established an imperial city ~ www.readwn.com ~ The leader is the emperor in the imperial city. "

"Emperor?" Li Xing laughed. "It's all God, what's the point of being an emperor?"

Mingzhu and Lan Fang did not smile. They said word by word, "You have lived here for a long time, and you will find that you are not a sage of heaven, but an ordinary human being. At most, you can only become a prey. By then In your heart, you will call a savior to come and save you. The emperor is such a person, he has great strength. "

"Very strong? Is it Datianzun?" Li Xing was taken aback.

"Yes, that is a great deity, and it is a great deity who broke through in the world of bones. From the day he became the great deity, it has become the hope of everyone. As long as you have confidence and think that you will one day Those who can leave regard him as the supreme leader, fully believe in him and obey him. He is the only emperor in the imperial city, the supreme master. "

"You are also the kind of person who has the confidence to leave. In that case, why not go to the Imperial City? Maybe you can find hope there." Mingzhu said, "If you want to go, we can show you the way."


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