Chapter 934: Jiu Yang Xie Jun

Chapter 934

Li Xing was by no means a reckless person, and the words of Mingzhu and Lanfang attracted his attention. They both said that they wanted to live a few more years, so they didn't want to enter the imperial city, which puzzled Li Xing.

He asked, "Is it really dangerous in this imperial city? Otherwise, how can the two have the above remarks? Entering the imperial city is tantamount to death."

Lan Fang and Mingzhu looked at each other, the latter said: "Brother Li, in the imperial city, the level is strict, everyone must obey the order and arrangement of the emperor. In such a place, it is not easy for anyone with dignity stay alive."

"How to say this." Li Xing raised an eyebrow. "Will you be humiliated when you enter the imperial city?"

"After entering the imperial city, they will be divided into ranks as soon as possible. Those with lower ranks enjoy limited power and can only serve as slaves. They are cannon fodder in battle. Entering the emperor with my two people's cultivation In the city, I do n’t know how many powerful people are still doing great things. Like me, I ’m used to being idle, and I do n’t want to be a slave. ”Pearl said indifferently,“ However, I think Brother Li killed Silver Tiger. In the process, the strength should be above me, but we can try it. "

Li Xing thought for a moment and arched his hand: "Then there are two ways to lead the way."

On the same day, Lan Fang and the Pearl gave Li Xing the road to the imperial city and he set off on his journey. Before leaving, Lan Fang warned: "Brother Li, the Emperor Tiantian respects the above Emperor Tiandi and Xia Didi Emperor, so he lives in the name of the emperor, so he can see how arrogant he is. So after arriving at the Imperial City, You can do what you can, but don't offend the emperor. "

Mingzhu also said: "The things in this can only be realized after entering the imperial city. After entering the imperial city, do not act low-key, if not necessary, do not argue with others. In short, if you do well, you can live well. Very good; if you do n’t do it well, it will kill you step by step, and your life will not be guaranteed. "

It can be seen that these two people are kind reminders, Li Xing expressed gratitude, and then resolutely embarked on the road to the Imperial City. He is confident that with this strength and advantage, he can go to the Imperial City.

This time to enter the imperial city, his biggest purpose, as Lan Fang and Ming Zhu said, is to find a way to leave the world of bones. He can't stay here forever, or like Blue Fang and Ming Zhu. Sleepy for thousands of years.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Li Xing walked for nearly a month before arriving. The imperial city, when viewed from a distance, is no different from the ordinary city, with its tall and sturdy city walls, magnificent buildings, and wide, flat streets.

Outside the city walls, a large group of monks are working hard, some building walls, some paving roads, and some building materials. They are obviously lower status people and can only do coolies in the imperial city. Among the coolies, there were several supervisors. When Li Xing saw them, they also saw Li Xing.

These overseers are fierce, and they are by no means good. Without a cruel character, they are not appropriate to be overseers. Upon seeing Li Xing, an overseer sneered: "Here is another one. I will recruit him."

With that said, the supervisor was at his feet and hurriedly greeted Li Xing. Several other supervisors were watching with a playful look.

Those coolies all showed sympathetic eyes and whispered: "Well, every day someone enters the imperial city as a slave, why is it so hard? We didn't know the condition of the imperial city at first, so we came over."

"Not to mention this person? He must not know what happened in the Imperial City, otherwise, I'm afraid he won't come over if he is killed." The other person shook his head. "He thought the Imperial City was the place that gave him hope, but he didn't know it. Place can only make him desperate. "

Li Xing was very surprised. He saw that there were hundreds of coolies outside the city, most of them were deities, and the rest were quasi-respects. This kind of strength can be pulled out of the world of bones, and it is absolutely possible to build a large force, but it is all cool labor here!

Those supervisors are even more extraordinary in strength, all of them are those who change their lives, and their strength is above the coolies.

The supervisor quickly walked in front of Li Xing, holding his head up, as if talking through his nostrils, and said in a deep voice, "Boy, did you come to the imperial city?"

"Yes," Li Xing said, "I don't know if I can enter the Imperial City."

"Certainly." The supervisor smiled. "First work for a few years under the hands of Lao Tzu. When there is enough credit, I will let you enter the Imperial City."

"Do work under your hands? No interest." Li Xing refused directly.

The foreman's expression suddenly sank, and he said sensibly, "You are a little quasi-permanent, so you don't know how to promote yourself. This dear today teaches you how to be a human!"

As soon as he grabbed his hands, he went to Li Xing. The big bone world, the law is weird, his world power cannot be exerted at all, so when he starts, he uses martial arts means, relying on the force of physical force.

Li Xing's eyes glared, and the people in the imperial city were really arrogant. He was also rude, his body swayed, he moved faster than the opponent, and he banged in the punch. When it comes to martial arts, no one is comparable to him, even if martial arts Tianzun meets him, it is inferior to three points.

The results can be imagined, the supervisor did not even see Li Xing's moves clearly, and his face took a hard note. This punch was really fierce, and the supervisor was blown away with a punch and screamed.

This is still the mercy of Li Xing's men, who do not want to kill, otherwise, the supervisor will definitely be blasted and die.

A look at the hands here, but they also suffer. The other four supervisors were taken aback and rushed to surround Li Xing. Li Xing stood in the middle, dismissing the siege of the five.

"Several people, as long as I enter the imperial city and don't want to conflict with you, please make it convenient." He said with a smile, it seems that the person who just conflicted was not him at all.

The beaten supervisor's eye circles Wu Qing ~ ~ nose bleeding, roaring: "Want to enter the Imperial City? Dream, hit me! Kill this arrogant thing!"

The five heavenly deities killed at the same time. Although they cannot operate the powerful plane powers, they are arrogant and martial arts one by one.

However, their advantage came before Li Xing and was not worth mentioning at all. Li Xing's eyes were cold. If the other party wanted to kill him, there was no need to be softened. He could only use thunder to deal with it.

"It's up to you to kill me? I'm afraid it will be destroyed by me!" He looked like a ghost, turned into a light smoke, and went to the beaten overseer in one fell swoop.

This time, he no longer had mercy on his men, and directly blasted the other person's head. A small group of glorious blooms emerged from the sky. In the glorious blooms, all kinds of magic evolved. It was the plane opened by the destiny of the destiny of life. After being injured, it was forced out by the laws of the bone world.

With such an opportunity, Li Xing naturally did not miss it. He stretched out his hand and took it into his own small Yuan world, and was swallowed up by the black hole in Mixed Yuan.


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