Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 935: Bottom frog

Chapter 935: The Frog At The Bottom Of The Well

Chapter 935: The Frog At The Bottom Of The Well

Li Xing's strength, even outside, can stand against the deities of Li Mingjing, killing and changing the destiny of Tian Ming without effort. At this moment in the big world of bones, his advantages are obvious, and killing Tianzun is even more easy and free of effort.

"What? He was killed?" The other four supervisors were startled, and their hearts sank, feeling bad.


Since they started, Li Xing didn't leave any one, and Li Xing banged four more punches, one punch and one result of the four, and charged them with the hard-built plane. Suddenly killing five people who changed their lives and deprived them of the power of the plane. The black hole generated in Li Xing ’s mixed world actually narrowed the front line.

"When this black hole can disappear, it means that I have accumulated enough, and then I can formally impact Tianzun's realm and establish my own mixed-element plane!" Li Xing said in his heart.

Five supervisors were killed in an instant, and the laborers were stunned, one by one shocked. They don't understand why a person who seems to be a quasi-prestige series is so fierce and overbearing?

After killing the supervisor, Li Xing swaggered to the gate of the imperial city. Ten guards guarded the gate, and their strength was on par with the supervisor. They saw the battle just now. So when Li Xing was about to enter the imperial city, they didn't stop him, but instead asked him to enter.

When Li Xing's background disappeared on the street, a guard wiped his cold sweats and said, "Unlucky! I haven't encountered such a tyrannical evil in hundreds of years. I actually encountered it today. Those supervisors were dead. In vain, who has made them blind and unable to see this arrogance. "

"He's at the Imperial City, I'm afraid he'll get the title of Guizhou?" Said another guard, "I just don't know which of the titles of the male, the male, the male, the child, or the male. Or, can he be the king?"

"It is impossible for the king to be crowned. Whoever can be crowned the king is not very creditable and has outstanding strength. He has to have the dual strength and the means to reach the sky. The entire imperial city has only four kings. This person has the opportunity. Not big. "

However, Li Xing walked on the street and saw various shops and restaurants. I felt that this place was like Qingyun City of that year, regardless of its scale or construction level. Of course, the residents here are not trivial, either Tianzun or Zhunzun, far from being comparable to Qingyun City.

Not long after the trip, two arresters, wearing black soap boots, stopped Li Xing and said, "You have to go to the household to register your name when you first enter the Imperial City."

Li Xing did not refuse, nodded, and followed the two to the "house". There was no talk all the way. When it came to the Ministry of Households, Li Xing saw that the place was nothing but a large courtyard. People in twos and threes were coming in and out, apparently coming to register.

He quickly introduced Li Xing into the courtyard, and a monk stepped out, staring at Li Xing and saying, "Do it!"

Li Xing raised an eyebrow: "You want to do it with me?"

A catcher quickly said: "I heard that you killed several supervisors, but they are of great strength. Those supervisors died when they died, but they have no eyes. However, if you want to enter the imperial city, you must show your true skill. You can get as much status as you can. "

Li Xing nodded: "Understand, it's time to shoot."

The monk roared with a loud fist. This blow shocked the whole courtyard, and the wind raged in the courtyard. Although the momentum was loud, Li Xing showed contempt. Although the person in front of him had the dual ability to change his life, the martial arts methods were sparse and ordinary, and he was not in his eyes.

A small step under his foot, he easily flashed the opponent's thunder, cut his right palm, and hit the opponent's rib. The monk groaned suddenly and sat down on the ground with a pained expression, and could no longer stand up.

The two catchers looked at each other and said to Li Xing, "Since you win, you will continue to accept the challenge until you fail."

Li Xing frowned: "So, I have to fight all the way? Don't have to be so troublesome, call out your strongest person, I will fight him."

Catching can't help sneering: "The strongest masters? That's four princes, how could you do it for your little man? But don't be arrogant, the next person can definitely suppress you!" Immediately, he sent a signal, and together The fire was set high.

Obviously, it took some time for the so-called master to arrive at the scene, and Li Xing had to wait. While waiting, a young man broke into the compound. He laughed, "What kind of person is he who wants to set off fireworks and ask his master to test his strength?"

When he saw the boy, he quickly fell down and said, "See Xiao Wang Ye!"

The little king said, "Get up."

Quickly stood up and pointed at Li Xing: "This person has some strength, and the two who change their lives cannot win him, so they set off fireworks to call people."

Xiao Wang came to interest and looked at Li Xing and said, "Where are you from?"

"Fighting fierce sky," Li Xing said.

Xiao Wangye raised his eyebrows and said, "I was born in the world of bones and Taos. I haven't been outside. But I heard my father said that the outside world is very vast. There are nine days and ten places. Fighting fierce sky is one of the ten places. You are a fierce man, you must know many things. "

Li Xingxin said: "It turned out that this man was born in the world of bones, but looking at him, his birth should be the strength of Tianzun. It can be seen that his parents are powerful people. However, such a person does not know the frogs at the bottom of the well. The world is vast. "

"Not a lot." Li Xingdao said, "If you can go out in the future, you will see what the sky is."

"So, to what extent is the most powerful Celestial Master outside?" The boy was obviously eager for knowledge and immediately asked, "How is it compared to our emperor?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "I haven't seen the emperor, so I don't know what his strength is and will not evaluate it. But if we talk about the outside deity, the strongest one should be the ancient great deity."

"Ancient Grand Celestial Master?" The young man sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ What is an Ancient Grand Celestial Master? "

Li Xingdao: "Every time a world disaster is called a ji, only Datianzun can survive it, and those who can live more than 36 years are called ancient tianzun."

The young man was startled: "There is still a world scourge? There is an ancient celestial deity! Our emperor, this period has become a celestial deity, does he not only live a celestial celestial deity?"

Li Xing: "It can be said. However, the fact that Da Tianzun lives only one period does not mean that he is weak."

"It's almost nonsense!" Suddenly, the young man's face changed. "You said these things in order to shake our faith in the emperor?"

What Li Xing said was completely beyond the imagination of the teenager. He couldn't accept it for a moment, and his eyes flashed with murder. In fact, most of the deities in the imperial city come from the outside, and no one knows this, but they dare not say it.

Today, Li Xing spoke out in fifteen and ten. This was a shock to Xiao Wangye. Besides shock, it was more fear and anxiety.


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