Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 936: Absolute advantage

Chapter 936: Absolute Advantage

Chapter 936: Absolute Advantage

He was terrified because he never thought that there would be a scourge of heaven and earth. It was not a great lord, and he couldn't spend it, which he couldn't accept. For a long time, he thought that he could live forever, life is with the sky, and the world is immortal, and now this idea is broken.

He was restless, thinking of the emperor, who was not the strongest in the world. In this way, the absolute belief in the emperor was shocked in his heart. Without faith, he suddenly became violent.

"Come here, take it down!" Xiao Wang yelled loudly, and from the outside came two followers, all of whom were third masters who changed their lives, and attacked Li Xing from side to side. The duo's moves are sharp and strong.

Li Xing sneered, staying still and letting the two hit him. Instantly, he hit four punches and five palms, and each hit gave a "crash" sound. The beatings sneered again and again, nothing happened, but the two celestial beings who beat them had pain in their palms, as if they had hit the hardest thing in the world.

Even outside the world of bones, Li Xing dare to use his physical body to counteract the attack of Li Tianzun. Now in the big world, it is the character who changed his life. He is even more fearless, only when others scratch him.

After nine strikes were connected, both Tianzun's faces changed, and they retreated at the same time, afraid to shoot again.

Li Xing smiled coldly: "You have enough?"

The two Tianzun looked ugly, staring at Li Xing with horrified expressions. Even the little prince turned pale and looked at Li Xing like a monster.

"Now that you've hit enough, then it's time for me to take a shot." Li Xing Changxiao slammed, approached, struck first, and then slashed again. The first punch, which was made from an impossible angle, knocked out the nearest change of life to the triple deity, receiving strength from the plane.

The second palm also slashed the second celestial being, and the opponent was too late to scream, and the plane was split open with a single palm. The source of the huge plane power was swallowed up by Li Xing's mixed black hole. Nothing left.

After absorbing the two avenues of changing lives, the Xunyuan black hole in the small world of Li Xing's mixed Yuan really narrowed the front line again. However, it is not yet known how many avenue rules will be absorbed before this black hole will be heard and the mixed world will be complete.

With one punch and one palm, even the two were cut, the catch was so scared that his face was pale, and he shivered on the ground. Little Wang Ye's face changed continuously, and he kept stepping back, pointing at Li Xing: "You ... you ..."

"Are you still going to win me?" Li Xingbu stepped forward, the little prince was shocked and trembled. "What are you doing? Do you know what I am? My father is the Four Kings of the Imperial City." King Anle, dare you to touch my finger, my father will make you die! "

Li Xing looked scornful. Like such a man who relied on his ancestors' arrogance, he always did not think much of it, and he killed it, and it was not a big deal. As he was about to start, a thunderous voice came: "Brother, please show mercy."

A young man, with a purple crown and a bright yellow robe, stood in the air between Li Xing and Xiao Wang Ye. He bowed to Li Xing and said, "Here is King Fukang, one of the four kings of the imperial city. This The kid is King Anle ’s only son, named Jin Fu, and he is used to it, and behaves arrogantly, regardless of the consequences. The brother sees in my face, please forgive him once, as an example. "

Li Xing took a look at this person, and was a little surprised, because he found that this person was actually the second most important figure, and one step was to make the third most important, that is, the state of the Great Celestial Master.

However, he is not afraid. In this world of bones, he has the confidence to fight below the Great Celestial Master.

"We never knew each other. Wouldn't it be ridiculous for you to let me give you face?" Li Xing said coldly, without any good looks. You know, this little prince just wanted to kill him, how can he let it go so easily?

King Fukang's face changed slightly, and he said, "Friend, do you know where is this place?"

"Of course I know, this is the imperial city." Li Xing replied.

"That's right, there are only four kings in the entire imperial city, and King Anle belongs to one of them. There is only one such imperial city in the whole world of bones. You must also be a monk who broke into the outside world. Do n’t you want to leave here? You If you want to leave here, how can you offend King Anle? If you offend King Anle, you will have no respect for your emperor and those who are disrespectful to you. "King Fukang said," Friends must think twice. OK, don't cause unnecessary trouble. "

Li Xing smiled and smiled coldly, "I want to take a shot, I don't need anyone else, and in this big world, I don't fear anyone, even the emperor!"


This time, King Fukang was also angry and stared at Li Xing: "Although you were arrogant before, I saw that you were a personal talent, so you talked out. Now, if you dare to despise His Majesty the Emperor, that is a disrespectful death penalty, no Someone can save you! "

"I don't need any help." Li Xing looked up and looked directly at the other side. "I said, your emperor can't kill me either."

"Presumptuous!" Another figure of Wei An appeared, with a high crown and silver robes, not less powerful than King Fukang.

"King Anle, are you here too?" Wang Fukang bowed his hand, "This man is indeed brave and I am willing to give him a chance, but this man does not appreciate it."

"Fukang is good-hearted. If I were, I would have killed this person early." He strode forward and approached Li Xing. "Boy, you have to kill my son. Who gave you the courage?"

Li Xing repeated a "hum": "You should be a big man in the sky, but unfortunately, in my eyes, it's nothing but a second life! It's not a big lord, in front of me, it's no different from a native chicken."

"Destroy him, this son is too arrogant!" Wang Anle was furious and shot first.

"This man is crazy and needless to say, cut him off!" King Fukang was also furious and assisted from the side.

Although they disdain in their discourse, they attach great importance to Li Xing in their hearts, and they are the strongest attacks. However, due to the suppression of the strange principles of the bone world, they also cannot use the power of the world. They can only use powerful physical and subtle martial arts to attack Li Xing.

In both respects, it is precisely Li Xing that Geng excels. If outside the Bone Road World, the two would join in a blow, and Li Xing would never take it. But in the big world, all this was nothing to him.

"I'd like to see, what are the means of the so-called four kings, break it for me!" Li Xing drank violently, and when he couldn't let it go, he shot two punches and attacked the two kings.

King Anle has always been proud of his power, and King Fukang's advantage is speed. But now, their advantages are so ridiculous in front of Li Xing.

King Fukang was fast and the counterattack was fast. His right arm broke with a click and a humming sound was heard. This deity, who is the second most important person, was physically domineering, and his arm was severely broken by Li Xing!

The physical body of the Celestial Master has been blessed by planes, and the washing of the power of the world is harder than a trillion times more than steel. Especially the second heavenly deity, the physical strength, is even more incredible.

But it was such a rude body, but Li Xing broke his bone with a punch.

Fukang Wang was frightened and furious and stepped back a few dozen steps.

On the other side, Li Xing's fist also met the fist of King Anle. This King of Anle was extremely powerful and his attack power was obviously higher than that of King Fukang. However, he still failed to please.

To King Fukang, Li Xing was fighting hard, playing fast, not using fancy means. But to King Anle, Li Xing used martial arts methods.

The moment the fists collided, King Anle felt like he had hit cotton, and Li Xing's fists were actually weak. When he was puzzled in his heart, he received a little strength, but his opponent's fist broke out instantly, and a shocking force came.


Li Xing's fist concealed strength and disintegration. Two strengths, one rigid and the other soft, were firm and soft, and they burst into force several times at once. King Anle felt a pain in his arm, and his arm bone collapsed into bone powder.

The powerful explosive force broke his skin and flesh, the whole right arm exploded, flesh and blood flew, and the end was terrible.

Li Xingyuan thought that to fight against the second most important person to kill lives, even in the world of bones, he must use some means. Whoever knew it, he felt an absolute advantage and was able to suppress the opponent.

This gave him great confidence, and with a long whistle, he took the initiative to attack.

After a fight, both King Fukang and King Anle were frightened and knew that Li Xing was not their opponent. But now that Li Xing has shot and moves like electricity, how can they hide?

This time, we can see Li Xing's advantages. His soul comes from that world. Although he has n’t practiced the laws of that world, he is half a native, after all, so walking in this law of the road is much smoother, unlike the suppression of others Great.

King Anle and King Fukang retreated. The former did not forget to bring his son, the so-called little king. But Li Xing was quicker, scammed in front of him, and punched out. In haste, King Anle waved his hand to meet, but found that Li Xing's fist was a false move.

Fist shadow flashed ~ www.readwn.com ~ suddenly lowered a line, crossing with his palm edge, and really hit his son.

"Boom!" Sorry, the little prince was too late to call for help, and was smashed by a punch. This little prince is just a life-threatening power. He couldn't resist such a fierce attack from Li Xing and died directly.

"Damn! He actually killed my son in front of me, and today you are without me!" King Anle ran away completely, shot continuously with both palms, widened together, and vowed to fight for life with Li Xing.

As soon as King Fukang couldn't see the road, he shouted, "Brother Anle resisted for a while, I'll call someone!" He said aloud, and turned away.

"You can do it?" Li Xing punched King Anle into a phantom, turned into a phantom, stopped King Fukang at once, and blasted out dozens of punches instantly. Each punch could blast Tianzun and the lethality was shocking.

When it comes to power, Fukang Wang can't reach it; when it comes to speed, Fukang King can't do it; when it comes to martial arts, Fukang King can't do it. Such a strength can be imagined against Li Xing. After just hearing a loud bang, Li Xing banged the opponent's body with a series of nine punches, and the punches were fatal.


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