Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 937: Datianzun shot

Chapter 937: Ji Tianyang Jun shot

Chapter 937: Grand Celestial Shot

Because the power of the world was blocked and unable to defend on its own, Li Xing's punches broke into the opposite plane every time, causing the plane to explode. King Fukang was taken aback. If he continued this way, he would not be able to support it for a long time, and the plane would fall.

"Brother Anle save me!" At the head of life and death, he shouted for help while desperately resisting.

Anle Wang easily knew that if one of them died, the other would be in danger, so he yelled and killed him, still with two enemies. But even so, Li Xing's fierce attack was still invincible. Before long, the two planes were beaten up, the sky was falling apart, and there were faint signs of falling.

"Ignorant child, should you rely on these means to run rampant in the world of bones?" A majestic voice sounded, making the frustrated King Fukang and An Yue happy.

"His Majesty the Emperor!" The second king yelled, hitting desperately, forcing Li Xing back.

Li Xing fluttered in shape, stood in place, his gaze looked at the void, and his heart waved slightly. I saw the void separated by a pair of powerful palms, and a man emerged from it. This man could not see his age, was wearing an imperial suit, an imperial crown above his head, extraordinary weather, and magnificent.

The person who appeared was the emperor of the imperial city, a great deity, who once deterred Li Xing.

"It seems that Da Tianzun can slightly sense the laws of the bone world, tearing the void, and walking around the world!" Li Xing was surprised. "This man has achieved the big heaven in the bone world, maybe he has already controlled some of the rules. "

Although he was shocked in his heart, he was not afraid. He stared at the coming person and said, "You are the Lord of the Imperial City?"

The emperor solemnly said: "Junior, where do you come from and dare to smash into the imperial city!"

"Haha" laughed at Li Xing: "Good breath, do you own this big bone world?"

"Presumptuous, dare to be rude to His Majesty the Emperor!" King Fukang and King Anle were furious. The arrival of the emperor greatly increased their courage.

"Are you a loser and dare to speak bravely?" Li Xing ignored the two, and destined the emperor, saying, "You are the master of the imperial city, this identity can scare me!"

"Courageous! If you don't take any effort, you can slay this son as long as you mobilize the army!" King Anle said.

Having said everything, he rushed out of a large number of monks and rushed to Li Xing without saying a word. If one-on-one, Li Xing is not afraid of these people. But there were two kings in front of him, and an emperor who was a great deity, so he had to be careful.

Immediately drank softly, turned into a light smoke, flickered in the gap between the crowd, erratic, no one can capture his trajectory. However, the emperor, who was a great celestial deity, did not take any action at all, but locked his eyes coldly, putting pressure on Li Xing.

"Don't he know he can't take me, so he doesn't dare to take a shot, so as not to be exposed to the people in the imperial city?" Li Xing's mind flashed such an idea. However, this place was dangerous after all, and he did not come forward to test it.

"Bang, bang!"

Everywhere in the boxing, Tianzun must be blasted, Li Xing showed a mighty fighting force, and the monks who rushed to the front were trembling with trembling. Even if it is the four kings, it is impossible to have any combat power, what is the identity of this person? How could it be so scary?

Li Xing looks like a ghost, and his combat power is amazing, so he quickly killed a **** road. But after all those monks are Celestial Masters with extraordinary strength, so in the process, he would inevitably be hit with a few punches and kicks, all feeling tickled and even without pain.

On the contrary, those who hit Li Xing were shocked and even severely injured.

At the time of the shot, Li Xing looked like a phantom, and actually formed a large black hole, as if it would devour the world. In that black hole, a horrific attack force will be burst out, and the Venerable Zun will be directly detonated, and then the origin of the plane will be absorbed into the black hole.

This was a horrible scene, and the monks evaded, and later, no one dared to approach Li Xing.

At this moment, two other figures came after him, and together with King Anle and Fukang, surrounded Li Xing. These two are also among the four kings, one is the rich king and the other is the auspicious king.

The four kings were silent, just shot, the styles were all killing moves. They were the strongest masters in the imperial city and below the emperor. At the moment, they shot together and the siege of the crowd immediately made Li Xing struggling.

"Let's make a double, but that's it!" Li Xing sighed, and suddenly his fists split into two, two changed to four, and attacked the four.

Four loud noises, the four kings of the Imperial City were shocked one by one. But at this moment, when Li Xingquan made an uncollected moment, the emperor who had been silent finally shot. He tore the void and appeared behind Li Xing, pointing out.

The emperor was obviously waiting for the best time. If he didn't, he would succeed. Da Tianzun's strength is indeed afraid. Even in the world of bones, the power of the plane cannot be exerted, but it can still pose a fatal threat to Li Xing.


With one simple finger, break through all obstacles and click on Li Xing's back spine. He even heard the sound of bones shattering, crisp and trembling.

With a moaning sound, Li Xing's back blew up with bleeding flowers. He yelled, his body suddenly accelerated, turned into a phantom, and he immediately left the scene.

Datianzun's blow caused significant damage, and even his twenty-one major Luo Zhenshen couldn't resist, and he was broken open to defend and hit the key. Moreover, the horrible force directly crashed into his body, and the destruction continued.

"You must leave this place and find a place to cultivate. The emperor is really shameless. As a great deity, he attacked me as a quasi-monitor!" Li Xing cursed in his heart, and he finally understood why this person could become the master of the imperial city. Such insidious and deceitful people are powerful and can deter the world from being emperor.

Da Tianzun did not pursue, and seemed disdainful of hunting. Seeing that Li Xingyuan was walking away, he said lightly: "This person has been seriously injured and will not live long. However, he has some secrets on his body, come here and give me the full hunt."

The monks cheered, and they followed Li Xingguang's direction, pursuing them with all their strength, and vowed to get them.

The speed of these people is obviously much slower than Li Xing. At this point, Li Xing had already gone a long way and changed direction to speed up. He felt intense pain. The power of Da Tianzun was still raging in his body, and there seemed to be no sign of stopping.

"You must stop and heal as soon as possible, or it may be abolished!" Li Xing sighed, speeding up again. He entered the imperial city before and wanted to find a way to go out. He did not expect to have a direct conflict and came to this step.

However, Li Xing didn't regret it, at least he knew the true strength of the Lord of the Imperial City. Although the opponent is very strong and has the ability to hurt him, it does not have an absolute advantage.

If he is adequately prepared, then the Supreme Master may not have a chance. He may even fight back one or two. If this is not the case, then Datianzun would have taken a shot directly to suppress him, instead of waiting for the timing to take a shot.

After escaping for a long time, Li Xing entered a dense forest. The environment in the forest was dark, and the smell of heavy leaves came from below. This place is obviously a very inaccessible place and should be a virgin forest.

Li Xing went deep into the forest, found a big tree, and climbed up, sitting in the branch, meditating and healing.

Inside the body, the power that Da Tianzun played was still violently violent, causing his blood and blood to be damaged. Now that he has time, he can fight with all his strength. In the mixed world, the suction of the black hole was led out to capture the power played by Da Tianzun.

This is a good method. It didn't take long for this destructive power to be absorbed by the black hole. The power of Da Tian Zun is very extraordinary, and it is also a great supplement. It instantly makes the black hole smaller, and the effect is comparable to swallowing all the principles of Li Ming One and Double Tian Zun.

The destructive power was lowered, Li Xing's body began to recover quickly, and the wound on the back disappeared unknowingly. When he opened his eyes, half a month had passed.

Originally, he decided to rest for a while, but he couldn't help it, he heard a strange noise. The manpower sent in the imperial city finally searched here, and began to have monks enter the virgin forest in search of Li Xing.

Not far away, seven Celestial Masters had approached, apparently, they had all discovered Li Xing.

In fact, Li Xing didn't hide deeply. He sat on the tree, and everyone with sharp eyes could see it. The seven Celestial Masters surrounded Li Xing in the middle with a trend of encirclement, all of them showed a cruel and cruel look, ready to attack.

"You're here very well," Li Xing said indifferently, "just help me cultivate!"

His mixed-yuan black hole is far from disappearing, and it needs to devour a large number of avenues. Of course, these seven deities are brought to the door, and he certainly will not let it go. Tianzun is a great supplement to him.

You know, even in the fierce sky, there are many Tianzun, but you don't want to kill. Every deity belongs to a certain force. If it is killed, it will offend more masters.

But in the bone world, Li Xing has no such taboo. If anyone commits a crime, he will kill. This is an attitude and a way to increase strength.


Seven swords of light, soaring into the sky, the sword's qi reach, sharp and unparalleled. The tall trees that Li Xingpan sat on ~ www.readwn.com ~ The branches and leaves exploded and shattered, and Jianguang attacked Li Xing in all directions, with wonderful means.

These seven Celestial Masters formed a very powerful sword array and wanted to kill Li Xing in one shot.

This type of combined attack is truly extraordinary, but unfortunately it was Li Xing. He ignored Jianguang at all, punched him straight, and his physical strength was so arrogant that he directly scattered Jianguang.

"Boom!" Jian Guang shrank, Li Xingru hit the sky with eagles, and his body turned into a series of figures, as if he were seven people, attacking at the same time.

The screams kept coming and going, and no one could be cut off by the love of him, and the power of the plane was included in it, constantly strengthening the Yuanyuan Avenue.

The seven divine deities who change their lives, if they are outside, can fight with Li Xing and even have a chance to escape, but here, they ca n’t send out the power of the plane, their power is suppressed, and they ca n’t play their role Some strength.

Even after cutting the Seven Celestial Masters, Li Xing felt that his mixed-yuan small world was one more force. Although he could not exert the power of the world, he could really feel its power.


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