Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 938: Yuyan Tianzun

Chapter 938: Jade Yang Tianzun

Chapter 938: Yuyan Tianzun

The seven Celestial beings died completely, and the planes they had worked hard all their lives into the small world of Li Xing's mixed Yuan became the driving force for his advancement, which will erupt at some point in the future, letting him break through to the greatest Celestial Realm.

From Zhunzun to Tianzun, it is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Once it breaks through, Tianyuan is different, just like Yuyuelongmen, soaring into the sky, and since then, it has gone peacefully and smiled proudly.

"Ang ~"

The movement was so loud that it inevitably shocked the powerful beasts around. Li Xing felt that at least ten beasts far stronger than the Silver Tiger were approaching him. As for the beast of this bone world, as long as it is not the rank of the beast emperor, he is not afraid, so he waits for the beasts to appear in place.


The earth shook, and a beast appeared. This beast is ten meters away, with a layer of dense black hair outside, like steel thorns, blue eyes, and fierce light. This monster ape with a tiger-tailed tail walks like electricity, roars, shakes in all directions, and penetrates through the clouds and cracks.

Li Xing didn't know the name of this beast, but he could only see that it was very strong, at least not weaker than the neutral deity in the bone world. The monster roared and slammed his arm.

The black hair beast palm covers the sky, it is suppressed severely, the evil wind blows at the face, flying sand and stones, and even the space of the bone world is shaken. It seems to increase the strength to tear the void.

This blow was really fierce, Li Xing's eyes were astounded, and the mixed Yuan Holy Body “cracked” for a while, and instantly changed into a hundred meters to grow up. The golden palm slammed up, like a heavy hammer, breaking time and space, and breaking Nine days.

This time, the two played against each other, hit head to head, and played against each other. The human palm and the beast palm collided fiercely, sending out a series of violent explosions, fierce howling winds, destroying them in the form of shock waves.

With two people as the center, all trees and flowers within a radius of three hundred miles, all fly ash, and the ground was blown out of a huge pit. With a violent blow, Li Xing was numb with his arm and could not help but take a step back.

The beast had no such good luck. Half of the beast's arm exploded directly, flesh and blood flew, it sent out a fierce misery, ran wild with its arms, and was about to escape.

"Animals, where do you escape!"

Where would Li Xing let it go, taking a big step, three or two steps to catch up, one point to catch the beast. His martial arts was amazing and his power was amazing. With a bang, he punched the monster's head into a blood hole and blasted his brain.

The monster screamed loudly, fell to the ground, died with anger, and smashed the ground into shock.

To kill this monster, Li Xing tried to ingest it into the mixed world, and see if he could find the rules of the world of bones from his body. However, he soon gave up. There was only that weird avenue rule in this beast, and there was no bone law he needed.

Li Xing was very tall and murderous. After he beheaded and killed a ferocious beast, the rest of the beasts that were about to besiege quietly retreated. In their eyes, Li Xing has been among the strong here, and has deterred them from dare to launch an attack.

After that, Li Xing was separated by five and was about to be found by a group of Tianzun sent by the Imperial City. Without exception, these people were not Li Xing's opponents at all, they were all beheaded and killed, and the plane principle was absorbed by the mixed world, becoming Li Xing's tonic.

At the same time, many local beasts were beheaded by Li Xing. However, these beasts were not very useful to Li Xing except for making barbecue.

Day after day, months passed unconsciously. In the meantime, Li Xing constantly changed directions, traveled many places, experienced many things, and gained a lot of insights. The hunt for the imperial city is not over, but if there is no emperor's action, there will be a threat to Li Xing.

In the imperial city, even the four kings second only to the emperor shot, they could not fight Li Xing, let alone others. But strangely, there are still batches of Tianzun coming, seemingly to die.

Li Xing was very puzzled about this. Couldn't that Da Tianzun see that these people couldn't help himself? So why do you keep sending people? Is there anything hidden?

This day, he walked out of the primitive forest to enter a rolling mountain range. There are thousands of meteorological conditions in this mountain range.

Li Xing stood in the mountains, staring at his feet, with a strange expression. Because he obviously felt that among these mountains, there was actually a different avenue rule, which seemed to be the rule that the bone world should have.

He was preparing to take a closer look, and suddenly heard a woman's scolding voice in front of him: "Yuan Jin, Yuan Huo, how brave you are, are you going to fight against the fierce academy?"

Then a man's cold answer came: "Yuyan Tianzun, this is the world of bones, you do n’t know if you can go out. What else do we care about? If you know the truth, you will surrender the bones. Otherwise, we're welcome! "

Li Xing was so happy that he did not expect to meet Yuyan Tianzun here. When he first entered the world of bones, he knew that the chance to find Yuyan Tianzun was very slim. Who knew that he would meet so soon.

Before he could think about it, he stretched out and flew towards the sound source. Soon, we arrived at the scene.

This is a valley, a woman in white, with beautiful jade face, stunning appearance, and ice muscles, was besieged by five Tianzun in the middle. The five Celestial Masters are all second-strength strengths.

The breath on these five people is quite familiar to Li Xing: Yuan Jinjie, Yuantujie, Yuanhuojie, Yuanmujie and Yuanshuijie. Seeing that their realms are very similar, Li immediately guessed that these five people should be the Five Realms in the Five Elements World.

In the Five Elements World, there are five third-level planes. These are the Five Elements and the Five Realms. Each has a deity who stands second in order and has extraordinary strength. He belongs to the Five Elements World and the strongest person under the Five Elements.

Five celestial beings, besieging Yuyan celestial beings, attempted badly. The sudden appearance of Li Xing surprised all five people, but when they saw the strength of the comer, but the quasi-respect level, they all sneered again.

"Boy, get out of here, don't get in the way." Yuan Jintian Zun waved his hands like a fly and let Li Xing leave. For the small figures of the quasi-respect series, they don't even bother to do it.

Li Xing ignored the five and walked straight to Yuyan Tianzun. He had seen it with arched hands, and said, "Practitioner Li Xing, Yu Yantang, a student of the fighting and fierce school, joined the disciple. See the host."

Yuyan Tianzun was also a stunner. She looked at Li Xing and asked, "Yuyantang does not accept male disciples. Who accepted you?"

"The master of Huitang is the elder sister and the elder sister." Li Xing said, "They said that the disciples are the first on the recruiting list, and they have some potential, so they are included."

Yuyan Tianzun nodded, and then sighed, "I didn't expect that you could come here. However, your strength is too weak, and it is useless to come. We are going to die here today."

When Wu Tianzun heard that Li Xing was a member of Yuyantang, they all laughed and said, "Since this is the case, then kill them all!"

As if he didn't hear it, Li Xing continued to say to Yuyan Tianzun: "The host is at ease, the disciples are here to find the host, and they will never let the host be in trouble."

It sounded a little awkward to hear the words of Yuyantang's master. She is the master of Yuyan Church. Is it necessary for a small quasi-respect disciple to take care of it? This disciple must have been mad, otherwise how could he say such a thing?

Not only Yuyan Tianzun, the five deities of the Five Elements World looked at Li Xing like an idiot, Yuanshui Tianzun sneered: "Boy, you are really interesting and will give you a happy moment."

Regardless of the weird look of Yuyan Tianzun, Li Xing turned around, faced the five Tianzuns, and pointed at Yuanshui Tianzun: "Okay, just as you say, I can give you a good deal and won't let you die too much pain."

In the world of bones, Li Xing has a good chance in the face of five deities who have the second highest standing. He can see that the strength of these five people should still be under the Four Kings of the Imperial City, which are all comparable to Yuyan Tianzun.

"Boy, your joke is enough, go to death!" Yuan Jin Tianzun among them is already impatient, they still have to deal with Yu Yan Tianzun, have no time to care about such small figures as Li Xing. So he covered the past with his big hand, turning it into a sky, and he was going to wipe out Li Xing directly.

With such a big palm, he didn't know how many times he had killed his opponent, and his momentum was amazing. But this time I met Li Xing, a strange number.

Facing the blow from Lizun Tianzun, Li Xing was not panic-stricken, Shengguang rushed into the sky with a big hand, and banged heavily. This blow sent a thunderous thunder, and the clouds scattered the stars. Yuan Jintian Zun's physical body was strong. Under this blow, Li Xingzhen's arm was broken and his phalanx was broken.

"Ah! Damn thing! How could you have such a mighty power?" Yuan Jintianzhuang growled, angrily, and the lightning retracted Tianzun's hand.

Yuan Mu Tianzun looked dignified, and said in a deep voice: "This person is not simple, we must not take care of it, it is better to strike with one stroke, use the five elements to kill this child!"


At the end of the day, the five deities who settled down to form a double battle formation. The five golden rules, the Yuanmu rules, the Yuanshui rules, the Yuanshui rules, the Yuanshui rules, and the Yuanhuo rules are intertwined, and this kind of force suddenly changes.

"Be careful!" Yu Yan Tianzun reminded aloud, before skeptical of Li Xing, after Li Xingqiang struck and injured Yuan Jin Tianzun, he was thrown out of the clouds. Even if her eyesight is no longer good, she can see that Li Xing is a peerless talent ~ www.readwn.com ~ The potential is endless and the combat power is terrible!

"In the body of the five people, there are five elements of the five elements, and the five elements are united, and they will transform into the power of the great elements!"

"They have no chance!" Li Xing snorted, his body was divided into five, and five were killed.

Originally, if the Five Elements and Five Heavens were out of the bone world, they could instantly combine the forces of the five planes to form a five elements lore, and issue the attack power of the Great Heavenly Lord.

But here is the world of bones, the power of the plane is suppressed by death. Under such circumstances, it is quite difficult to contact the Five Elements planes, and it is impossible to form a killing array instantly. This gives Li Xing the opportunity to create a shot.


With five punches in a row, the five elements and five days of Zun were too late, and they took Li Xing's punch. He fought hard and beat the flesh, all hit the key.

That Yuan Mu Tianzun had the weakest defense. His nose was blown by a punch, nose blood splattered, and his head was almost smashed.


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