Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 939: Bony life

Chapter 939: Bone Tao's Destiny

Chapter 939: Bone Fate

"Stop him!" Yuan Mu Tianzun was snoozed all of a sudden, yelling again and again. However, the other four Tianzun also received a punch and shock, and could not support him at all.

At this moment, Yuyan Tianzun saw the opportunity and immediately shot to fight alongside Li Xing. Yuyan Tianzun lost a battle force, so that Li Xing's pressure was greatly reduced, martial arts methods were used, and five days of Zun fart rolled out, and there was no fighting back.


Finally, after a fierce blow, Yuan Shui Tianzun's head was scooped up and a scream was swallowed up by Li Xing's mixed Yuan black hole. Five went to one, and the rest was not to mention, and were successively killed by Li Xing.

In the process, several people repeatedly wanted to be light, but unfortunately they were not as fast as Li Xing and were intercepted one by one. The last to be beheaded was Yuan Jintianzun, who used the gold of the five elements as the rule, and the body was the most arrogant, so he persisted to the last moment.

Poor five-on-one is not an opponent. At the moment, one-on-two, Yuan Jintianzun only had to be beaten. It was not long before he was suppressed by Li Xing, and then he was put into a black hole in the mixed Yuan and refined.

Suddenly swallowed the five deities who were second in life, Li Xing's black hole in the small world, and suddenly reduced his punch, and his high road was rude several times.

Yuyan Tianzun looked at Li Xing like a monster, with an incredible face, even if it all happened under her eyelids.

"You are really a disciple of Yu Yantang? Not a descendant of a big man?" Yu Yan Tianzun couldn't help asking, but she still couldn't accept the result.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The disciples are indeed the disciples of Yuyantang. This is the world of bones and Taos. The only way to suppress the plane principle is physical power. It ’s just that the disciples' physical body is more sophisticated, so they can be cut off Li Mingjing Tianzun. "

Yuyan Tianzun sighed: "A new generation replaces the old one. I didn't expect that Dou Tian will give you a figure like you. If I look right, you are the quasi-zun! Even if you are not in the world of bones, I believe you It can definitely compete against the person who lives first. When you become the deity, the deity may not be able to hurt you. "

Li Xingdao: "There is no essential difference between the Supreme Celestial and the Celestial Supreme. If I become Celestial Celestial, I will be Celestial Celestial in the future."

Yuyan Tianzun nodded and said, "In the future, if you and I can return to the fighting school, this Tianzun will definitely cultivate you with all my strength."

Li Xing thanked Yuyan Tianzun and said, "The host, just five people seem to be asking the host what?"

Yuyan Tianzun did not hide from Li Xing, saying: "It is a holy blessing." She said that she would spread out her palm, and a golden villain would appear among the white palms like white jade. This golden villain seems to have been built by King Kong, revealing a domineering power, King Kong's power, at first glance, is the existence of the physical force to the extreme.

Li Xing's eyelids flickered and shouted, "What's this?"

"This is the life babies formed by Dao Dao Tianzun!" Yu Yan Tianzun said in a dignified voice. "The true essence of Dao Daozun's bones is all contained in it. Unfortunately, it was severely damaged in the battle, without the will. , Only the law of the avenue. "

"Life baby!" Li Xing exhaled softly.

Tianzun has three realms, namely, the destiny of destiny, the change of destiny, and the destiny of destiny. This is a change of destiny. When the third life is established and the day of the great deity is achieved, a baby will be born in that big world.

Life is one of the most important signs that a monk has become a great monk, and it is also the key to the monk to survive the calamity. When the world is in great calamity, the destiny of all beings in the world will enter the state of destruction.

Only Da Tianzun can rely on the life of a baby, forcibly change his life against the sky, so that in the new era, settle down and live to the Second Age. In addition, once the infant is formed, it will also be the most powerful fighting force of Da Tianzun, and it will have the power to fight against the sky.

And the most important point is that the life of the infant is the key to Da Tianzun's understanding of Supreme Fragmentation. What Da Tianzun has to do is to constantly strengthen his life and make him better. Similar to the strength of Datianzun, every time an infant lives, his strength will increase by one level.

The legendary infantry of Tiantianzun is called the legendary infant, and the legendary infantry of poetry is also called epic. The life of a baby is the place where Da Tianzun's life is branded, and the core of the principle of the road. For example, it is equivalent to the master of the heaven and earth plane.

Under certain special conditions, Datianzun fell, but the infants were left behind, such as the boned Datianzun's infant.

Li Xing stared at Mingying, naturally desperate for it. However, he could not take the **** and had to suppress greed. However, Yuyan Tianzun noticed the flashing expression in Li Xing's eyes.

He was silent for a moment, and said, "This ostentatious baby is not a trivial matter. If I can understand, maybe I can break through and become a big monk."

Li Xing was so clever, knowing that the host of Yuyan Tang had a lot of heart, and smiled a little, and said, "The host, please rest assured, no one will **** this thing with me." This sentence twistedly told the other party that he would not snatch.

Yuyan Tianzun immediately believed that with Li Xing's strength, he could be killed at any time. You know, even if the Five Elements and Five Days are destroyed, what is she worth? Since he said that there is no greed, it is true that he will not snatch.

Yuyan Tianzun felt a little more grateful for Li Xing, saying: "Li Xing, you are a gentleman, I will never treat you badly." She thought for a while, and said, "What do you think of the mountains here? different?"

At this moment, the expression of Yuyan Tianzun has a little more of a girl's temperament, unlike the previous heights, and does not eat human fireworks.

Li Xing could not express his senses, but could only sense his breath. After a while, he said, "In the mountains, it seems that some heterogeneous laws are buried."

Yuyan Tianzun nodded: "Strictly speaking, in this mountain range, six lives are sealed!"

Li Xing was taken aback: "How does the host know?"

"This news was known before I entered the bone world." Immediately, she told Li Xing a story.

It turned out that before Yuyan Tianzun became famous, he was quite famous. At that time, she offended a big man and was chased and killed countless planes. In the end, she escaped into a large world that remained.

In that great world, she found a piece of memory that was left by the original owner of the surviving great world. The memory told her something about the world of bones.

However, at that time, Yuyan Tianzun was too weak, even if he knew, he had no strength to enter the world of bones. Until later, she was promoted step by step, becoming the master of Yu Yan Tang, Xiu Wei also reached the second life.

At this moment, she felt a little emboldened to enter the world of bones. Before entering the big world, he left a message. If she couldn't leave within ten years, the message would be sent to Yuyantang to tell her disciples. This message is exactly the message received by Qinglian Tianzun not long ago.

"The memory tells me that this mountain in the world of bones and Taos is called Qiqi Mountain. The weird power seals the seven babies. One of them is the bones and I spent ten years to get it." Jade Yan Tianzun laughed. "So, as long as we give us enough time, we can take out the other six lives."

Li Xing immediately became excited, and then he was silent for a long time, then suddenly said: "Tang mainly uses the life baby to break through the Great Celestial Master, I wonder if there is any requirement for the property of the life baby?"

Yuyan Tianzun seemed to guess what Li Xing was thinking, and nodded: "In fact, the bones are not very suitable for me. The other six are probably more suitable."

"In this case, if you can find a suitable life baby, can the church owner give up this bone life baby to give up?" Li Xingdao said, "The bone life life baby is of great help to the physical training below."

Yuyan Tianzun agreed without hesitation and said, "In fact, I only need one life baby. If you can get another six life baby, you can exchange it naturally."

After a few words, Yuyan Tianzun invited Li Xing to live in her cave house. Yuyan Tianzun's Dongfu, youxiangjingya, at first glance is where women live.

In Dongfu, Li Xing told this story. When he learned that he was chased by the imperial city, Yuyan shook his head: "You are too reckless, why did the Lord of the Imperial City offend? You know why the Lord of the Imperial City kept sending people to death, But not killing you personally? "

Li Xing's heart moved: "Does the host know?"

"Of course I know that this man is actually the big man who chased me." Yuyan Tianzun sneered. "This man is called the Phantom King. No, he should be called the Phantom King at this moment. This man's mind is bad and insidious , Is a powerful person. He keeps sending people to harass you, just because you are afraid to find him. "

"Afraid I'll come to you?" Li Xing said for a moment, "He is Da Tianzun, is he afraid of me?"

"If it is normal, or outside of the bone world, he is naturally not afraid. However, now that his phantom infant is injured and is in convalescence, he is unable to shoot at all."

"Someone hurt his life baby, who is it?" Li Xing was taken aback.

"A beast emperor, I happen to know about this." Yuyan Tianzun looks very gloating. "So he is very weak now, and he has to be careful when facing a strong enemy like you."

Li Xing nodded: "No wonder he keeps sending people to kill me, just to make me think he has been killing me and holding me back at the same time, lest he go back to find him."

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yuyan Tianzun suddenly showed deep thought, and suddenly asked Li Xing: "Li Xing, if I give you my baby at this time, you might break through?"

Li Xing jumped in his heart and said, "I have little hope of achieving Tianzun, but my Da Luo Zhenshen can break through."

Yuyan Tianzun nodded: "How strong will you be after the breakthrough?"

Li Xing thought about it and said, "I can feel that the bones belong to the highest form of refining, which is even more brilliant than my current Da Luo Zhen Shen. If this law can be refined, then my Da Luo Zhen Shen , It can definitely make a leap, at least three levels. By then, I can instantly kill the five elements and five heavens. "

"Enough!" Yuyan Tianzun was very happy and gave Li Xing a surprise. "I can give you my baby now, but there is a request!"

Li Xing looked still, and asked lightly, "Is it to let the disciples kill the Phantom King?"

"Yes! Do you dare?" Yu Yan Tianzun stared at Li Xing, and there was a rare excitement and excitement in her wonderful eyes.


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