Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 940: Grand Mirage

Chapter 940: The Great Phantom of Heaven

Chapter 940: Phantom Great Celestial Master

Li Xing double-breasted Yixuan and said, "The host is destined, but the disciples dare not obey." He said in a low-key way, but in fact he had a strong confidence and restrained pride.

This was undoubtedly a promise. Yuyan Tianzun was pleased in his heart and praised secretly: "Qing Lian and Yu Die are really good eyesight, and they have received such a great disciple. Even if he doesn't go to kill Phantom Great Celestial Master, I will still have bone Dao Mingying gave him in advance to help him improve his strength. "

After all, Li Xing belongs to Yu Yan Tang. There are disciples in Yu Yan Tang who have risen strongly. It is also a good thing for Yu Yan Tianzun to come. There is no reason not to support it.

"This time, you and I shot together and said that we must get rid of the Phantom Great Celestial Master." Yu Yan Tianzun looked coldly. "This man, I have a great feud against him."

Li Xing was still light and light, saying: "The host can rest assured, even if he is not injured, I have a chance to cut him. After all, this is the world of bones, and the power of the world of the Great Celestial Master cannot be exerted at all. . "

Yuyan Tianzun was quite anxious, and gave the bone-death infant to Li Xing on the spot. Li Xing was ecstatic in his heart, and secretly said: "A large part of my real body of Da Luo has evolved from the bones. Now he has received the life of the Supreme Blessing, a life that is almost broken. Baby, I do n’t know which level can my Da Luo Zhenshen be pushed to? Twenty-fourth? Or twenty-five?

Daluo Zhenshen, every level of improvement, is a tremendous change in the world. It is a leap, a qualitative change, and a sublimation. If only Luo Luozhen's combat power is concerned, the 20-year-old Luozheng can almost kill the 19th Luo Luozheng, which is the gap.

If Li Xing's Da Luozhen can continuously improve, regardless of whether it is twenty-four or twenty-five, then his combat power will be greatly improved, at least in the world of bones, when he meets Da Tianzun You may not be afraid, but you can compete.

In this way, he was practicing in the cave of Yuyan Tianzun at the time, preparing to impact Da Luo Zhenshen. Li Xing's Daluo Zhenshen is actually attached to the growth of the mixed world, and it is also part of the mixed world.

If the mixed world is a peerless sword, then Da Luo Zhen Shen is the sharp sword light emitted by the sword. The two are inseparable.

The growth of Da Luo Zhenshen also represents the continuous completion and improvement of the mixed world, the former is an external manifestation. Just like a sword, the sharper the sword is, the stronger the sword is. This is a reason.

The golden villain, a life-threatening infant, was thrown into the mixed world by Li Xing, and was instantly devoured by the black hole. However, this time the black hole failed to instantly refine this power.

This is Da Tianzun's life baby, and a supreme character who is about to break. Such great heavenly respects may not be weaker than the ancient heavenly respects, and even their strength is above them.

"Boom!" A series of explosions suddenly occurred in the black hole. Li Xing's eyes almost fainted.

"Great! It's worthy of being a sacred god. I only refined one billionth of the power. I was so shocked that the mixed Yuanxiao was almost blown away!" Li Xingda was taken aback and took a breath.

Yuyan Tianzun saw that Li Xing emitted a ray of golden phosgene among the 48,000 pores around his body, accompanied by a thick **** gas. She asked, "Li Xing, how do you feel?"

Li Xing reluctantly laughed: "It feels very good." In fact, his physical pain is extremely painful. It seems that the pain level of the needles in the body is hundreds of millions of times stronger.

A weird look appeared on Yuyan Tianzun's face, saying: "You are so guts, how dare you refine the Datong's life babies? The ray of strength released by your life babies failed to blow you to death. You really Very strong. "

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "What does the host mean when he said this?"

The body of Yuyan Tianzun changed strangely. After a twist, it changed into a man. It is the Lord of the Imperial City, Phantom Great Tianzun!

"Is it you? I wonder if you are Yuyan Tianzun or Phantom Great Tianzun?" Li Xing asked, looking still.

"The plane of Yuyan Tianzun has been assimilated for me. I am Yuyan Tianzun, and Yuyan Tianzun is me." Phantom Tianzun coldly said, "Before what Yuyan Tianzun did to you, it was all Yu Zhenxin. It's a pity that her will must be submissive to her! "

Assimilation of planes is a vicious technique. A powerful heavenly deity can often forcibly refine the planes of other heavenly deities to become part of your own plane. This method can be used to subdue other Celestial Masters.

The plane of Yuyan Tianzun has been refined into the world of phantoms and has become a territory controlled by phantoms. This led to the words and deeds of Yuyan Datian, obeying him.

"You gave me the osteopathic baby. I thought so." Li Xing said, "It's really a plan, it really hurt me."

"Huh! If you weren't injured, you would have shot it yourself and killed you. But you can't escape now, swallowing a bone-dwelling infant, you can't even act, you can only let it be slaughtered."

"Not only can't I move, but it can explode at any time." Li Xing sighed. "If the bones of Da Tianzun's life explode, I wonder what kind of power it will produce?"

As soon as this remark came out, Phantom Tianzun sneered: "It's a joke, so you can provoke the bones of Datianzun?"

Li Xing also did not argue, he rushed out of a golden light, and among the golden light, held a little golden man. The little golden man opened his eyes and looked at the golden light. Li Xing blinked, and it blinked.

The vision of the Phantom Datian changed, and he stared at Li Xing: "How is this possible? How did you do it?" He never imagined that Li Xing could actually control the bones!

You know, this ostentatious baby can't even subdue him. If Mingying enters his phantom world, his world will be destroyed instantly, because with his strength, he can't withstand this horror law.

"Although the tiger is young, it can drive cattle and sheep." Li Xingdan said indifferently. "The avenue I take part in is the Yuanyuan avenue, which is all-inclusive. This bone-dwelling fate is in my hands. God, here is the right place! "

"Phantom Lord, you have to be arrogant in front of me. You want to kill more than one of you. You must have heard of God of Reincarnation in the realm. He must have also failed to treat me. I was in a hurry, I will Explosive life baby, we all die together. Presumably by that time, the whole world of bones will be destroyed, no one can live! "

The face of Phantom Da Tianzun must be as ugly as possible, and he can't count it. It is impossible to control the life of the babies in Yunyuan Avenue.

But the fact was at hand, and he could not help but believe it.

After a change of heart, Phantom Tiantian sneered: "You are an idiot? If you don't get rid of you today, you will stay for later."

"You can rest assured that as long as you stop chasing myself, I will not take the initiative. You are not blind, don't you see that I have been completely controlled by this baby? I must always suppress it, there is no chance at all Do it for you. "Li Xing said.

"Even if you can't move, it is possible to expose my secret to the public." Phantom Datian narrowed his eyes. "Let me believe, unless you seal yourself."

"Self-sealing?" Li Xing sighed and seemed to compromise. "It seems that I want to gain your trust and achieve a satisfactory result between you and me. I can only be aggrieved."

Throughout his body, a myriad of golden lights suddenly appeared. These golden lights were constantly intertwined, becoming denser and tighter, and eventually crystallized into an extremely strong ore, which became larger and larger. In the end, Li Xing was surrounded by a layer of sturdy spar.

Phantom Datianzun has a different face, and he can see that Li Xing has released an indestructible power, which seems to be the power of life. This power completely sealed his breath of life, and there was no sign of life activity.

This is a self-seal and a self-protection. Even if it is the Phantom of Heaven, it is impossible to break this wall and hurt Li Xing. By the same token, Li Xing is afraid that in this era, he has no chance to break through this restraint, nor can he hurt him.

Phantom Da Tianzhuang's face changed constantly, and he was palpitated: "This person is so deep-hearted that I can't hurt him by this shrinking method! But it's no problem. I'm afraid he won't be able to come out during this period and it won't affect me Great plan! "

With a wave of his hand, Phantom Da Tianzun tens of thousands of mountains flew into the air, and Li Xing was buried in the loud noise of "Boom." From the outside at this moment, there was only a collapsed mountain, and Li Xing's hiding place could not be seen at all, and his breath could not be sensed.

It seems that Li Xing really seems to have sealed himself. In fact, at the moment he was sitting in a small world with the nine ladies and talking with each other.

"Xing Brother, I did not expect that you could even deceive Da Tianzun, and escape from danger with an incarnation." Murong Jiao admired ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bei Shibingjiao laughed: "Xing Brother's The incarnation outside the body is actually nothing special, not even as sublime as displayed by Tianzun. However, due to the obscurity of the infant's power, even the Phantom of Heaven cannot be seen, only when Xingge really seals himself. "

The girls laughed, but Li Xing's face was as pale as paper. He spit out a blood and said: "It was only when I forcibly controlled the bones of the life-saving infant that it almost made me fall, it was too suspended!"

Shuiyue asked anxiously: "Xing brother, are you okay?"

Li Xing shook his head: "Anyway, as long as you give me time, you will be able to recover soon." He thought about it, "This time, we must work hard to cultivate. If I can refine one ten millionth of the baby, Da Luo The true body can make rapid progress. At that time, we can leave here and find the Phantom Datianzun. "

"Xing brother, why don't you refine more?" Chen Shuang asked. "It's better to refine all the babies and become a great deity in one fell swoop."

Li Xing rolled his eyes and said, "One tenth of a million is already the limit I have endured. If you want to continue to refine, you must wait for the achievement of the Supreme Master."


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