Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 941: Achieve Tianzun!

Chapter 941 Achieves Heavenly Supreme!

Chapter 941 Achieve Heavenly Supreme!

In the small world of the mixed Yuan, the nine women practiced with peace of mind, and Li Xing began to refining that one-tenth of a million lives. This one-thousandth of the baby's life force had long been released by his adventures and crystallized into the strange spar that sealed him.

But even one-tenth of a millionth force caused Li Xing to vomit blood and was seriously injured. Fortunately, this move finally lied to the Phantom Grand Celestial Master. Even if Phantom Da Tianzun knew Li Xing's intentions, he couldn't stop it now, because he could not break the seal at all, and naturally he could not hurt Li Xing.

Phantom Da Tianzun can't break the strength of the ostentatious infant, but Li Xing can. At the moment, he is running a mixed black hole, constantly consuming this power, growing every moment. The bone-dwelling infant is deeply buried in the core of the mixed world, and it is in a sealed state.

The spar was thinning at a slow speed, and its power was absorbed by Li Xing, which was used in the powerful mixed-yuan small world. The black hole is also shrinking, and there is a tendency to close.

Day after day, the black hole keeps shrinking, and the spar wrapped around it keeps disappearing. After a hundred days, the spar had become as thin as paper. After the last crunch, it finally shattered and turned into energy to fill the black hole.

That is, at this moment, the black hole banged loudly and finally closed. At this moment, Li Xing's mixed-yuan small world has reached its completion and sublimation, and a new, brighter world power is born in the small world.

Vaguely, Li Xing had a sense of seeing through his destiny. Scenes from the future appeared before him. He saw himself practicing all the way, but he still couldn't break the step of Tianzun, and finally waited for the calamity of the heavens and the earth to die.

His enemies swarmed in, and the people around him died one by one, one by one, but he was helpless.

"I ca n’t help but kill me!" Li Xing roared and sent a shock to his fate, and he wanted to regain his fate!

The force of terror directly blasted the mountains and mountains, and the huge voice spread hundreds of millions of miles, which alarmed the monks all around.

"Eh? Actually came out!" The first one to be dispatched was the Phantom Great Master. His injury has not recovered yet, but the induction is the most sensitive. When it was learned that Li Xing had actually released the self-seal, the Da Tianzun was so angry that he was the first to take care of his injuries.

He understood very well that once Li Xing came out, it would be a breakthrough. This person's strengths today are a bit daunting, and if they break through, it will become even more disturbing. He must get there as soon as possible and seal it up.

At the same time, the Phantom Lord mobilized the four kings of the imperial city and rushed to the scene together.

At this time, in the distant realm, the reincarnation ground, the reincarnation Da Tianzun, who has been in charge of the supreme power, was practicing himself. He suddenly frowned and murmured, "Is that junior actually going to kill with heaven? Unfortunately, if To kill lives, I must pass this level. "

Reincarnation Da Tianzun stretched out his hand and pointed to the air, there was a glorious light, able to cut fate, cut out from space, straight to Li Xing. This power of cutting destiny is very magical, ignoring the existence of time and space, and it will follow.

At the same time, there are five other unknown characters in the other five mysterious time and space, as well as reincarnation. Immediately, there were six brilliant brilliance cut out, and the goals were all about Li Xing who was about to be upgraded to Tianzun.

With his strength, Li Xingyun punched out fiercely to break the fetters of fate and seize and control his own fate. But at this moment, a miraculous brilliance, as if the blade, suddenly beheaded.


As if something had been cut, Li Xing's heart suddenly felt empty, and the magical relationship between Fang and Fate suddenly disappeared.

"What? Someone has stopped me from upgrading, who is it?" He frowned and twitched for a second time, capturing the power of the mysterious fate.

Finally, another connection was established, and two Guanghua beheaded to cut off this connection. At the same time, there were three more Guanghuas who beheaded him. This was not a physical injury, but a damage to fate.

Da Tianzun, who lives third, has been able to settle down between heaven and earth, and can control the fate of others to a certain extent. A great deity can make another little person precious in life and endless enjoyment, or he can make a little person impoverished and lifeless.

Guanghua was cut off, Li Xing was cold, he felt that his life's blessing and good luck would be deprived of him and he would never get it again. He was stunned, and said, "Who is the one who shot it? I am Li Xing, and I will give it back ten times!"


The three Guanghuas were suddenly blocked by a barrier when they contacted Li Xing's fate. Only then did Li Xing realize that this barrier was formed by the power of destiny that he had exchanged from the Proto-Altars. It was a shackle of fate and a guardian of fate.

But at this moment, this force that was not part of Li Xing's fate was cut off by the three light men. For a moment, Li Xing had a feeling of freedom. He was outside the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements. He was at ease and unrestrained.

In an instant, his sense of destiny was established, and it was unstoppable. The black hole disappeared, and the small world was completed. His Da Luozhen body soared at this moment, 22, 23, 24!

Twenty-four major Luo Zhenshen gave Li Xing a powerful feeling of killing the heavens and the heavens. In the sky, the lingering wand that had been hidden in the black hole for a long time disappeared.

With a stick in his hand, Li Xing was so overwhelming and overwhelming, he screamed, "He who blocks me, die!"

Hunyuan stick tore open the world, broke the obstacle, sent out a shocking stick shadow, and blasted to the power of fate in the void.

The six Great Celestial Masters that had been blocked before sent out one at a time when they could not let it go. However, when these Guanghua were approaching Li Xing, they seemed to have entered the space and time of countercurrent, did not advance backwards, and gradually moved away. It seems that they can never interfere with Li Xing's advancement anymore.

But it was because Li Xing's life-threatening attack was too aggressive and made the power of fate shake, disturbing the rules of time and space.


A bright, mysterious force exploded, strands of fate that rested on the force of destiny between heaven and earth, and in this way was forcibly blown away and returned to Li Xing. This is to kill with the sky and regain control of your own destiny!

This also means that Li Xing has succeeded in winning his life, and has already entered Tianzun's life first, becoming a Tianzun! The most important aspect of the existence of the Celestial Master is to lead the destiny.

At the moment, the biggest change is Li Xing's mixed world. In this small world, the evolution of fire, feng shui, and the natural world are as if it were ground-breaking. Mountains and rivers, forests, flowers, birds, insects, fish, and birds and beasts are formed inside.

In an instant outside, I do n’t know how many thousands of years have been spent in the small world of Hunyuan. Inside, there is the power of mixed elements, which land on the ground and become human. As soon as these people were born, they were very powerful. They could catch stars and moons, fight the world, and kill gods and immortals.

They can change magically, they can support the sky for nine days, they can enter the ant's nest to feed, they gather to form, and scattered to form gas. They have all kinds of incredible powers. The first generation of humans created by Li Xing is called the mixed ancestors. This tribe, also known as the mixed real tribe.

Real people in Mixed Yuan can live for tens of thousands of years even if they do n’t practice, and after the practice, they have made rapid progress, and in a short time, they can make progress that stuns Li Xing.

After the appearance of the real person in the hybrid Yuan, the hybrid world in the hybrid Yuan has undergone the most radical change. Its antenna extends to the deepest part of the heaven and earth.

Only the world established by the deity can be called a plane. Because only the heavenly world has laws outside the comparatively independent world. Li Xing's rule is the rule of mixed elements.

The rule of mixed elements has created the emergence of mixed real people. This human being has infinite potential, and a large number of powerful people were born in a short period of time.

I think that at the time, the powerful wild seven sons of the Dragon Elephant World could not be compared with the mixed real man created by Li Xing at the moment. The two are not on the same level.

The moment the plane was established, space and time in the deepest part of the world were born with all kinds of robbery. A strong wind, dark in color, and as thick as ink. I do n’t know where it came from, it was unstoppable, and it was blown directly into Li Xing's position.

This calamity cannot be stopped at all, pervasive, and no matter where Li Xing hides, he must bear it. This is the calamity of Tianzun. Of course, ordinary deities will not encounter such terrible calamities, and even calamities will not occur.

Anyone who encounters such terrible calamities at the time of leveling up is an extraordinary generation, who will surely be a shocking figure in the future.

Wherever the Black Wind went, trees fell, grass fell, landslides broke, stars and moons fell, and a doomsday scene. However, in the face of this horrible black wind, the real people in Junyuan have no fear. They gathered together to run the true power of Junyuan and survived.

When the black wind blew into the plane, Li Xing felt his body stiffened ~ www.readwn.com ~ can't take care of the changes. He was extremely worried about the survival of his people, but at this moment he felt relieved.

After the black wind passed, there was a large blue flame. I do n’t know where it came from, and it suddenly spread to every corner of the mixed Yuan world. It burned the sky, burned the mountains, and burned the mountains. Yes, the grass is not there.

This was another catastrophe, and even some of the weakest people in the mixed Yuan were burned to death. Li Xing sighed in his heart, but as the creator, he could not do anything and was afraid to intervene. If he rescues himself, the calamity will be thousands of times stronger, and by then, I am afraid that no one will survive.

The two robberies lasted for three days and three nights, and the real mixed-race man who survived was less than one-third. However, after all, they survived, they are the hope of the mixed plane.

Once the disaster is over, Li Xing will run the power of the world. It didn't take long for green grass and trees to grow in the mixed world, rivers and rivers flowing, and the peaks to be green.

Changes in the environment have also brought real life and vigor to the real people in Junyuan, and started a new round of growth. At this moment, Li Xingdu was successful and formally entered the Tianzun series!


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