Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 943: Out of the big world

Chapter 943: Jumping Out Of The Big World

Chapter 943: Jump Out Of The Big World

Phantom Da Tianzun was not surprised at all. He looked at Li Xing coldly, and said, "Ben Da Tianzun was forced to this point by you, and humiliated in your heart. However, it is impossible for you to kill me!"

"Hum, can you kill you, you will know it at a try!" Li Xing was holding a stick in his hand, murderous.

"I said, Ben Tianzun has a way to leave this place." Phantom Dazun sighed. "Originally, I decided to leave here after collecting the Seventh Destiny Baby. Unexpectedly, it is already for you. Li Xing, you will Honor the enemy today, I will cut you! "

After that, behind him, he suddenly forcibly opened a passage, and in that passage, there was a law of heaven and earth that Li Xing was familiar with. Phantom Datianzhuang flickered into the channel and disappeared instantly.

Where would Li Xing let go of such opportunities, Shannian also rushed over and fell into the channel all at once. Time and space change, he instantly appeared in a wide field of stars.

As soon as a person appeared, there was a shocking hand covering the heavens and the earth and shooting down at him. The person who shoots is naturally the Phantom of Heaven. This place obviously does not belong to the world of bones, and the power of the plane will not be suppressed.

Da Tianzun took a shot, and the power was shocking, but Li Xing did not retreat, throwing his fists. This punch, dominate the world, will be extracted from the bone life of the infant, one hundred million of its strength to fight out, and then burst out.

This tactic was called "boxing" by Li Xing himself. With the help of a little strength of life babies, they will be hit with mixed forces and detonated, which will cause quite terrible lethality.


Li Xing was blown up first, rolling back continuously. However, the Phantom Da Tianzun is not good. Even if he has a one-hundredth of a billion baby strength, he still suffers a small loss. His big hand is blown up by a finger.

With such a delay, Li Xing's body was already hidden into the void, and he could no longer be found. Today, he becomes Tianzun, and his martial arts is shocking.

"Abominable! Li Xing, I will go to heaven and I will kill you!" In the void, an angry roar came from Datianzun.

After fleeing, Li Xing returned directly to the fighting fierce institution. Unexpectedly, when he returned to Yuyan Hall, he found that the sadness in the hall was bleak, and the disciples looked bitter.

Li Xing was surprised and called a female disciple and asked, "What happened? Why are you downcast one by one, master sisters?"

At first glance, Li Xing was back. The disciples were overjoyed and shouted, "Brother is back! This is great!"

At that time, Li Xingtang's disciples knew all about Li Xing ’s defiance in fighting Shaoyang Tianzun, and he knew how powerful he was. Although he entered the church late, he respected him as a brother. Seeing him return at this moment, all of them rejoiced and talked about the matter.

Li Xing was surrounded by a dozen women soon. You said and cried, one by one, with pears and rain, making you feel pity. Hearing the joints, Li Xing angered, "Qi Shi Yuan is so big!"

It turned out that since the last time Li Xing defeated Shaoyang Tianzun, there was a gap between Yuyantang and Qi Shiyuan. Seeing that the time for the school's trial was approaching, Qi Shi Yuan sent someone to ask Yu Yantang for the only trial place.

Qinglian Tianzun has long decided to leave this quota to Li Xing and allow him to participate in the trial. How can it be given to Qi Shi Yuan? Unexpectedly, Yu Yantang's refusal made some Tianzun in Qishiyuan furious and killed them directly, hurting several masters such as Qinglian Tianzun, and tied them away.

Speaking of which, this matter is all about Li Xing. If he had not offended Shaoyang Tianzun or he did not participate in the trial, no one at Qi Shi Yuan would have shot it.

"Brother, what should we do now? Qi Shi Yuan is one of the two houses and the three halls. The most influential one, we at Yu Yan Yuan cannot fight." A female disciple cried again.

"Can the school elders say something?" Li Xing calmed down and asked.

A female disciple resentfully said, "I have already found the elders of the university, but they said that this is a small matter, and they can be resolved by giving up the quota. This is obviously bullying us Yuyantang!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey" and said, "You don't have to worry about it, it's me." He thought for a while, and said, "Choose ten people to come out and go to Qi Shi Yuan with me and ask for a fairness!"

At first glance that Li Xing was about to make a shot, the girls were overjoyed, and they quickly promoted the ten strongest men to stand up. Li Xing took a look at them, these ten disciples were all Tianzun-level strength, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sisters and sisters, you don't need to do anything, you just have to look around." Li Xing said to the girls, "It's not too late, let's go!"

He rolled a large sleeve, the laws of heaven and earth shook, and eleven left the scene instantly. The female disciples who were unable to follow, one by one, were surprised and happy.

"Before the elder brother became a Celestial Master, he was already able to fight against Shaoyang Celestial Master. Now that he has become a Celestial Master, how strong will he be? You look at his means of limp, and even Master Sister is far behind!"

"I hope that my brother will bring the master sister and them back safely." There are also some people worrying, after all, Qi Shi Yuan is very famous and very powerful.

"Relax, Brother will not let us down." More people are full of confidence in Li Xing.

Suddenly, everyone went outside the Qi Shi Yuan. In front of it is a magnificent building sign, with the three characters "Qi Shi Yuan" written on it. After the signboard, it is a place in time and space that belongs to Qi Shi Yuan.

Standing in front of the building sign, Li Xingda yelled, "Yu Yantang Li Xing visit!"

"Someone shouted!" Guanghua flashed in front of the building sign, and the two deities came out. These two people are the life-threatening triple realm, one with eyes above the top and the other with nothing left.

They saw Li Xing bring ten Yuyantang female disciples to come, one of them said indignantly: "Why, would you bring the beauties to our door? Well, very good, you are a little bit interesting. But Even if this is done, Qinglian's **** cannot let go ... "

"court death!"

Hearing the popularity, UU read www.uukanshu.com Li Xing was furious and waved his hands down. The power of the horrible world shrouded. The power of his plane is based on the strength of the mixed Yuan. Compared with the general Tianzun, he is arbitrarily ten times more powerful.


Above the hands of the Celestial Master, wind and thunder burst forth, and terror pressure deterred. The faces of the two Tianzun changed greatly. Under such heavy pressure, their bodies shrank again and again, and finally turned into three-inch villains, which were held in the palm of Li Xing.

Like looking down at ants, Li Xing stared at them coldly, and said, "Ignore it so, kill!"

He squeezed with his big hand and only heard the sound of "click it", the two-day statue was pinched to death, and the energy heart of the road was absorbed, transformed into the hybrid power, and nurtured the hybrid realm.

At this scene, the ten women behind were appalled and excited, applauding.

Outside the gate of Qishiyuan, the people of Qishiyuan were pinched to death. Such a big movement suddenly shocked the Quartet, not only Qishiyuan, but also people from the surrounding halls rushed to surround Li Xing and others.


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