Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 944: Battle against Li Tianzun

Chapter 944: Battle Against Life

Chapter 944: Fighting Against Heaven

These onlookers have a quasi-respect and a celestial respect. There were people from both houses and three halls, of which Qi Shi Yuan came most, because Li Xing was killed by Qi Shi Yuan.

"Is he Yuyantang? When did Yuyantang have such a male disciple?" Someone was surprised.

"Don't you know? This man is very arrogant. His name is Li Xing. He is said to be the first person on the recruiting list. He once invested in Qi Shi Yuan, but was rejected. Later, he joined Yu Yan Tang. Yang Tianzun did not distinguish between victory and defeat in the first battle. "Some people knew the details and began to tell the people around them.

"What? This guy is actually tied with Shaoyang Tianzun? He seems to be the one who killed him? How could he fight Shaoyang Tianzun who is the most important one?" Yu Ren was obviously not convinced.

The exploding man sneered: "There are even more shocking things to tell you, this person was not a deity at first, but a quasi-respect. With the quasi-respect, against the destiny, you must have never heard of it. ! "

There was a cry of air-conditioning around, and I couldn't believe it was true.

"It's just nonsense. If Zhunzun is against Li Mingtian, cann't the ants eat it?" Someone immediately laughed at him.

The breaking news man smiled "Hey" and said, "If you don't believe it, you can look down!"

Although Yuyan Hall can not be compared with the two courts and the three halls, it can be regarded as a large force, and it has a good relationship with the Zhuyuan halls, so this move has attracted significant attention.

Among them, there were twelve Celestial Masters out of Qi Shi Yuan. One of them had a gold crown and a white robe and jade belt. It was Sima Gongyang who refused to join Li Xing Qi Qi Yuan on the same day.

The other person, Li Xing, also knew that was Shaoyang Tianzun. The remaining ten people are also extraordinary. They have the deities of destiny, and the deities of destiny, and they can be seen in the strength of Qi Shi Yuan.

When Sima Gongyang saw Li Xing, he immediately sneered, "Who am I? It turned out to be a waste that I do n’t want at Qi Shi Yuan. Why, what do you come to my Qi Shi Yuan?"

Shaoyang Tianzun also said rudely: "Your dog is so brave that you ran to the stranger's yard to scatter the fields, and today you will never come back!"

One of them, repaired higher than Shaoyang Tianzun, set his second life, a mustache, blessing boots, a round face, but his eyes were very sharp, he said lightly: "You kill the disciples of Qi Shi Yuan, Has committed a crime. "

"Hey" Li Xing smiled, and glanced at everyone, saying: "You Qi Shi Yuan, detain Yuyan Tang's deity, that's the crime of death. Give you one last chance to hand over people, otherwise Then, blame me for killing! "

"It's arrogant!" Shaoyang Tianzun was so angry that his nostrils were widened. "What are you doing here? There is also a place for you to talk!"

Although shouting in his mouth, Shaoyang Tianzun did not take any action. The last time he fought, Li Xing was still Zhunzun at that time, and he could not take advantage. At this moment, Li Xing was already a Celestial Supreme, and he was naturally very bottomless, and he dared not to shoot easily.

The character who had the second highest sneer sneered and said, "Ignorant is fearless. In this case, I have to chop you." He raised his right palm, palm forward, and slowly pushed it out.

At this moment, it seems that all the heavens and earths are suppressing Li Xing like a row of mountains. It is a style of celestial killing, called a grind palm. After this palm is shot, the grind everything is powder, which is terrifying.

This palm strikes, the power of the opponent's plane instantly operates in a peculiar way, erupting extraordinary lethality. Such a deity killing trick can only be performed by Lizhangjing Tianzun. The power is still above Tianzun's killing technique.

Although Li Xing has achieved great respect and extraordinary strength, he still feels threatened in this way. He shouted, and he slammed in the same way. He pushed it out with the palm of his hand, with a high martial arts accomplishment, and issued a grinding force.

It is just that his grinding power is in the opposite direction of the opponent's power, and the power is better.

For a split second, the huge hands of the two celestial masters slammed into each other. Both palms shook slightly, a shock wave broke out, and everyone around the crowd was blown up.

Some quasi-zuns, whose bodies exploded directly, even some of the weaker Tianzuns were blown with blood and blood, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

With one blow, the half-pull palm of the deity, who was the second heaviest, broke off with a click, and he was shocked to retreat, with a look of horror.

Li Xing ’s palm was intact, but his body was slightly shaken. Then he returned to him and covered his hands with his big hand. He shouted, “The people of Qi Shi Yuan are brave and dare to move Yu Yan Tang. If you do n’t let go, this is End! "

Tianzun master, repressed fiercely, still used the other party's grinding method, but the power was a bit more fierce than the side. He was injured before that day, and Li Xing hit another blow. He knew he was out of reach and hurried back.

However, Li Xing's palm covered the world, and he couldn't avoid it. He had to roar loudly, and at this moment he played Tianzun's killing technique. Tianzun's killing technique is to draw the power of other Tianzun's planes and create a great move with extraordinary power.

When Tianzun made a shot, the thirty-six Guanghua flashed, revealing thirty-six kinds of heavenly scent. This means that this person beheaded and killed at least 36 Celestial Masters, using their powers to refine the Celestial Mastery to kill life.

Li Xing can also use this kind of Tianzun killing technique, but he doesn't need it at all. Others cannot absorb the power of the alien plane, but can only practice the killing technique. He is different. He can directly absorb the power of different planes and become his own power. This kind of method, compared with the practice of Tianzun killing, I do not know how many times better.

Before Li Xing became the Celestial Master, I did not know how much the power of the heterogeneous plane had been absorbed ~ www.readwn.com ~ After he achieved the Celestial Master, all these powers were merged into one and turned into the power of his metaphysical world.

Even so, at this time he still had a hunger for the power of the plane, because this thing is a great complement to his mixed world. Although he has seven big babies, he is too singular after all, and he needs more kinds of plane power.

Therefore, Tianzun's life-killing technique condensed by the forces of thirty-six kinds of planes was exhibited at once. Li Xing was not surprised and rejoiced. Tianzun's big hand shook out and changed into a pocket-like thing.

This pocket is actually an entrance to the evolution of the mixed world. Suddenly, the power of the extremely lethal plane was absorbed into it. This devastating power, however, only set off a small breeze in the Junyuan Realm.

You know, the top seven babies are all left by the senior Tianzun, each suppressing one side, what is this little attack? Although the seven major infants have not been fully refined, they have the function of stabilizing the mixed Yuan world.

On that day, Zun was struck with no power. Instead, he felt that the power of 36 planes stored in his body was leaked thousands of miles, and he panicked and stopped desperately.


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