Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 945: Big Fight

Chapter 945: Evil Monarch

Chapter 945: Big Fighting Celestial Master

However, it was too late at this moment, and as soon as he retracted the attack, Li Xingtianzun suppressed it and swallowed him into the mixed realm. As soon as he entered the Yuanyuan Realm, the ghost of Heyuanding appeared, and he was loaded into it, refining it.

Li Xing's current strength, able to escape under the hands of Datianzun, has surpassed the second-best state of life. At this moment, he refined and did more with less. After a while, the other party turned into pure plane power and became a tonic in the mixed world.

The people outside can be said to be shocked. There are sounds of air conditioning and cold war everywhere. They never imagined that this deity, the most important one, has such powerful combat power, brutal means, and courage to swallow the sky. !!

"You ... did you kill the second elder brother?" Shaoyang Tianzun stunned, staring at Li Xing, and kept back.

Li Xing's eyebrows were upright, his eyes were fierce, and he said, "What is it to kill someone? If you don't hand over the people of Yuyantang, today I will wash the Qishiyuan!"

"Damn! Li Xing, you are dead. No one can save you. Do you know what the second elder is? He is the descendant of Miracle Da Tianzun. Moreover, you also offended our Miracle Academy and are destined to be miserable!" Shaoyang Tianzun still screamed and gloated.

Li Xing glanced at him like a dead man, suddenly flicking his fingers, as if struck by lightning. This style, however, is a style of **** that he realizes by himself, calling for explosive fingers. This trick can use the power of a ray of life, and then compress it into the opposite direction.

As long as the other party is not the Great Celestial Master, he can't withstand this horrible alien avenue of life, it will explode in an instant, and his body will die.

Shaoyang Tianzun, who set his life first, fell like this. Li Xing unceremoniously collected all the fragments of his plane and still refined it.

The people around were green eyes, looking at Li Xing like ghosts one by one. Sima Gongyang of Qishiyuan, the Tianzun who refused to join Li Xing screamed: "Only Datianzun can cure him, please invite the owner!"

Li Xingsen smiled, "I'm obsessed with obsessiveness, I let you let people go, you don't listen, don't you think I'm joking?" His body shook, releasing immense horror, and striding towards the archway.

Approaching the building sign, a straight punch blasted out, and the building exploded into a fly ash. Several people from Qishiyuan snarled and evaded, watching the lively people fleeing and not daring to stay.

"Don't let go, all die!" Li Xing tore the void with his hands, taking pictures repeatedly. The remaining Heavenly Masters of Qi Shi Yuan were caught by him one by one, squeezed, and the power of the plane was absorbed. They were extremely unwilling and stunned, but only screamed in protest.

"Ah! This man is crazy. All ten elites of Qi Shi Yuan have been killed by him. This is a great school of fighting!"

"It's true that the Dou Xiu Academy was established. There has never been such a murderer. What does he want to do? Do he want to be an enemy of Jiutian? Does he not know that the master of Qi Shi Yuan is a great deity? Aren't he afraid of the punishment of the great devil ? "

Each of the twelve Celestial beings beheaded by Li Xing contained several types of Celestial beings. Therefore, although only twelve people were killed, in fact it was waiting to absorb hundreds of plane powers to make his mixed power even higher.

The moment he smashed the building board, a strong intention to kill came from the distant void, and this attack was obviously a means of great respect for heaven, ignoring time and space, and powerful.

However, Li Xing only had preparations. He had accumulated a life force in advance and was ready to shoot at any time. Faced with that killing intention, he punched with a fearless punch, carrying a ray of avenue contained in the infant.

In fact, his method of attacking the enemy with the help of infantile power is equivalent to Da Tianzun's great killing technique, but the method is slightly different, but the effect is generally the same.

That killing intention, turned into a substance, looked like a black electro-optical light, shaped like three black forks, hitting Li Xing directly. The fists and forks collided, and the power of the infant's life erupted instantly, crushing the killing intention.

The needles were quiet around them, everyone was stunned, and they naturally knew that there was a big shot. Can Da Tianzun's attack be blocked? Is that human being? How did he do it?

After the killing intention was shattered, there was no second killing intention, and the shot Tiantian Zun seemed silent. And an old desolate voice sounded: "Yu Yantang Li Xing, listen to the announcement."

Li Xing moved in his heart, bowed his hand and said, "The disciples are here." This voice is so great that it should be the supreme master of the fierce battle, and the great prestige of the fierce battle.

"You are unparalleled in courage and martial arts and have infinite potential. In the future, I will be the glory of the fierce fighting. This deity has decided to order you to enter the heaven forbidden army to be on duty in the future!" Said the fierce fighting great god.

Li Xing worshiped: "Thank you Da Tianzun for promotion, the disciples must not humiliate Dou Tian."

"Very good, today's incident ends here. The people of Yuyantang will send them over. You can't do anything to the Qi Shi Yuan in the future. How can these talents be hard to be killed by you?"

Li Xing naturally did not refute, saying: "The disciples obey, as long as the people of Qi Shi Yuan do not proactively provoke them, they will not do anything." The meaning of this sentence is clear, if the other party does not have long eyes, then dare to do something to Yu Yan Tang, then He also wanted to kill.

"Don't you provoke them, how dare they shoot at you again? Well, Li Xing, go back." The fierce Da Tianzun said, seeing that he was very indulgent to Li Xing, and had killed so many people before , No longer care.

At this moment, a lot of people from Qishiyuan came out, staring at Li Xing viciously one by one. Today it can be said that the dignity of Qi Shi Yuan is completely trampled on without reservation. On the contrary, Li Xing, who has been unknown for a long time, will be spread all over the fierce academies, and no one knows it.

The hatred was settled, but Li Xing didn't care. He has now become a celestial deity. To these people, ~ www.readwn.com ~ is nothing but a devil and not worthy of his enemy. Below Datianzun, he can walk sideways!

"A bunch of waste, don't let me see you in the future." Li Xing glanced scornfully at everyone and turned away with a big swing. Behind him, some disciples of Qi Shi Yuan were angry and vomited blood, but could not help.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Celestial Masters of Yuyantang to be put back. Once Qinglian Celestial Master and Huang Yudie returned, they went to see Li Xing. The two women were very excited and rejoicing. They expressed their gratitude first, and then asked about the news of the owner of Yuyan Tang.

Li Xing sighed, and said, "The host is refined by the Phantom Great Celestial Master, and now it's just a puppet." So, he said some of his experiences in the bone world.

Qinglian Tianzun cut his teeth and said, "Phantom Tianzun is really hateful! This revenge must be reported!"

Huang Yudie sighed: "Once the plane is assimilated, it will be extremely difficult to recover. He is no longer our church master."

"Yu Yan Tang cannot be without a master for a day." Qinglian Tianzun suddenly looked at Li Xing. "Li Xing, you will be the master of Yu Yan Tang in the future!"


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