Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 947: Secret Time

Chapter 947: Secret Time

Chapter 947: Secret Time

"Square bricks?" One laughed. "Hello, you have no idea. This is a set of innate feats given to us by the court master, called the four-like golden bricks, which can suppress heaven. In this spacetime, any plane The power is suppressed, but the power of the BRICS will not diminish slightly. Li Xing, you were so arrogant that day, and today you died miserably! "

"It really scared me to death, it ’s a great four elephant brick. Unfortunately, it's in the hands of your four idiots, and I'm afraid that it can't exert its power." Heavy, crushing eternity, it just fits into my stick and enhances its power. "

His Xunyuan stick has spent a lot of time in the black hole of the Xunyuan, and has gained great benefit. He has also fully contaminated the Xuanyuan Avenue, which can devour everything to improve quality. Devouring and then ascending, this is the biggest feature of the hybrid road, which others do not have.

"Li Xing, your death is here. No one can save you today!" The four Celestial Masters no longer stunned, at the same time they sacrificed the Sixiang BRIC in their hands, and then fought hard at Li Xing.

Four golden bricks, all of a sudden release of black light, hidden golden mansions, monstrous coercion was released, locking Li Xing. The four BRICs are combined in one place to form a rather powerful battlefield, increasing the attack power by a few cents.

These four elephant gold bricks do not seem to be affected by the laws here, so their lethality is amazing. With no fear, Li Xing hit with a stick and yelled, "You think you can win me with four broken bricks? Really an idiot!"

Hunyuan stick in his hands, emitting billions of light, lightning hit four records, each hit a brick surface. Listening only to "Ding Ding Ding Ding" four crisp sounds, the four elephants are all settled, and no longer continue to suppress.

However, Li Xing was also numb by the trembling of his arm. He was secretly surprised: "These four bricks are weird, they are not plane weapons, and they are powerful." Into the mixed yuan stick.

If he can get the power of the BRICs, his combat power will go up to the next level, exactly matching his combat power. You know, since he was promoted to Heaven, Zunyuan Bang has been a bit of a chicken rib in his hands.

For example, he hits a punch, or hits a stick, and the lethality is almost the same, making the Yuanyuan stick somewhat dispensable. For this reason, he has to urgently improve the combat ability of the Yuanyuan stick, and now is an opportunity.

The mind was turned, and Li Xing opened his mouth suddenly, and the strength of a life-threatening baby erupted, divided into four, and wrapped the four gold bricks respectively. These four forces are not trivial, they each contain one ten millionth of the strength of the bones, and they burst out instantly.

Such an overbearing force, Li Xing, can only be issued, and cannot be controlled. The power of life-saving babies is not easy to suppress even the rules here, so the Sixiang gold brick was easily stripped temporarily.

If the Sixiang BRICs are united, Li Xing will at best protect himself and cannot suppress it at all. But at this moment they were separated, and their strength suddenly dropped many times, giving him the opportunity.

As soon as Li Xing shouted, Tianzun grabbed it with a big hand, grabbed one of the gold bricks in his hand, and then shot it directly into the mixed yuan stick.

The four celestial beings saw this scene, their faces were all white, and they all shouted: "No! Quickly push the BRICS!"

But it was too late, Li Xing grabbed his hands, and the BRICS lost contact was shot into the Yuanyuan stick one after another. Suddenly, the Xunyuan stick turned into a big golden egg, and began to breed more powerful power.

Among the golden eggs, hundreds of millions of big explosions occurred every moment, which was very intense, but people outside could not feel it. This will be a kind of metamorphosis. Once successful, the strength of the Hunyuan stick will soar.

When the four elephant gold bricks disappeared, the heavenly respects of the four Qi Shiyuans were desperate. Without the Sixiang BRICs, they have no chance to defeat Li Xing, only to die.

Li Xing turned around and still looked at the four deities like a dead man, saying, "The Qi Shi Yuan is so intimate, he sent someone to the door to kill me, I really don't know how to thank him."

"Li Xing! Don't be arrogant! We are dead, and you may not be able to leave this place alive!" One person cursed angrily, "You will surely die without a burial place!"


Li Xing slaped him down and slap this person directly into meat. The other three ended in the same way and were shot dead by Li Xing, then refining absorbed the power of their plane.

For each plane that he absorbed, Li Xing ’s mixed-yuan avenue was dominated by one point. The more accumulated mixed-yuan spiritual power, the more powerful and prosperous his mixed-yuan realm. Today, he is the first to kill, and when he accumulates enough, he can enter the second.

To take the realm of life is to take life from heaven, take your own destiny, and take it in your own hands. Tianzun was going to kill three times, and Li Xing only experienced it once and twice. The next two fatalities were much more difficult and dangerous than the first.

For Li Xing to make his second death, he must have a solid accumulation, and then find the right time to strike. Nowadays, he is constantly building up his strength to build the Xunyuan Realm.

The so-called accumulation includes two aspects. On the one hand, the plane is powerful, that is, the creature is strong, the world is strong, and so on.

He has seven major babies, who are always absorbing, and a killer, so this accumulation is not difficult. As long as enough time is given, the requirements can be met. Like killing the Four Heavenly Masters today is an accumulation.

After extinguishing the four people at Qi Shi Yuan, Li Xing moved hard in space and time, crawling slowly like a snail. He didn't know when he could leave the place.

"This place has to exclude even the laws of heaven and earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is not easy to walk, is it going to be trapped here for life?" He was quite helpless in his heart, thinking, instead of waiting, it is better to use time for construction Plane.

The aura in the mixed realm is extremely abundant, and even a waste can be cultivated to an extraordinary level. And all of these people created by Li Xing are all hybrids with infinite potential.

In the Yuan Dynasty, it has long established its own civilization, with its own writing and ruling system. The mixed realm is very large, and Li Xing conceived the entire plane according to his own ideas.

Above the sky is a vast sky with many stars. On some planets, humans and beings were born. Underground, surrounded by four major oceans, the East China Sea, the West China Sea, the South China Sea, and the North Sea, with the central continent in the middle.

The central continent is a little larger than the continent of the Dragon Elephant World. There are countless rivers, lakes, and steppe forests. There are countless countries and countless tribes.

On this day, Li Xing manifested on a peak in the central continent. This peak was called Xuannv Peak, and Xuannv Dongfu was built here. His purpose here was to have a few children with women, and in his opinion, the timing was perfect.


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