Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 948: Child Fertility Program

Chapter 948: The Child Breeding Plan

Chapter 948: Child Conceiving Plan

"Xing brother!" The girls immediately gathered around. During this time, they have been practicing in the Yuanyuan Realm, never going out, and they are quite missed by Li Xing.

Li Xing squeezed his eyes and said, "For the sake of your husband, you are going to kill the war and have a bunch of sons and daughters out. You must be mentally prepared."

The girls rolled their eyes, and Murong Jiaojiao said, "Xing brother, this is a big deal to raise children, how can you make such a hasty decision?"

Chen Shuang didn't take it seriously, with a longing expression: "I really want to have a daughter, and now we all have a good track record, and we have achieved great respect, which is just a good time to give birth."

Bei Shibing said: "To have children, but to consume a lot of energy, I am afraid to prepare well." She is not bad, everyone knows. For example, Li Xing wants to have a son with Bei Shibing, so Bei Shibing needs to consume at least one-third of the avenue law and pass it on to his son.

The law of Li Xing's loss is at least double that of Bei Shibing. In short, as a father, Li Xing "consumes" more. Like them, the way of having children is extraordinary.

Wherever life is born, yin essence and yang essence are combined into life embryos and grown into adults. To give birth to a child, Tianzun not only needs the above steps, but also integrates into the embryo according to the principle of the two sides.

Before Li Xing did not want to have children, it was because his avenue was not very satisfactory, and so were the daughters. Nowadays, they are all Celestial Masters, who have established their own avenues, but they are fertile.

This is a major event, you must be cautious. Regardless of whether Li Xing or a group of women, they have prepared for half a year. The first one to be prepared was Yan Zhenzhen. He has the best qualifications and the highest attainment. He will soon break through and step into the third place.

Among the caves, Li Xing and Yan Zhenzhen walked on the male and female avenue, leaving for a few days. An embryo appeared in Yan Zhenzhen's lower abdomen, surrounded by the avenue. Under that embryo, a throne appeared, revealing boundless domineering.

Staring at the embryo, Li Xing was also secretly surprised, and said to Yan Zhenzhen: "Really, our son, we will not be able to do it in the future. After he is born, at least he is the deity of life! Look at the throne behind him. It seems to be torn apart. "

Yan Zhen smiled slightly: "Xing brother, our baby must be the most perfect in the world. Once they are born, the laws of heaven and earth on their bodies are the most complete, they are the bodies of heaven and earth. There is also the foundation of the mixed Yuan Avenue. Achievement is limitless. "

Li Xing was quite proud and smiled, "Hey, of course, how can you and my son be willing to stand behind others? It must be the hero in the heavens and the world."

"Unfortunately, this child is going to be born. I don't know how long it will take." Yan Zhen really regretted that Tianzun had children, which was very long, ranging from thousands of years to tens of thousands of years. In the meantime, it will rise as the mother's realm rises.

During this time, Li Xing worked hard, and finally planted seeds in the nine women, and even arranged their gender. Five sons and four daughters.

Next, it was a long gestation. I don't know if it will take thousands of years or thousands of years. In the meantime, Li Xing and the Nine Girls built the Yuanyuan people together, making this face more prosperous.

The power of the seven major babies continues to be delivered, nourishing countless lives.

For a few years, the number of saints in the mixed world has reached 10,000, and it is still increasing. And some people ’s cultivation has reached seventy-two, reaching the state of quasi-respect.

Li Xing's strength has also risen to a higher level. In just a few years, he has improved another grade. Every day, he looks at all beings and regulates everything. As the creator of the hybrid world, he constantly made this plane stronger and more suitable for survival.

On that day, Li Xing suddenly opened his eyes and saw a black giant approaching slowly in time and space. The giant beast is a hundred miles long and looks like a snake, with a large, round head and a huge opening at the front.

This big mouth swallowed the sky and produced a powerful suction. Like dust, Li Xing was sucked into it by the beast, and there was no chance of resistance.

Li Xing was not surprised, this monster was able to walk through space and time, which just happened to take him out of this ghost place. He saw the darkness ahead, and after a long time, he finally fell into a cloud of air and remained motionless.

Around him, there are all kinds of things, there are creatures, there are objects, strange. Those beings are constantly being corroded by cloud gas and assimilated into cloud gas.

It can be seen that this cloud qi is the digestion method of the giant beast, and also the motive force of the giant beast. Yun Qi wrapped Li Xing and kept washing. Soon, Li Xing's clothes were melted, and his skin was itchy.

Although this cloud qi could not break through his twenty-four major Luo Zhen body defenses, it made him extremely uncomfortable.

"This ghost place is really not for humans." Li Xing smiled bitterly, and he could only wait for the moment.

Day after day, Li Xing gradually realized that his skin was showing signs of ulceration, and this cloudiness would break through his Daluo real defense. By that time, he will be digested and become the food of the beast.

Li Xing was not in a hurry. After this period of observation and research, he already knew the nature of luck and thought of a solution.

"This Yunqi is very weird. It can melt all powers and assimilate into Yunqi. Isn't this method similar to my mixed-yuan tripod?" The idea came out and he ventured to release the mixed-yuan tripod.

This Diaoyuan tripod, combined with the Xunyuan world, is itself part of the Xunyuan world. Once damaged, Li Xing's plane will be devastated.

Fortunately, Yunqi can't corrode the mixed Yuanding ~ www.readwn.com ~ This makes Li Xing relieved. He shakes the tripod, gently grabs a cloud of air, and puts it into the mixed tripod. When Yunqi entered the tripod, he suddenly became violent, sending out a mighty force of corruption to destroy the tripod.

However, this mixed Yuanding did not know how many people he had swallowed, and he was also an overbearing thing. The two sides immediately argued. Two different rules, only one side can become the master, either the mixed Yuanding is controlled, or the mixed Yuanding controls the cloud.

Either way, a terrifying existence will be born. Fortunately, Li Xing leaned to one side, and Yuanyuan Ding finally shouted, as if the ancient bell was ringing, and that cloud qi was completely assimilated.

In Yunyuan Ding, there is a little more cloud, which makes Yunyuan Ding's refining ability to a new level. In the past, the Yuanyuan Ding could only refining the principles of the avenue of avenues, not mortals, such as stones and bricks.

Today's mixed Yuanding can eat everything and refine everything. No matter what, after being absorbed by it, it can be assimilated into pure law energy by Yun Qi, and then absorbed by Hun Yuan Ding.

The role of cloud gas is to process the energy that can be absorbed by the mixed Yuanding.


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