Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 949: Trial ground

Chapter 949: Trial Land

Chapter 949: Trial Land

However, the amount of this cloud of gas is limited and cannot meet the needs of the mixed Yuanding. . . Li Xing immediately absorbed more cloud qi into the mixed Yuan Ding, and then assimilated and absorbed. The more cloud gas exists in the tripod, the faster the speed of assimilation of cloud gas.

And Li Xing, also hiding in the mixed Yuan Ding, planning. Day after day, year after year, three years later, the cloud in the monster's body has been swallowed up by Li Xing. At this moment, he felt a shock.

Without hesitation, Li Xing rushed out with a blast, blasted off the back of the monster and rushed outside.

As soon as his eyes brightened, Li Xing saw a magnificent scene. The sky is extremely high, the land is extremely vast, there are grasslands, mountains, rivers, forests, and grass everywhere.

"Here is it?" Li Xing was confused for a while, and he felt that the laws here were also not of the yin and yang era, and were the same as the laws of the air at that time. In other words, he has not left the trial land.

At his feet, there was a giant beast lying on the ground, motionless. There was only air out, but no air in. It turns out that this beast is called a cloud swallowing beast, which is good at transforming all matter into cloud energy for his own growth.

Li Xing collected more than half of Yun Yun's destiny, and this monster immediately lost its ability to move, fell from space and time, and fell into this continent.

Taking a look at the beast that swallowed the cloud, Li Xing looked around and trembled: "Where is this again? It seems that this trial is really dangerous. If you are not careful, it will be over forever. I must be careful."

He slipped off the animal's back and stood on the grassland. The breeze came slowly, and there was a scent of mud. It seemed to be a good place, very peaceful.

However, Li Xing always felt that the place was too quiet. There were no birds, no beasts, and even no insects. It was not like a normal place.

Just as he wondered, the whole world suddenly shook, as if distorted by some ancient and powerful force. In a moment, the green grass disappeared, and the whole world changed into a desolate area with white bones on the ground and wicked atmosphere.

"What's going on?" Li Xing frowned. He suddenly felt that he had gone to another world and transformed into a completely different law.

At this time, the figures of the twelve great shores appeared in the void, and they had a legendary temperament, which was actually the great heavenly respect of the legendary realm! An ancient existence that has survived ten years!

Obviously, they are not deities, only the twelve wills will be triggered by Li Xing.

"The twelve pictures represent twelve civilizations and twelve rules, and they are also the era of the birth of my twelve legends. The tester, in each picture, there is a huge reward. I hope you can success."

The legendary giants did not say much, and the figure disappeared. Li Xingcai realized that the twelve passages must be in the same place, and there must be other people from the fighting school here.

Even people from other universities must have come here to test together. Because it is impossible to open it only to fighting fierce institutions like this big hand.

Each of the nine days has its own school, and the fighting school is just one of them, and it is not the strongest one.

The picture is still constantly changing, and the bones are sensational, and suddenly it becomes a silver-white metal area. Li Xing realized that this was the time for which civilization he chose to test.

He smiled a little and trembled: "These twelve civilizations are always going to be experienced. What is the difference between them?" Immediately, he stepped out and went directly into the silver-white area.

The light and shadow dangled in front of him, and he completely entered the world. At the same time, I saw other monks around. These monks, both male and female, are at least a life-changer, and they are at least half of them.

There are about a hundred of these people. None of them belong to the fierce academies. It seems that they are from other schools or forces, and they are also participating in the trial.

Everyone, like Li Xing, has just come to this place. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and there is hostility in your eyes. You know, there is only one reward in the trial place, and each other is a competitor. This emotion cannot be stopped.

After entering this world, Li Xing could hardly feel the fluctuation of the law. It seemed that this place was a vacuum of laws. His plane power was not suppressed, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

At this moment, a venerable deity standing behind him suddenly shot at Li Xing and suppressed it with his big hand. The power of the horrible world raged down like a giant wave, and Li Xing was killed in one blow.

Li Xing doesn't know this person, neither does the other party know Li Xing, but because Li Xing is standing in front of him and is a weak life-threatening Tianzun, he shots out.

Li Xing was so angry that he turned around and punched him hard. The two palms collided, making a loud noise, the land of Li Xing exploded, and the other side was blown into the sky with a punch, his arm exploded, and the plane was almost destroyed.

"The one who commits me, die!" Li Xingfei stepped forward and hit his fist fiercely. This blow was infinitely domineering and murderous.

His strength has long surpassed the second most important life-saver, and after years of hard work, his strength is already very horrible. The second punch directly smashed the other half of his body.

The scream of Zun kept on that day, and he couldn't understand why he killed him. What he didn't expect was that later, Li Xing released the Yuanyuan Ding and filled him directly, and then he was refined into cloud gas, and then refined into the required law energy.

A deceased deity died like this, and he saw the surrounding deities cool down. They didn't know that the trial was dangerous, but they didn't expect such a brutal and **** one, and one died when they came up.

At the same time, they also could not think of why a deities of destiny could be so powerful that they could kill them.

Hundreds of eyes noticed that Li Xing's body ~ www.readwn.com ~ the latter turned away unexpectedly. Now that you are here, you must quickly enter the state, experience a game in this civilization, and then get rewarded. As for those Celestial Masters, he is regarded as a terrible dog, if anyone stops him, it will be chopped.

The ground is completely made of silver-white metal, which is extremely hard, extending out infinitely. It looks very flat, silvery white, and the sky is also silvery white. There is only one monotonous color in this world, which is weird.

When Li Xingfei was dying, he felt someone was following him. He stopped and watched a woman and a man catch up. The man looked impatient, but the woman smiled slightly at Li Xing.

"This Taoist is courteous, my little sister Hao Ran learns from Han Feiyan," said the woman. "He is his sister Ma Yiguang."

Li Xing said indifferently: "It turned out to be Hao Ran's school. For a long time, it was the next school of fierce fighting."

Upon hearing about Li Xing's history, the man said scornfully, "Where did I come from? It turned out to be the last fighting school in the ranking of the nine universities." He drew the woman, "Sister and sister, don't talk more, let's go."


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