Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 950: Light Brain Armor

Chapter 950: Jiuyang Demon Armor

Chapter 950: Light Brain Armor

Han Feiyan shook off the man's hand and frowned, "Brother, although the ranking of the fighting school is not at the end, it is not necessarily impossible to be a wizard. Brother Li, you have only seen his strength, how can you be so rude?"

Obviously, this Han Feiyan's status is much higher than that of Ma Yiguang, and he directly rebuked, while the latter was not convinced, but did not dare to say anything.

Han Feiyan watched Li Xing with a look of contempt, and said with a smile: "Brother Li, this place is a light-brained civilization among the twelve trial civilizations. There is a very powerful light-brained armor in it. It is very good. How do we fight together? "

"No interest." Li Xing refused directly. The strengths of Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang were the top priority, and they were only burdensome to follow. He naturally did not participate in the so-called cooperation.

Han Feiyan looked stiff. Because of her beautiful appearance, strong strength, and high status, she always did everything smoothly, and rarely encountered such a situation. She voluntarily asked to be rejected.

But a moment later, Han Feiyan smiled again, and said, "Since Li Li doesn't want to, forget it, I hope we can meet again in the future." Ma Yiguang, who was full of anger, pulled back.

For Li Xing, the appearance of the two was just a pair of passengers. He didn't take it seriously, and continued to walk forward to find rewards. Before long, he felt that someone was still following him, but not Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang, but others.

He ignored it and continued to limp. Finally, a silver-white palace appeared in his sight. The palace stood silently, without any breath of life inside.

Standing in front of the palace, behind him, a dozen or so figures appeared, all of whom were following him. The eyes of these people left Li Xing and fell on the palace. One of them said: "I originally wanted to follow this person and kill him. I didn't expect to find this place. It was luck."

"According to legend, this should be the light brain palace, and the reward is in it. We should be the first to find it." Another humane, "So, we have to thank this guy."

Li Xing only heard these people's conversations. Obviously, before they saw Li Xingyi, they were regarded as the enemy, and they joined forces to remove it. Unexpectedly, Li Xing would find the Light Brain Hall.

Li Xing fluttered into the palace. This action left everyone unresponsive. This light-brained palace is extremely dangerous. Did this person rush in without thinking?

More than a dozen people, look at me, I look at you, one bite his teeth and said, "Don't be preempted by that person, we will rush in!"

"Yes! This kind of place is redundant even if we prepare no more. It depends on strength and luck. Let's rush in together!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen figures turned into strands of light and followed them into the light brain palace.

He said that Li Xing was the first to enter the palace. At this moment, he was already standing in the middle of the hall and looked around. Inside the hall, it is a time and space, and it is still silver-white ground, silver-white sky, endless.

It didn't take long for another dozen people to enter, and they formed a defensive formation vigilantly, waiting for the crisis. However, after a while, nothing happened.

"What's going on? Why don't you see the legendary light-brained armor?" One man said.

"What's the anxiety, sooner or later, we will come out, and we will slowly find out where we can find the reward. That reward, I heard it is called the heart of the light brain, and if we get it, we can deduce the magic of heavenly things. It's no trivial matter."

Some people also looked at Li Xing and said coldly, "Before we act, we are afraid to solve one person first."

Li Xing turned around at this moment, staring at a dozen people: "A group of idiots, Baba came to die!"

"You ..." The man was so angry that he was about to shoot. At this moment, Li Xing slumped his feet on the ground and shouted, "Enjoy it!"


On the silver ground, huge, tomb-like things emerged, and the tomb-bags burst apart, and one humanoid monster emerged from the inside. The whole body was silver-white, which was the legendary light-brained armor.

A certain period before the Yin-Yang period is called the light-brain period. The light-brain civilization is a very special civilization. People there admire the method of reckoning and push it to the extreme, refining an extremely powerful magic weapon called light-brain.

That light brain eventually became the master of the entire civilization, with the same status as the Emperor of the Yin and Yang Dynasties. The power of the light brain can predict everything and calculate everything. There is nothing to hide from his eyes. Anything that happens is within his expectations.

Dominated by the light brain, they have their own guards, which are equivalent to the embargo of the heaven court. These guards were created by the light brain and called the light brain armor. Among these armors, all martial arts are deified, and their combat power is amazing.

Countless light-brained armor appeared, and the silver-white body was cold and hard, with bright eyes, looking at these outsiders. At the same time, a force of laws overwhelmed everyone's plane power.

This kind of situation, just like when Li Xing was in the world of bones, can only exert the physical strength, but not the power of the world. This was exactly what Li Xing wanted. The moment he entered the palace, he saw through the internal organs.

Countless light brain armors are hidden in the palace. Once someone enters, they will be attacked by the armor. The reason he was able to find it was because of his mixed-yuan avenue, he felt the power of the special law here, and deduced the result.

You know, Li Xing's chaotic array can be said to be the first to calculate. At present, he has reached the state of heaven, and his ability to calculate is even more incredible. It can be known to others.

"Boom boom!"

The armored steps are the same ~ www.readwn.com ~ formed into a square array and besieged towards everyone. The dozen or so Tianzuns who followed Li Xing were stunned, frightened and angry, and one scolded: "Damn! He led all the armor, and our plane power was suppressed. What should we do?"

"There is no way to kill a **** path!" Another Tianzun also anxious, yelled and rushed.


Na Wujia holds a silver long knife, which acts like electricity, with extreme precision and infinite power. When the weapon was lifted that day, his head fell to the ground and his body died. The others shouted in horror, and hurried back, no one dared to step forward again.

However, as the armors approached and approached, they had no choice but to fight desperately. Many people, Li Xing's angry look at Li Xing. The latter, at this moment, is also experiencing challenges and is surrounded by a large number of armors.

Li Xing punched empty-handed, the chaotic array opened again, quietly waiting for the enemy to come. A square team approached first. Ten silver-handled silver knives slashed down. Accurately and sharply, Li Xing greeted the whole country.


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