Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 951: 1st star

Chapter 951: The First Star

Chapter 951: The First Star

The combat power of each Lightbrain Armor is quite amazing. One move and one style are the best and strongest attack methods, the most efficient and the most lethal. However, Li Xing's martial arts is self-evident, and the degree of chaos in the chaotic array is not inferior to these armors.

His body shrinks and recedes, making four punches in a row at an incredible speed. However, the combined attack of several armors was too perfect, and he had to take a blow with his right shoulder, causing a line of flaws.

The twenty-four-fold Da Luozhen body, under the blow of the light knife, only cut a white mark and was not injured. However, Li Xing took the opportunity to bang into a armor with a punch, "click", blasted off his head, and took a light knife in his hand.


The sword flashed, and the other three armors were slashed by Li Xing. At the same time as the four armors were beheaded, Li Xing felt a ray of strength descending on him, sensing it carefully, but could not see clearly.

On the other side, a dozen Tianzuns were not so lucky. One person faced down and was slashed to half. Only six people were left there today. They saw Li Xing's exquisite sword skills, arrogant flesh, envy, envy and hatred, one by one trying to vomit blood.

These people obviously followed Li Xing automatically, but at the moment, they felt that Li Xing had harmed them and hated them extremely.

Li Xing focused on killing the enemy, and looked at those people more lazily. In his eyes, they are just a bunch of waste, and he has no qualification to let him pay attention.


He stepped on the mysterious footwork, and the chaotic array quickly estimated that each move was the strongest killing move, and each hit was a must-kill. Wherever he went, a samurai armor fell to the ground, and at the same time, the strange power continued to bless him.

Li Xing was like a whirlwind. Where it was blown, where the armor was harvested like wheat, no one was spared. He is like a killing machine, never stop, unstoppable, beheaded and killed all the way, there are fragments of armor all over the place.

When 10,000 armors were cut, he discovered that the armors he encountered later had a little purple pentagram in the chest. This armor with star awns obviously has higher combat effectiveness, stronger sword skills, and stronger armor.

In addition, there is a weird change. When the 10,000th armor was cut, Li Xing found that a huge pentagram circle appeared in the sky above his own Yuanyuan, with a complex texture engraved in it. Civilization, a kind of computing trajectory.

Next, every time Li Xing slashed one armor, this Pentagram array solidified one point, and seemed to be gradually transforming into an entity.

Every time he kills a martial arts armor, Li Xing's sword skills become more powerful. His martial arts are already strong. At the moment, he has undergone smelting and become sharper and more exquisite. His movements are simple and efficient, they will kill in one hit, and they are not fancy.

Time passed day by day, Wu Jia seemed endless and could never be killed. The six Celestial Masters who had come together were already beheaded, and now he is the only one who is still insisting.

The same action was repeated many times, and the light knife in his hand continued to wear out, and was changed one after another. Li Xing entered a state of emptiness, and gradually perfected one stroke to reach the strongest.

This style of sword was created by him in the process of beating the armor, and it is still being perfected at the moment. This trick, without a name, Li Xing didn't bother to name it, so he called it anonymity.

The second batch of 10,000 armors was killed again, and he ushered in the third batch of armors with two purple pentagram marks, and their combat power was even higher. At the same time, the pentagram array in the realm of Junyuan is constantly becoming solid and bright.

Anonymous chopping is becoming more and more complete. It first experienced no move to win a move, and then experienced no move to a move. There is no change, nothing comes out of nothing, it seems that watching mountains is not mountains, watching water is not water, until watching mountains or mountains, watching water or water.

In the eyes of some martial arts masters, one-stroke one-style, not one-stroke one-style, but a martial arts realm, vigorous operation. But on the next floor, one trick, one trick, one trick, one is the most efficient, direct, and most useful killing trick.

Year after year, Li Xing's knife never stopped, and his nameless slicing under his temper became more and more horrible. A slash was issued, and the world was unstoppable.

Twelve years passed, and the second batch of people who came to the trial began to enter the Guangnao Temple, but they were quickly beheaded by Wu Jia, and only Li Xing persisted. At this time, in the armor that was fighting him, the markings on his chest were nine purple pentagrams.

The pentagram array in the puppet world has been completely consolidated and turned into a magical array. This law matrix represents the operating order of another law, and it brings Li Xing a completely different understanding.

When the last armour disappeared under Li Xing's sword, the entire Guangnao Palace collapsed in immense amount of Guanghua, descended from the void, and was all put into Li Xing's body, entering the Xunyuan Realm, and absorbed by the Pentagram.

The magnificent array of magma was finally shrunk to a point, and it was deeply settled above the nine days, spreading the immense amount of starlight. Among the starlight, a kind of avenue and light-brain rule spread.

When the star light shone, the creatures in the Yuanyuan world curiously looked at the distant starry sky, the new star. The appearance of this star has caused a subtle change in Li Xing ’s mixed Yuan world.

However, Li Xing is still unable to fully grasp this change and cannot say why. You know, this light-brain rule belongs to another civilization and does not belong to the yin and yang era. At the moment, it coexists with Li Xing's mixed-yuan avenue in the mixed-yuan realm. This situation, even if the legendary great deity who opened the place saw it, could not explain it.

"Presumably ~ www.readwn.com ~ This should be a reward. It turned into a star and appeared in my plane. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing." Li Xing dropped the silver knife in his hand, and stepped away, ready to enter. A trial ground.

In the middle of a piece of Qionglou Yuyu, a big Tianzun sat on the cloud platform and closed his eyes for contemplation. He suddenly opened his eyes and snorted, saying: "How many years have passed, and finally someone got the approval of Light Brain. ?"

He opened his mouth and vomited. A huge pentagram array was operating in the void, radiating the heavens and the world, and observing the events of Zhou Tian. The array was running, and he smiled slightly, and said, "Wizard, what is the road?"

He fixed his eyes on the void. Two eyes, like lightning, pierced through the layers of space and directly saw Li Xing's body. At this point, Li Xing felt uncomfortable and looked around, but no one was found.

"Strange, how do you feel someone is watching me?" He shook his head and continued to limp.

Da Tianzun received his gaze and thoughtfully thought to himself: "This little baby is strange and weird, but the realm is not very high. His law seems to be all-encompassing. I have experienced many civilizations, but also Never seen him, could it be him? "


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