Chapter 952 Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 952

Da Tianzun refers to reckoning, and his expression becomes more and more dignified, and his heart trembles: "Why can't it be calculated? This Da Tianzun rises from the light-brained civilization. The civilization of the method of reckoning is the first, but his identity is not broken!"

After a moment of groaning, he pinched a mysterious tactic, and a brilliant shot from the void settled Li Xing. It's just that this splendor is only visible to the Great Celestial Master, and the rest are hard to feel.

"Since he can't figure it out, it's probably him! This great opportunity was actually met by me, so I had to watch it first, so as not to be stopped halfway and bad for me." Da Tianzun's mouth showed a strange smile. , The body gradually disappeared, I do not know where to go.

When Jingman shined, Li Xing felt like a man with his back on his back. He looked around again and found nothing. He frowned and mumbled, "Is anyone really looking at me?"

This time, he also found nothing and was ready to enter the next trial. The twelve trial grounds belonged to different civilizations, and each civilization was once glorious and splendid.

However, he said that he had inherited the light-brained civilization, the light-brained palace collapsed in an instant, and the space-time here also disappeared instantly. Before long, he was transmitted to another space-time by himself.

Into this time and space, he felt the immortal blow at his face, a breath of immortality that surprised Li Xing, and he shouted, "Three Qing Great World?"

However, under his careful induction, he discovered that the rules here are fundamentally different from the San Qing rules. The law of the immortals here is more pure and powerful, and the majesty is complete.

"Yes! The first Sanqing Supreme Master should have been born in the civilization of immortals, so the rules of Sanqing have a strong flavor of immortals. It seems that this immortal civilization should be the origin of Sanqing." Li Xing was surprised in his heart , Lamenting the magic of creation.

From ancient times to today, I do not know how many civilizations have been glorious, and then disappear. Even if the yin and yang civilization of this era is going to disappear after all, we are welcoming a new round of civilization. Every civilization has its own uniqueness and is irreplaceable.

Li Xing's rule of mixed elements has also referred to the San Qing rule, so he does not know anything about Xiandao, which is more helpful to the test he will have to bear next.

However, like last time, it was not only Li Xing who entered the place alone. Some people who come here to participate in the trials have wandered in Xianshi space for countless years and have been looking for legendary rewards.

The immortal time and space are impassioned and colorful, which makes people not see through and can only walk inside by feeling. Soon, Li Xing saw a monk, wandering blankly among them.

"Where is Xiandian? Where is Xiandian?" He muttered to himself, his face bleak. At first glance, Li Xing was taken aback. The person's plane had no vitality and was dead.

When he saw Li Xing, like a drowning man caught the straw, "Haha" laughed: "Very good! Very good, after refining you, this deity can return to life!"

Suddenly, the man became fierce, with both hands stretched out and slammed hard at Li Xing. This man is a third deity who changed his life. He regarded Li Xing as nothing and thought that he would kill him in one blow.

Li Xing sneered, stretched out his hand, greeted him, and slap him away. Then Tianzun grabbed it and lifted it in the air, like a chick, and asked: "Are you crazy? You should shoot when you see someone!"

The other party stared at Li Xing, and it seemed that his consciousness had become a little chaotic and crazy. At this time Li Xing realized that this person had no idea how long he had spent here, and even the vitality of the plane had been consumed.

You need to know that Tianzun needs to constantly supplement his nutrition to be able to support a niche. This person's plane has no creatures, all died, showing what kind of dilemma he has faced.

In this immortal space and time, a civilization order different from the yin and yang civilization was flooded, so that the deity could not draw strength from it, and could only consume it by himself, until all the creatures in the plane were starved to death.

Li Xing shook his head and threw it directly into the mixed Yuanding Dingzhong. This person is alive and not as good as dead. He has become a madman and cannot recover.

Next, Li Xing encountered many deities again. When they saw him, they shot without exception, and they were put to death. No doubt, these people were killed by Li Xing.

To the end, Li Xing suddenly felt inappropriate and stopped in a fairy cloud.

"This kind of trial, once every ten years, every time a large number of elite deities enter into it, is it just to die?" Li Xing narrowed his eyes, feeling that this is a bit unbelievable. It is by no means the so-called training of military personnel.

You know, many universities are not easy to cultivate these elite elites, so they are sent to the trial place. There is no doubt that many of these people died here, and less than half live.

As for the people who were eventually rewarded, there were none at all. For example, the reward of the light-brained civilization was only received by Li Xing. And after that, the place of trial also disappeared.

In this case, what is the purpose of Emperor Tiandi to let the twelve legendary celestial deities open up the land of twelve trials?

Li Xing was lost in contemplation, and the chaotic array was deduced. He wanted to get results. Day after day, year after year, three years passed unconsciously, Li Xing opened his eyes and stretched out his hands to crush the amulet in his hand.

This amulet, all the monks who entered the trial land, can crush the amulet if they feel that they cannot continue deep, or if they are in danger of life.

As soon as the sky charm breaks, it will be automatically teleported out and returned to the fighting school.

"Bash!" A flash of light flashed, Fu broken, and he remained in place.

"It didn't work." Li Xing frowned. He didn't know that ~ ~ had a time limit and would expire automatically after more than ten years. After that, the only way to leave here is to get rewards for the twelve civilizations.

He had deduced for three years before and finally concluded that if he continued to get rewards, it would be extremely unfavorable to him. The court opened up the twelve civilizations, not to train talents, but to select a person.

This person will win the reward of the Twelve Civilization Lands in one fell swoop and attract the attention of heaven. After all, Li Xing didn't think it was a good thing, so he decided to leave.

Unfortunately, Tianfu has lost its effect, and he cannot leave by himself unless he receives another eleven civilization heritage rewards.

"Forced to this point, there is no way to go, only to continue." Li Xing was very helpless, and at the same time was quite annoyed by the result, feeling a sense of being controlled.

Continue to search in the immortal space. In a few days, Li Xing met two acquaintances, that is, Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang that day. These two belonged to the Hao Ran Academy. When they saw Li Xing, their expressions were different. One was quite happy, and the other was glaring and unwilling. However, from the faces of the two, Li Xing could see more worries at the academic level.


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