Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 953: Qingyun Tianzun

Chapter 953: Qingyun Tianzun

Chapter 953: Qingyun Tianzun

"Brother Li," Han Feiyan said, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Why didn't you leave?" Li Xingdan said indifferently. "It's hard to be afraid to leave now."

Ma Yiguang sneered: "If you don't care about it, we naturally have a way out."

Han Feiyan glared at Ma Yiguang, and then sighed, saying: "Brother Li is right, we have missed the opportunity. Now that everyone knows that this sign will lose its effectiveness once the ten-year deadline has passed, and it is not possible to leave. . "

"What have you been doing in these ten years? Have you been wandering here?" Li Xing asked.

Han Feiyan nodded, talking about her years with Ma Yiguang. It turned out that they inadvertently broke into the time and space of Xianxian and were trapped by Xianyun. In the meantime, Han Feiyan gave up several times and wanted to leave, but Ma Yiguang did not give up and insisted on continuing to find it.

In the meantime, they encountered a lot of monks trapped here, fighting many times, and on several occasions, the two almost fell. In this way, year after year has passed. For Tianzun, a few years are not worth mentioning.

But no one could think of it. After ten years, when they were tired of playing and wanted to leave, they found that the amulet had no effect and it was impossible to leave.

After hearing this, Li Xing said, "The only way to leave here is to get the reward of the twelve civilizations."

"Is this possible?" Han Feiyan smiled bitterly. "I only know now that no monk who has been here for generations has succeeded."

Ma Yiguang stared at Li Xing and asked coldly, "Why are you showing up now?"

Since Li Xing appeared in the immortal space, it should be the first time to enter it. Because the immortal time and space, once entered, unless you find a reward, or leave with ten days within ten years, otherwise, it will stay here.

Ma Yiguang was very puzzled and did not understand how Li Xing appeared. You know, he and Han Feiyan almost traveled all the time, but never met him.

"I am from another time and space." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang were shocked, looked at Li Xing in surprise, and said in unison, "You got a reward?"

Li Xing knew that this matter could not be concealed and could not be concealed, and he did not look at the two in front of him, and then nodded: "Yes, I have inherited the light brain."

Han Feiyan took a deep breath and said, "I didn't expect that the reward that no one has been receiving has been received by you, it's amazing!" He looked at Ma Yiguang, "Brother, don't be hostile to Brother Li, can we? To go out alive, all depend on Brother Li. "

Ma Yiguang is not a fool. Until now, he had to lower his head and stop talking.

Li Xing: "A friend of the cold knows what is the purpose of the heaven to establish the Twelve Trials?"

"I didn't know before. For the past ten years or so, I have been thinking. I have some eyebrows." Han Feiyan looked at Li Xingdao. "The heaven should be selecting a kind of person, such as Brother Li."

"Then what?" Li Xing continued to ask, he had also calculated and wanted to confirm the idea with the other party.

Han Feiyan seemed to be recalling something, saying: "The younger girl came from Tianjian Cave of Jieran Academy. I was once fortunate to see the old Lao Dong owner who took office and talked to him. At that time I asked the old Dong owner to try What kind of refining land looks like and how no one has ever succeeded. "

"At that time, the master of the old cave gave me a deep look and said only one word." Han Feiyan said.

"What's the matter?" Li Xing became interested with applause.

"Lao Dongzhu said that Tianting will choose a key figure. From the day when Tianting was established, before the establishment of Jiu University, the trial site was opened in advance."

"What's the purpose?" Li Xing asked. "Did not tell you?"

"I haven't said it, Lao Dongzhu only said a word." Han Feiyan shrugged. "As for the reason, you have to look for it. You have broken the light-brained space-time, presumably the fairy-timed space. "

At this time, Ma Yiguang said: "Brother Li, my sister and I have been wandering here for more than ten years. They know this place very well and will definitely help you to break through the barriers."

Immediately, the two talked to Li Xing about what they had seen in the Fairy Time. In Immortal Time and Space, all the surrounding areas are filled with immortal atmosphere. The void is blocked and cannot go out at all. In the periphery, there are many wandering monks. They are all poor people who have left the trial process several times.

These people can't break time and space and can't leave, so they become lonely ghosts, and many people become crazy and even go into trouble. You know, in this immortal time and space, cultivation is impossible to grow, because you cannot find any energy that can be absorbed.

No one can hold on to such a dull and desperate life. If Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang did not meet Li Xing, their future fate would be the same, either paralyzed or killed.

The core of the immortal space is an immortal plain. However, beyond the immortal plain, there is a ban, and it must go through a process called "immortal torture." The determination process is quite dangerous. Either you succeed or you will become mad and lose yourself.

Most of the madmen on the periphery were driven crazy by the torture of immortals. Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang have seen someone break in and become crazy. They also tried but failed to enter.

However, according to the observation of the two, those who entered the plain of immortals should not have survived, otherwise they would have been charged for rewards.

Inquiring about everything, Li Xing nodded: "This pass, no matter what." He thought about it, "observe a few days before preparing to enter the fairy plain."

Upon hearing this, Ma Yiguang said quickly: "Brother Li must be able to enter, and the younger brother and sister just wait outside."

Han Feiyan apologized and said, "Brother Li, that torture of the fairy is a test of state of mind. You cannot force it, so everything depends on Brother Li."

Li Xing didn't care about this. For them, the two men only had to pass by in a hurry, there was no difference between appearing or not appearing, so there was no requirement, just nodding.

At that time, Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang took Li Xing to the entrance of the Fairy Plain, which is located in the central part of the Fairy Space, and the road was tortuous. If the two had not figured out the road for more than ten years, Li Xing would not have been able to arrive easily.

Through the heavy immortality, Li Xing saw a Yutai. Yutai is square, about three feet up and down. Above the little jade terrace, there is a miniature of the world, which looks like a plain and seems to be empty and real.

"This is the plain of immortals. The monks are all called like this. As for its proper name, no one knows it." They will go straight into the fairy plain. If they ca n’t, their will will be disturbed and cracked, and they will become madmen. "

Li Xing nodded and was about to ascend to Yutai. Hearing a roar, a black light descended and stopped in front of the three. As soon as this person appeared, Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang's faces changed greatly, shouting: "Brother Li, be careful, this man has been a madman, killing people like hemp, we almost killed him."

The comer shed his hair, his eyes were red and cold, and he was wearing a black robe. At a glance, Li Xing found that in his plane, volcanoes erupted everywhere, demons ran rampant, there was no order at all, and the rules were all chaotic.

As the Celestial Master, the most important thing is the Plane you created. The Plane is destroyed and the Celestial Master is destroyed. Among the planes, the core is the law, which rules the order of the plane. If the order is disordered, the law will be destroyed. As soon as the law was destroyed, Tianzun's consciousness was mixed up with Yuanyuan madness.

This person's original cultivation is that he should be the second most important player in the morning, and there is a vaguely peerless character who has the opportunity to break through to the Great Celestial Master. Unfortunately, he failed to break through the torture of the immortal and became a madman.

He stared firmly at Li Xing ahead, his eyes were full of murderous intentions, and he would shoot at any time.

Facing such a master, Li Xing moved in his heart and asked, "You know, who is this person?"

"Before this man was crazy, we met him. This name is called Qingyun Tianzun. He comes from the Aster Academy, and belongs to a wizard." "

Li Xing nodded: "It is a shame that this person cultivates himself. It is best to surrender."

This made Han Feiyan and Ma Yi face to face with each other, and was about to persuade the danger, and it was extremely difficult to achieve, Li Xing had already shot. I saw him turn into a flash of lightning, suddenly burst into each other's eyebrows.

In this move, Li Xing broke through the opponent's plane with the power of incomparable elements, and then forced into it. It is extremely dangerous for one deity to enter the plane of another deity.

Among the planes, the master of the plane is the supreme man who controls everything. Into the heavenly respect, the rules of the plane must be suppressed, and the strongest combat power cannot be exerted. Therefore, in the Tianzun-level battle, it is rare for one party to break into the other's plane, which is tantamount to giving people a handle.

Li Xing forcibly broke through the plane and entered the world opened by Qingyun Tianzun. As soon as he entered, Li Xing saw demons running all over the place ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the already chaotic law of order repressed him.

Li Xing ignored the influence of that rule, directly exerted the means of reducing magic, and began to hunt and kill the demon head here. It can be said that Li Xing is a magic tonic, and it is a tonic for Li Xing, which can improve his avenue.

That immortal torture really has some ways, so that some of the demon heads in Qingyun Tianzun's plane have reached the state of demon. These demon heads are actually born from the plane and belong to the deities of heaven.

During the life of the demon, Dao Li cannot be suppressed, and he is confused until it is completely transformed into a demon. At this moment, Qingyun Tianzun belongs to the state of madness, and he has not yet fully enchanted himself.

Li Xing's thoughts swept wildly, and the arrogant Zhanyuan force extended to every corner of Qingyun Realm, smashing all the demon heads into the Xunyuan realm.

When he died, Qingyun Tianzun's eyes returned to Qingming. After a moment of confusion, he looked inside and said, "Thank you, Daoyou for your help, Qingyun is grateful!"

At the same time, Qingyunjie opened a passage on its own, and Li Xing slowly walked out and appeared before the crowd.


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