Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 955: Trial of Immortals

Chapter 955: Trial of Immortals

Chapter 955: Trial of Immortals

Li Xing wasn't deterred by the other's atmospheric potential. He calmly asked, "What is Fang?"

"Cut the seven emotions, break the six desires, transcend the heavens and the earth, reach the ether, join the avenue, the way of nature is natural, so that it is free from immortality, it is immortal." The voice of the other party is rolling and thundering, endless and shocking Alas, it gives humanity an admiration.

"Maybe supremely broken?" Li Xing ignored the benefits and asked only the key.

That figure of Wei'an was silent for a long time, and Fang said, "Because you were born between heaven and earth, why give it up?"

Li Xing heard the words, no longer thinking about it, and said, "It seems that the immortals here can't make me supremely broken. In this case, this immortal doesn't even learn!"

The figure yelled, "Oh! Boy bold, you are born of heaven and earth, and your karma is tied to heaven and earth. If you want to leave, no different leaves leave the branch, and the branch leaves the root, there is no way to go!"

Li Xing smiled, and said, "You're right. I, this man, was born and raised half of the world, and half came from the sky." He waved his sleeves and said, "What a noise!"

A gust of wind rolled over, the phantom of the mighty shore disappeared, and Li Xing entered a vast plain that was the immortal plain. He had already so easily removed the torture of the immortal, which shocked Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang outside.

"Great, brother, thanks to our reliance on this person, maybe we really have a chance to leave this place." Han Feiyan said joyfully.

Ma Yiguang frowned, and said, "Sister, are you watching him take away the reward?"

"What about it?" Han Feiyan sighed. "Do you think I have no heart? If I didn't, how would I spend more than ten years with you here?"

Ma Yiguang's eyes flashed fiercely, and she said, "There is one thing my sister didn't know. When I came, I brought something secretly."

"Huh?" Han Feiyan stared at Ma Yiguang's eyes. "What did you bring, can you compete with Li Xing?"

"Sister said?" Ma Yiguang stretched out his right palm, holding a black egg-like thing in his palm, giving people an unknown feeling.

"Eternal curse! Brother you can't go crazy, dare to bring this evil thing on your body, aren't you afraid of being contaminated?" Han Feiyan was startled, backed up again and again, and looked at Ma Yiguang like a devil.

The latter smiled faintly: "This thing is really dangerous. He was a legendary celestial dying, and he turned all his power into resentment and condensed. Even if the legendary celestial celestial being contaminated by it, I am afraid it will have great strength. . However, without this thing, I always feel uneasy, in case you meet the strong, you and I can't cope. "

"You mean, use it to deal with Li Xing?" Han Feiyan's voice was a little trembling, but he knew it was a very dangerous thing. But once it succeeds, you can kill Li Xing, and possibly grab the reward.

The strength of the heavenly courts, and the trials are held one after another in order to choose a key figure. Obviously, if anyone can finally get all the rewards, he will definitely become a key figure, get the most resources in heaven, and be cultivated by heaven as a supreme character.

Such an opportunity is really exciting. Forget it, you have to get it at all costs.

After some deep thinking, Han Feiyan still hesitated, and said, "Brother, I believe that the eternal curse can make Li Xing fall, but there are three difficulties. First, how can Li Xing be cursed, we must know Neither you nor I have the ability and means to open this evil thing. The second thing is, if Li Xing is cursed, will it affect us? Third, even if Li Xing is dead, and we are all right, can we definitely get a reward? Regarding the third point, the most important thing is that Li Xing was cursed and fell, and whether the reward he received will disappear with him is unknown. "

Ma Yiguang said quietly: "Sister, you think too much. If it is a matter of complete certainty, do you think there will be a great opportunity to wait for us? There are gains and losses in everything, the greater the risk, the greater our chance. Bigger! "

Han Feiyan sighed, "Brother said that, on weekdays, I only think of you as a person with a narrow heart and a stubborn heart, but I do n’t know if you are a magnificent person. Although I ’m a celestial deity, I have no chance of achieving great celestial life. Large. Live the Yin-Yang period at most, it will be the same as the world. Instead, it ’s better to fight it again. If you can really become a key figure in heaven, you can fly into the sky and become the top character in the Yin-Yang period, and even enter the legend. Ancestral place of civilization. "

"Sister and sister just figured it out." Ma Yiguang said, "At that time, I have a way to curse Li Xing!"

At this time, Li Xing had just entered the fairy plain. The moment he set foot on the plain of immortals, Li Xing saw an unforgettable scene of eternal life. On the vast plain, there are electric snakes everywhere, and the fairy light is dazzling.

These fairy electric snakes are different, some are cyan, some are purple, and some are white. When billions of electricity are connected, it is the sea of ​​electric snakes, killing everywhere.

The electric snake and the electric snake are interconnected to form an extremely complicated fairy pattern. If you are not careful, you will sink into it, unable to extricate yourself, or even be strangled by the fairy pattern.

At this moment, Li Xing stood still on the plain, sensing the numerous fairy lines. The chaotic array predicts that his body has gradually grown out of an electric snake, so that it can avoid being injured by the electric snake.

However, at the beginning, Li Xing could not fully imitate it, so there was still a nearby electric snake, and he suddenly came over and bombarded him.


With a long hair, Li Xing was split into an explosive style with black skin. Fortunately, his physical arrogance was hacked, but he was not harmed. Next, electric snakes rushed over and hanged Li Xing along with Xianwen, all of which were taken by Li Xingsheng.

Once was okay, ten times was nothing. When such attacks were performed thousands or billions of times, Li Xing couldn't bear it. His entire body of hair was almost burned out, and the whole body was black, like charcoal.

After all, his skin was damaged, and he couldn't resist the endless attack. The immortal plain is vast and boundless. The number of electric snakes is uncountable, and they all converge.

The more the electric snake focuses, the more immortal patterns it produces, the stronger the lethality.

Year after year, just like that, for seven years. Over the past seven years, Li Xing's chaotic array finally demonstrated the essence of the electric snake. That electric snake can not only destroy the physical body, but also cut off the human emotions and desires. Xian Lei.

After being bombarded by Xian Lei for seven years, Li Xing almost became a barbecue. However, when he realized the essence of Xianlei, the whole body suddenly thundered, and it was a bit more powerful than the electric snake.

The Yuanyuan Ding was finally released again, and began to absorb a large number of electric snakes, one ten, ten thousand, and the more they were collected, the more they were refined, and they turned into a thunderous power of thunder.

The power of the thunder was increasing, and finally, in the high air of the mixed realm, the layers of thunderclouds condensed. The thunder blew all the time and never stopped.

Shortly after Lei Yun appeared, one day, a quasi-princess monk in the Yuan Dynasty suddenly ran into the clouds, causing Xian Lei to blast himself. This person is really arrogant, letting the Thunder upper body, without loss, but more and more spirit.

With the help of the Thunder, he washed away all the impurities and red dust, no matter whether it was spirit or spirit, he got sublimation and got great benefits. Subsequently, the news was spread around this Zhunzun, so monks ran to thunder almost every day to undergo tempering.

Of course, some people have already sensed the star born of that light-brained civilization, and use the power of that mysterious star to cultivate their own calculation methods. Both the stars and Lei Yun have become resources for the monk monks to practice.

Thunder cloud became deeper and deeper, and eventually formed a scale, which condensed into fierce creatures such as wolf, tiger, leopard, hawk, pendant, and eagle, so that the monks who came into it have suffered a lot, but the benefits have also become greater .

When a small part of Xian Lei was absorbed by Li Xing, the entire Xian Plain shook, and billions of thunder pillars were born out of thin air, carrying the potential of Thunder and breaking into Li Xing.

The pillars of thunder and lightning seemed endless. They came from the void, broke through the plane, and entered the thunderclouds of the mixed world. Thunder cloud tumbling, evolved three or three mysteriously, actually condensed into three thunder and lightning figures.

The breath of these three figures is similar to that of Taiqing Tianzun, Yuqing Tianzun and Shangqing Tianzun. Although their breath is not as arrogant as Sanqing Datian, their breath is more pure and complete.

Civilizations of every epoch have domination, and the **** of the immortal civilization, since its name Sanqing, has the ability to evolve three or three.

These pillars of thunder are exactly the rewards of the immortal civilization and the inheritance of the immortal civilization, which was eventually acquired by Li Xing. When the Thunder Pillar disappeared into the plane, the entire time and space of the immortal collapsed, and the immortal plain disappeared.

The trapped monks were free. There are hundreds of these monks, all of whom are survivors. More people have fallen here long ago, leaving nothing left.

Li Xinglong walked around ~ www.readwn.com ~ Out of the broken time and space, grabbed one's hands, and directly took the hundreds of monks who were still in the confusion into the mixed Yuan world, together with five other deities Suppress it.

Suddenly suppressing so many celestial respects, it is indeed difficult to use Li Xing's own strength. But he has seven fatal babies, which makes it easy to do so.

Li Xing was too lazy to remember the names of these people, all named Li Liu, Li Qi, going down to Li Baiqi, a total of 107 people. Of course, this is not even Qingyun Tianzun and Chaoyang Tianzun. These two people rely on Li Xing and are treated differently.

As soon as Li Xing took the shot, he suppressed hundreds of Venerables at will, which made Han Feiyan's previous decision loose. Ma Yiguang exclaimed: "Congratulations to Brother Li for his success, and my younger brother presents something. I wish Brother Li continue to win!"

After all, he took out the curse of the house directly. As soon as this thing appeared, Li Xing frowned, and said, "This thing doesn't look like a lucky thing. Why do you send me?"

Ma Yiguang laughed: "Brother Li didn't know. This thing was left by a legendary great deity. The legend contains a secret, even I don't know. Today, I gave him to Brother Li for Li Xing. The great wisdom of this can be undone. "


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