Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 956: Array Civilization

Chapter 956: Civilization of the Formation

Chapter 956: Civilization of Formation

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and looked at Ma Yiguang for a moment before reaching out his hand to take the eternal curse. As soon as this thing started, he used chaotic arrays to simulate and extrapolate the external atmosphere to determine its attributes.

Unexpectedly, the reckoning only began, and the eternal curse suddenly burst into a myriad of gloom, and suddenly wrapped Xing Li, and kept writhing.

"Success!" Ma Yiguang and Han Feiyan were both distant at the same time, and then looked excitedly at the creeping Guanghua.

"How do you know he will test?" Han Feiyan asked with surprise, and they had made the first step.

"This man is too arrogant. He didn't take you or me into consideration, and naturally he wouldn't take the things I took out of it. Well, it's a pity that such people die." Ma Yiguang said.

However, it is said that Li Xing, the deduction of the chaotic formation, triggered the eternal curse virtually, and became the carrier of the curse in an instant. Continue to develop in the normal order, his mixed world will be transformed into a cursed land, and his ego consciousness will be lost.

However, at the same time that the power of curse broke out, Li Xing's chaotic array was not vegetarian. Since it can trigger a curse, it also has the opportunity to curse it. The chaotic array is still running frantically, and the core and most essential things of this cursing power are inferred.

It was a long process that lasted for months. The chaotic array was entangled with the power of the curse, and it was not until the final victory. The so-called curse is nothing but a grudge, an unfulfilled wish, a kind of hatred and killing.

The chaotic array, using the method of supreme reckoning, solved this grievance, traced its roots, and found the cause.

In many epochs, the Xunji gave birth to a great Celestial Master, called the Celestial Celestial Celestial Master, and the Celestial Celestial Celestial Master. On the basis of the puppet civilization, he created his own curse spells and devoted himself to life.

This person behaves ruthlessly and will report everything. He doesn't know how many strong gods have died. However, as a result of this act, many enemies were naturally born. One day, the fierce curse of the Great Celestial Master was trapped by several other powerful enemies and eventually fell.

The fierce curse Da Tianzun knows that he has died secretly, so he casts the highest killing trick, the eternal curse, and kills the few who besieged him. The power of this curse is too terrible. Although the curse killed the enemy, it still left a terrible power.

This power was passed down and condensed into a black spar.

In terms of combat power, Li Xing admits that his opponent is not a curse. But when it comes to reckoning, he doesn't lose to each other. This cursing force is a transformation of the power of the world, like the power of the wind, and the power of the windmill.

Li Xing's chaotic array, once he figured out the key points, began to transform the power of this curse. The powerful cursing force was transformed by a chaotic array into a special way, turning it into a world rule of a fierce curse.

Later, this rule was absorbed by the mixed Yuan Ding, transformed into mixed Yuan spiritual power, nurturing sentient beings. This process was relatively slow and lasted a year before the full power of the curse was transformed.

For two years, it was an extremely difficult process for Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang. Originally, they thought that Li Xing was instantly reduced to fly ash and fell completely, but he persisted for so long.

And, over time, the power of the curse tends to diminish. This made the two of them scared to the extreme and thought of all the terrible consequences. So before Li Xing left, the two hurried away and entered the third trial.

Li Xing, who is out of the immortal space, is not in a hurry. The twelve trials represent twelve civilizations, and neither of them can run away.

This time, he has gained a lot, absorbed the cursing power of the fierce curse of the Great Celestial Master, and his mixed-yuan world has completed another point. And, after the baptism of Xian Lei, some people are finally about to break through the 81st meridian, and they are about to enter the Tianzun series.

Immortal time and space shattered, and Li Xing didn't take long before being teleported to the third trial ground. As soon as he appeared, the whole space-time was "shocked". Hundreds of thousands of large arrays were born from the void, and Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang who had just entered them were suppressed by the large array and their expressions were terrified.

Large arrays, like a circle of rays of light, large and small, thousands of miles, only small eyes, are interwoven into an array of nets, condensed into a pattern. At the outset, there was a large expanse that suppressed Li Xing.

Shrouded in large bursts, he felt that the power of the world on his body was stagnant, and the operation was not satisfactory. However, he did not panic, running chaotic arrays, and calculating the mysteries of the array. This chaotic array, even the light-brained civilization, can be calculated, this array method is nothing to ignore.

However, within a few days, Li Xing's body revealed an atmosphere that was no different from that of the large array. In a few days, this large array suddenly turned into a phantom and was taken by Li Xing. This phantom entered the mixed realm, turned into a streamer, and landed.

In Yuanyuan, when a baby was born, the phantom rushed up. The born baby has a little more cheeks in his eyebrows. When he grows up, he will be born with the means to spur the battle.

After another, Li Xing successively absorbed more large-scale refining and refining. The formations he sees are all large formations. They are powerful and powerful, and some small formations are not in the eyes.

In large arrays, there are often numerous small arrays, which are extremely complicated and difficult to refine.

Day after day, finally, one day, Li Xing saw Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang again, and they were severely suppressed by a large array. They do not have the ability of Li Xing to calculate, nor do they have the physical strength of Li Xing and the strength of the mighty shore.

Therefore, they could not break the large array, they were suppressed on the ground by large characters, the clothes around them had begun to rot, and the hands and feet of the two had already disappeared. It turned out that the squad that suppressed them was a corrupted squad that was very vicious.

"Li Xing, forgive us, we were just confused for a moment." Han Feiyan tears, crying lowly.

Li Xing said indifferently: "You are not confused, that was a wonderful scheme, but you underestimated my strength, and Da Tianzun couldn't help me, let alone you?"

Ma Yiguang shouted, "If you want to kill, kill, you don't need to talk nonsense!" He is a smart man, knowing that there is no way to escape today, he just bachelor.

Li Xing nodded: "I will fulfill you." He rolled up his sleeves, put away the large array, and refine together with the two.

The two geniuses of Haoran Academy fell like this, but after their deaths, anyway, they made a contribution to the mixed world, which is considered to be a good death.

It is said that Li Xing's refining team is getting faster and faster, because in the process of calculation, he recorded a large number of arrays in the chaotic array, which is an extremely powerful formation in itself.

Refining all the way like this, Li Xing finally came to the end of the road and saw a large array of super-big Macs, just like that, running across the void, with hundreds of millions of small arrays around it.

Li Xing stared blankly at this large array and murmured, "It's a civilization of a generation!"


The large array suddenly shook, and then kept shrinking, carrying countless large arrays around it, like billions of meteors, all blasting into Li Xing's plane. In addition to the huge array of giants, the other "Meteors" have been flying high in the Yuan Dynasty.

Whenever a baby is born, they land and break into the baby. As for the Big Mac formation, it turned into a big star, suspended above the sky, and constantly bred new formations.

In the civilization where Li completely absorbed the array, in the Yuan Dynasty, the first person finally broke through and reached the level of heaven!


When hundreds of millions of thunders landed, a real person began to robbery. The robbery came from Lei Yun, from the array stars, from the light brain star, and the rule of mixed elements, and it was bombarded by the sky.

This real person, with a strong breath, is about to change his destiny, showing amazing combat strength and qualifications.

"Finally succeeded!" After this man was robbery, a long howl was heard and his voice was loud.

At this moment, Li Xing also felt a kind of completeness, and the completeness of the mixed Yuan world reached a juncture, once again advanced, and stepped into the second place of life. In the meditation, he felt the power of destiny again. His destiny descended from the meditation and returned to him, just as he meant to kill.

Tianzun's life is a life of fighting against fate. Every step is very important. This first step in Li Xing's life was undoubtedly stable and smooth.

The second heavy loss of life directly brought his Da Luozhen to the next level, from the 24th to the 25th. Every time he advances to the next level, Da Luo Zhen's body is horrible many times. It can be said that he can now stand below Da Tianzun just by his physical body.

In the mixed realm, a real human breakthrough directly triggered Li Xing's breakthrough. It revealed to Li Xing a rule that among the planes, the realm of beings cannot surpass the master of the planes.

Because of this, as soon as someone broke through, Li Xing broke through. Thanks to his success, he has already accumulated breakthroughs. Otherwise, the real person would not have the chance to become a Supreme, because Li Xing would suppress his growth.

Understand this rule ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing is quite pressured, and he must be promoted as soon as possible, otherwise, the real person in the hybrid realm cannot be promoted and is restricted by his realm.

In the mixed realm, Qingyun Tianzun said: "The master's plane actually produces Tianzun so quickly and is admirable!"

You should know that only in the plane of the Great Heavenly Deity can the Heavenly Deity be born, because only the Great World can hold the power of the Heavenly Deity. Such as the Sanqing World, the Five Elements World, and so on.

Of course, there is also the birth of Tianzun in the plane of Tianzun, but it is rare and the realm is very different. For example, the deity of Li Ming Jing, born in the plane to win the destiny of Destiny. And like Li Xing, such a destiny, has born a character in the plane, never in history.

"After becoming a great celestial deity, to evaluate the strength of a great celestial deity, we must look at the number and strength of the celestial deities in the plane. The planes overlap and can build multiple planes. The celestial beings in the plane can be born in the secondary plane, even the third and fourth planes. Sometimes there are ten wrapped worlds. A few heavy, dozens of heavy, even hundreds of heavy. "Chaoyang Tianzun said," The master will set up many important planes in the future to suppress eternity! "


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